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Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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Freemasonry and Its Ancient Mystic Rites
C. W. Leadbeater
Explores the roots of Freemasonry, the mystery religions of ancient Greece, Egypt and Crete, as well as the Mythraic Mysteries and Jewish mysticism.

1 "The Light is hidden everywhere; it is in every rock and in every stone."

2 "The ceremonies of the Mysteries were intended to portray the higher evolution of man, his return to the divine source whence he came, through the development of the higher part of his nature, which is not merely consequent upon practices of meditation and ceremonial, but even more upon the living out of the ethical precepts which were taught."

3 "A law of eternal justice renders to each man the fruit of that which he sows."

4 "The method of reaching divinity was always proclaimed to be unselfishness and self-sacrifice for the sake of others; and the entire story of Christ and of Osiris is an epitome and example of how that sacrifice may be expressed on earth in human life, as it is in the heavens."

5 "Osiris is in the heavens, but Osiris is also in the very heart of men. When Osiris in the heart knows Osiris in the heavens, then man becomes God, and Osiris, once rent into fragments, again becomes one."

6 "Consciousness is one with all and in all."

7 "Each is in essence divine, a veritable spark of God's fire, gradually evolving towards a future of glory and splendour culminating in union with God."

8 "When Plato said: 'God geometrizes', he stated a profound truth which throws much light upon the methods and mysteries of evolution."

9 "The great plan which God has made for the evolution of mankind is typified in Masonry by the building of the holy temple."

10 "He [Hermes] taught that the Light was universal, and that that Light, which was God, dwelt in the heart of every man: 'I am that Light', He bade them repeat, 'That Light am I'."

11 "The many are One."

12 "There is a great and glorious reality in the background all the time, ever pressing towards realization, and employing whatever channels are available for its manifestation."

13 "The whole is built by the will of God."

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite