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Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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Wrestling with the Prophets, Essays on Creation Spirituality and Everyday Life
Matthew Fox

1 "God hugs you. You are encircled by the arms of the mystery of God." Hildegard of Bingen

2 "Every single person is a unique expression of the Cosmic Christ. As the mystics say, everyone is a unique mirror of God."

3 "Deep ecumenism is about shared heart work; it is the coming together of spiritual practioners to do heart work together no matter what our particular religious backgrounds."

4 "Justice demands that we seek and find the stranger, the broken, the prisoner and comfort them and offer them our help. Here lies the holy compassion of God." Mechtild of Magdeburg

5 "All energy is interconnected."

6 "The Cosmic Christ is the divine element, the divine 'I am', in every creature."

7 "Every time we birth beauty or justice or truth or compassion, we are cocreators with God birthing divinity itself."

8 "Beauty is the purpose of history; peace, harmony, unity, music are different words that express the same reality. To be religious is to give your life so that the world may be more beautiful, more just, more at peace; it is to prevent egotistical and self-serving ends from disrupting this harmony of the whole." Arturo Paoli, 'Meditations on Saint Luke'

9 "Faith is said to drive out fear, and so does love. And the Father-Creator of all watches over even the sparrow falling from the nest, so there is no need to fear."

10 "We are in divinity and the divinity is in us…- and by 'we' I do not mean merely the two-legged ones but the entire universe: atoms and galaxies, rain and whales, trees and fish, dogs and rabbits, and humans too."

11 "The power of our ancestors is with us very much at this time."

12 "How nobly man is constituted by nature, and how divine is the state to which he can come by grace." Meister Eckhart

13 "Compassionate healing by way of justice making is the greatest of the gifts we return to creation and the Creator."

14 "The ultimate vocation is to serve others by responding creatively to the needs of one's times."

15 "God has arranged all things in the world in consideration of everything else." Hildegard of Bingen

16 "Justice, after all, is not an anthropocentric invention any more than is interdependence or compassion. Rather, in a living cosmology, justice as well as interdependence are laws of the universe and therefore laws by which humanity ought to be living."

17 "The spirit in the human person is our quest for the infinite." Thomas Aquinas

18 "Compassion is an awareness of our ontological togetherness, of the kinship of all creation and all being."

19 "To manifest the 'sacred' ON the 'cosmos' and to manifest it IN the 'psyche' are the same thing…Cosmos and psyche are the two poles of the same 'expressivity'; I express myself in expressing the world; I explore my own sacrality in deciphering that of the world." Paul Ricoeur, 'The Symbolism of Evil'

20 "God is found not only in the light and glory of creation but also in absolute darkness."

21 "There can be no thing that does not have within it the signature of God, the Creator of life, the living substance out of which all particular manifestations arise." Howard Thurman

22 "One who is not grateful is not yet alive, for gratitude is born of awe, wonder, and reverence."

23 "Interrelatedness, seeing the oneness of all things and their interconnections, is the essence of compassion."

24 "The oldest hymns of the Christian liturgy, those found in the epistles to the Ephesians (1:3-2:3), to the Colossians (1:15-20), and to the Philippians (2:6-11), celebrate the Cosmic Christ who 'fills the whole creation' and 'reconciles all thngs in heaven and all things on earth.'"

25 "Everywhere people ask, 'What can I actually do?' The answer is as simple as it is disconcerting. We can, each of us, work to put our own inner house in order. The guidance we need for this work…can still be found in the traditinal wisdom of humankind." E. F. Schumacher, 'Small is Beautiful'

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite