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A database of 11,000+ illuminated guiding quotations in 40 categories from 600+ inspired books by our most brilliant and influential authors.
Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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The Flame and the Light
Hugh I'anson Fausset
The living truths of Buddhism and the Vedas

1 "It is the Great Lord of all worlds, the Friend of all beings, who acts in every faculty we possess and every breath we draw."

2 "God can see through us the forms of His creating and when we see them even partially with His eyes, we see the essence of Being in the ceaseless flow of becoming."

3 "In all of us…the choice upon which all depends is between committing ourselves to the Light Which shines in darkness or turning away from it."

4 "We cannot know what is to our real benefit until we have discovered what we truly are and have begun consciously to live in and by that knowledge."

5 "True consciousness…embraces all divisions in its own unity. For it is based in an unconditioned Knower who reconciles the Field of Knowing with Himself, since there is nothing which is not a form of His Consciousness."

6 "The inherent nature of man, despite all the differences of race, tradition, or spiritual development, is the same in us all."

7 "In your innermost being the Divine IS and you ARE by virtue of Its presence."

8 "The Spirit of man finds peace in the supreme and deathless Self. He who knows that Eternal Self, bodiless and shadowless, luminous and everlasting, He knows, O beloved, the all and becomes the all." Prasna Upanishad

9 "The various journeys and testings of myth and legend image the initiations by which the soul fits herself to conceive and bear the divine child, the spiritual consciousness."

10 "The self and the not-self are centred in a Reality which makes them one. They are one in..the primordial Spirit of Which the whole universe is the Self-expression."

11 "To love is truly to know."

12 "Universal compassion, which at the same time reaches down to all particulars, can only manifest in the truly wise who see in all sentient beings their own Self."

13 "By tranquillity is meant Oneness and Oneness gives birth to the highest Samadhi [Enlightenment] which is gained by entering into the realm of Noble Wisdom that is realizable only within one's inmost consciousness." Lankavatara Sutra

14 "If a man sees the Atman, the Self that is divine, the Lord of all that is and will be, he fears no more."

15 "In every form of life an organizing, self-regulating process resides, an inborn purpose to be a whole in a whole….This organic impulse, which in plant and animal is an unconscious instinct, becomes in man an urge to complete the mystery of Being in the harmony of Knowing."

16 "Within one's own mind is Mind Itself, the native resting-place of everything that is."

17 "Joy is ours as something which eternally abides through all the changes of circumstance, of light and shadow, because it is of the very essence of life."

18 "In the inmost heart of our being knowledge is love and love knowledge, while our true will is the creative power which springs from their union and which makes them one in action."

19 "'That' which makes of all the contraries a loving union of opposites, 'you are'."

20 "The awakening of faith is neither an emotional conversion nor an intellectual assent to doctrine, but an awakening to Mind Itself."

21 "We cannot win enlightenment for ourselves unless we are seeking it for all. Equally, however, we cannot be loving and kind to others, unless we are the same to ourselves."

22 "Real awareness, as it develops inwardly, creates a correspondingly finer awareness of outer things and a genius for cooperating with them fruitfully."

23 "Rouse your self by Self, examine your self by Self. Thus Self-guided and mindful you will live happily." Dhammapada

24 "Through the steadfast practice of Mindfulness we may centre ourselves in this Oneness in which the light of insight scatters the shadows of external discrimination, and differences no longer divide, but enrich and unite."

25 "By the mind this truth must be seen: there are not many, but only One." Brihadaranyaka Upanishad

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite