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Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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The Mystic Hours, A Daybook of Interspiritual Wisdom & Devotion
Wayne Teasdale
In this book, Teasdale provides a powerful look at spiritual wisdom, filled with quotations from all the great mystics and spiritual traditions.

1 "No matter what we believe, we are all bound to seek justice, to think and act with genuine kindness, and to have humility of heart."

2 "As long as the Earth can make a spring every year, I can. As long as the Earth can flower and produce nurturing fruit, I can, because I'm the Earth." Alice Walker, Pulitzer Prize winning author

3 "No matter where you are, remember that forgiveness offers you peace of mind and everything else you could possibly ever want or hope for. It is an elixir, giving you your wholeness and leading you into the heart of God." Gerald Jampolsky, psychiatrist, founder of the Center for Attitudinal Healing

4 "The Divine flows through all of us."

5 "One instant is eternity; eternity is in the now; When you see through this one instant, you see through the one who sees." Wu-Men, Chinese poet

6 "If we take eternity to mean not infinite temporal duration, but timelessnes, eternal life is theirs who live in the present." Ludwig Wittgenstein, philosopher

7 "Trials, difficulties, and challenges bring us to our senses about our lives. They can serve as vehicles of realization, helping us to understand why we are here and how necessary the spiritual journey is for us. They awaken us to the serious purpose of life and inspire us not to waste this opportunity on a halfhearted existence."

8 "Attaining harmony with the Source happens naturally when we are in relationship with it, a relationship characterized by the deepest sense of oneness."

9 "Are you in touch with your heart's vast nature? If not, find the way there. You are not far from yourself."

10 "Failure is not an end but a beginning, because it reveals something that will assist us in moving forward."

11 "That we may outgrow our need for dualism and conflict – that is my prayer."

12 "Lord Buddha's admonition to us was to serve by helping those who suffer physically to overcome physical sufferings, those who are in fear to overcome fear, those who suffer mentally to overcome mental suffering. Be of service to all living beings." A. T. Ariyaratne, Buddhist social and spiritual activist

13 "Love calls to us in the homeless, the hungry, the stranger, the prisoner, and the abandoned child, the forgotten elderly, the ill and the dying, the unloved and unwanted. Do you hear its call?"

14 "Learn to open your being to the greater love witnessed in the example of the saints and watch your capacity expand, your compassion grow, and your generosity deepen."

15 "We should work together to set forth a path for humanity that includes everybody. That's the Divine Will for the human family, and the best in each religion acknowledges a similar vision."

16 "When our boundaries expand beyond this limited identity, we realize our connection with everything."

17 "In eternity there is no succession, no moment by moment, but only one integral moment, the Everlasting Now in which all moments are part of the absolute moment of the Now. All the moments of all lives in all worlds, in all realms and universes, are simultaneous with one another. It is like a great cosmic, heavenly banquet at which we are all present: everything that is, was or could be. Let us all aspire to realize this Divine Consciousness, our birthright and our final home."

18 "To love is to think, speak, and act according to the spititual knowledge that we are infinitely loved by God and called to make that love visible in the world." Henri Nouwen

19 "The Divine Reality – the Source of Being, Allah, the Brahman, the Tao, the One, the Ground of Being – has a limitless number of qualities; each one of these is itself infinite, but each also expresses the one nature."

20 "Think about yourself: your temple of God, the body; your spirit of God, the soul; the flow of God, the mind." Yogi Bhajan

21 "Kindness…is an eternal absolute. It is the bond connecting all beings in the great web of interdependence in which we all participate and by which we are sustained."

22 "God's will embraces the totality of our development and faith. Trust and love are the keys that open us to the fullness of God's will for us."

23 "People see God every day; they just don't recognize him." Pearl Bailey, American singer

24 "There is a bridge between time and Eternity; and this bridge is Atman, the Spirit in us….To one who goes over that bridge, the night becomes like day, because in the worlds of the Spirit there is a Light which is everlasting." Chandogya Upanishad

25 "Human suffering and conflict are created by ignoring our rootedness in the Divine Ground." Lex Hixon

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite