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A database of 11,000+ illuminated guiding quotations in 40 categories from 600+ inspired books by our most brilliant and influential authors.
Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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The Spiral Dance, A Rebirth of the Ancient Religion of the Great Goddess
Starhawk (Miriam Simos)
Shows how Goddess religion can become the means of expanding awareness, tapping creativity, and encouraging community.

1 "The laws of ecology are the laws of energy. Everything is interconnected; every action, every movement of forces, changes the universe."

2 "The circle is ever open, ever unbroken. May the Goddess awaken in each of our hearts."

3 "Justice is an inner sense that each act brings about consequences that must be faced responsibly."

4 "We are already one with the Goddess – She has been with us from the beginning. So fulfillment becomes…a matter of self-awareness."

5 "The Goddess is manifest in the food we eat, the people we love, the work we do, the homes in which we live."

6 "The Goddess is manifest in the physical world, and the more we understand its workings, the better we know Her."

7 "The All-That-Is-One is not now and never has been separate from this existing physical world. She is here, now, IS each of us in the eternal changing present; is no one but you, is nowhere but where you are – and yet is everyone."

8 "She [Goddess] is the ship, on which we sail the waters of the deep self, exploring the uncharted seas within. She is the door, through which we pass into the future. She is the cauldron, in which we who have been wrenched apart simmer until we again become whole."

9 "Love is not only an energizing force, but an individualizing force. It dissolves separation and yet creates individuality."

10 "Awareness of energy is awareness of the great dance of the universe. Seemingly intangible, it underlies all that we can touch….Awareness of your own energy is the awareness that flesh and spirit are one, that thou art Goddess, eternally linked, connected, at one with the moving spirit of All."

11 "We connect with Her [Goddess] through the moon, the stars, the ocean, the earth, through trees, animals, through other human beings, through ourselves. She is here. She is within us all. She is the full circle."

12 "Nature knows best….It is through study and observation of nature, of the visible, physical reality, that we can learn to understand the workings of the underlying reality."

13 "We are continually renewed and reborn whenever we drink fully and fearlessly from the cup of the wine of life."

14 "Images bridge the gap between the verbal and non-verbal modes of awareness; they allow the two sides of the brain to communicate, arousing the emotions as well as the intellect."

15 "The Goddess awakens in infinite forms and a thousand disguises. She is found where She is least expected, appears out of nowhere and everywhere to illumine the open heart. She is singing, crying, moaning, wailing, shrieking, crooning to us: to be awake, to commit ourselves to life, to be a lover in the world and of the world, to join our voices in the single song of constant change and creation."

16 "The universe is a fluid, ever-changing energy pattern, not a collection of fixed and separate things. What affects one thing affects, in some way, all things: All is interwoven into the continuous fabric of being."

17 "The Goddess is not separate from the world – She IS the world, and all things in it: moon, sun, earth, star, stone, seed, flowing river, wind, wave, leaf and branch, bud and blossom, fang and claw, woman and man."

18 "The Goddess is continually revealing Herself."

19 "Oneness is attained not through losing the self, but through realizing it fully. Honor the Goddess in yourself, celebrate your self, and you will see that Self is everywhere."

20 "The Goddess says, 'If that which you seek, you find not within yourself, you will never find it without. For I have been with you from the beginning.'"

21 "All things are interdependent and interrelated and therefore mutually responsible. An act that harms anyone harms us all."

22 "The myths and stories that have come down to us are not dogma to be taken literally….they are poetry, not theology – meant, in Joseph Campbell's words, 'to touch and exhilarate centers of life beyond the reach of vocabularies of reason and coercion.'"

23 "The world of separate things is the reflection of the One; the One is the reflection of the myriad separate things of the world."

24 "Everything is connected to everything else." Barry Commoner, 'The Closing Circle'

25 "The center of the circle is the point of transformation. It corresponds to pure essence, to timelessness, to transparent light."

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite