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A database of 11,000+ illuminated guiding quotations in 40 categories from 600+ inspired books by our most brilliant and influential authors.
Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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Miraculous Living
Rabbi Shoni Labowitz
A guided journey in Kabbalah through the ten gates of the Tree of Life, designed to open our awareness to the One Divine in everything.

1 "You can choose to think positive thoughts or negative thoughts. You can choose to feel happy or sad. You can choose to see the positive in a negative situation, or the negative in a positive situation."

2 "Whether awake or asleep, you ascend and descend the spiritual ladder of life embraced, lifted, and held by the wings of the spirit of God."

3 "Healers, teachers, leaders…literate souls and illiterate souls all have much in common. They can all create new environments of experience and effect positive, healing transformation in this world and in all worlds by simply forgiving and being forgiven. On the deepest level, whether you are aware of it or not, forgiveness has already occurred."

4 "Know who you are. Although everyone is inhabited by a Godspark, you are a Godspark with a unique soul circuit, born to receive and spread your part of the light. No one else has your unique light."

5 "Your destination is the eternal ecstasy for which you strive. It is the union with the Infinite to which you journey."

6 "Remember you are never alone. The Infinite Source is always available to you."

7 "There is an Infinite Source of energy available to you. This energy comes from the Divine influx that permeates everything in the universe and is the source of all matter. Like electricity, it is always there."

8 "Walk on the side of Oneness and bring a new dawning to all the worlds."

9 "Love is the energy, the light, and the sound that echoes from your soul and emanates from the center of your heart."

10 "The totality of all things goes through one opening; the roots of all affairs come from one gate." Huainanzi

11 "You are enveloped in God's will as a soul is enveloped in a body, or water is enveloped by air, or the universe is enveloped by the galaxy."

12 "In the dynamic flow of life, thoughts are forever being exchanged between the Great Mind and the small mind….between God and you."

13 "Primal Virtue is deep and far. It leads all things back toward the great oneness." Lao Tzu

14 "The Divine purpose for continuous creation is to bestow goodness among humanity….everything that exists in the external world is for the purpose of developing and serving goodness within yourself and within all creation."

15 "Love is the stepping-stone into developing a strong character and a meaningful life."

16 "Can you look beyond the façade of another and empower that person's beauty? Can you see beyond the affects and defects in others and accept them as part of the beauty of yourself, the wonders of nature, and the miracle of love?"

17 "You are a magnificent being, intricately designed and superbly adorned. You are both the universal soul and the personal, particular soul."

18 "God's image is your truest potential."

19 "Your awareness of the sanctity within yourself and the sacredness of all existence affects everything, everywhere."

20 "If they could rid themselves of these discriminations and keep their minds pure with the light of wisdom, then they would see only one world in which everything is meaningful." Buddha

21 "Every person is a new organism who is here to fulfill a destiny that contributes his or her uniqueness to a far greater story in a larger world than themselves."

22 "You are part of a much greater story that holds infinite possibilities beyond the filters of limited perception."

23 "The world in which you find yourself in inherently good. Every person is the best of all people, and every occurrence is meant to happen."

24 "The spark of God resides in every atom of creation, in every breath of the human, in every vision of the universe."

25 "God and air are one; God and sound are one; God is in everything. God is in me."

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite