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A database of 11,000+ illuminated guiding quotations in 40 categories from 600+ inspired books by our most brilliant and influential authors.
Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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The Mystic Hours, A Daybook of Interspiritual Wisdom & Devotion
Wayne Teasdale
In this book, Teasdale provides a powerful look at spiritual wisdom, filled with quotations from all the great mystics and spiritual traditions.

1 "Our individual natures are manifestations of the unfolding movement of the yin and yang principles, which in turn encompass and represent every opposite that exists. Yang represents light; yin dark. Yang represents male; yin female. Each opposite produces the other, and in their entirety they encompass the Tao, or the Way."

2 "We can respond with love in all the situations of life and practice compassion without counting the cost."

3 "Trials, difficulties, and challenges bring us to our senses about our lives. They can serve as vehicles of realization, helping us to understand why we are here and how necessary the spiritual journey is for us. They awaken us to the serious purpose of life and inspire us not to waste this opportunity on a halfhearted existence."

4 "We should work together to set forth a path for humanity that includes everybody. That's the Divine Will for the human family, and the best in each religion acknowledges a similar vision."

5 "In each moment the will of God is present, if we can only allow ourselves to discern it."

6 "When our boundaries expand beyond this limited identity, we realize our connection with everything."

7 "The human body is His sitar. He draws the strings, and out of it comes the music of the inner universe." Kabir

8 "This life is not separate from the eternal."

9 "Every place is the center because God is an infinite, intelligible sphere – totally unlimited and undetermined. Wherever the Divine is, that is the center."

10 "Failure is not an end but a beginning, because it reveals something that will assist us in moving forward."

11 "Each of us is part of the infinite reality of the Divine's face, a manifestation of its endless creativity, and each is dear to this ineffable source."

12 "Christians, and those who simply admire Christ's teachings, are fortunate to have such a personal example of love to follow. Each one of us is capable of this commitment."

13 "Kindness…is an eternal absolute. It is the bond connecting all beings in the great web of interdependence in which we all participate and by which we are sustained."

14 "That we may outgrow our need for dualism and conflict – that is my prayer."

15 "Only connect. Wherever you are, right now, pay attention. Forever." Sylvia Boorstein, Buddhist teacher

16 "Paradoxically, it's most often our smallest, most anonymously done good works that have the greatest spiritual impact in and on this world." Thom Hartmann, author and radio talk show host

17 "No matter where you are, remember that forgiveness offers you peace of mind and everything else you could possibly ever want or hope for. It is an elixir, giving you your wholeness and leading you into the heart of God." Gerald Jampolsky, psychiatrist, founder of the Center for Attitudinal Healing

18 "One of the goals of life is to learn the value of community, of interconnectedness, our oneness in the Divine Reality."

19 "The inner reality, core focus, commitment, and intention of God is love itself."

20 "Each one of us has an infinite meaning and is part of the greater whole, the Infinite Reality, the Divine itself."

21 "At the end of life we will be judged on how much we have loved." St. John of the Cross

22 "There is a moral causality at work in the universe….We all know this truth to some extent."

23 "If we can become inwardly attuned to the Divine Presence within, we will understand our nature and our ultimate belonging to God."

24 "God is love itself. Therefore, it is only fitting that our lives here and afterward are also about love – that we are here to perfect this Divine Love in everything we do, say, think, and feel."

25 "The whole purpose of religion is to facilitate love and compassion, patience, tolerance, humility, and forgiveness." The Dalai Lama

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite