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A database of 11,000+ illuminated guiding quotations in 40 categories from 600+ inspired books by our most brilliant and influential authors.
Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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Miraculous Living
Rabbi Shoni Labowitz
A guided journey in Kabbalah through the ten gates of the Tree of Life, designed to open our awareness to the One Divine in everything.

1 "If they could rid themselves of these discriminations and keep their minds pure with the light of wisdom, then they would see only one world in which everything is meaningful." Buddha

2 "With the strength of nonjudgment and the compassion of unconditional love, you can find God everywhere."

3 "You have the ability to affect an entire universe by affecting one soul."

4 "God dwells inside each person and is as close to you as your breath."

5 "The totality of all things goes through one opening; the roots of all affairs come from one gate." Huainanzi

6 "Every person has a portion in bringing about an age of enlightenment and in constructing a collective Messiah. When you do your part individually, the global reality moves nearer to completion."

7 "All of existence is one life."

8 "Nothing exists in isolation; the whole universe vibrates with interconnecting aliveness and integrating unity."

9 "You are one with all there is. You are both an individual and a world, one soul and all souls, one heart and all hearts, one mind and all minds."

10 "When you come to recognize that boundaries are illusions, and good and bad incline toward each other, and black and white are variations of light, the dualities dissolve and freedom reigns."

11 "Walk on the side of Oneness and bring a new dawning to all the worlds."

12 "You can choose to think positive thoughts or negative thoughts. You can choose to feel happy or sad. You can choose to see the positive in a negative situation, or the negative in a positive situation."

13 "The Divine purpose for continuous creation is to bestow goodness among humanity….everything that exists in the external world is for the purpose of developing and serving goodness within yourself and within all creation."

14 "If a human looks upon the world with defiled eyes dimmed by ignorance, he or she will see it filled with error; but if he or she looks upon it with clear wisdom, he or she will see it as the world of Enlightenment, which it is." Buddha

15 "You are part of a much greater story that holds infinite possibilities beyond the filters of limited perception."

16 "The One sits on the driver's seat." Adin Steinsalz

17 "Love is the energy, the light, and the sound that echoes from your soul and emanates from the center of your heart."

18 "God's love is not exclusive. This love does not discriminate between peoples, traditions, cultures, or even religions. God's love is inclusive of all creation, in all time, in every way. For all is in God, and God is in everything and everyone."

19 "When you recognize that the image of God in you also exists in each and every person in creation, you awaken to the awesome wonders and miracles that are unfolding everywhere."

20 "Can you look beyond the façade of another and empower that person's beauty? Can you see beyond the affects and defects in others and accept them as part of the beauty of yourself, the wonders of nature, and the miracle of love?"

21 "There is no such thing as a separate or isolated experience. All experiences incline toward one another, and in the interchange of life, all things affect one another."

22 "Within your soul are all souls."

23 "All is a unity of one." Zohar

24 "Within you is the whole universe. You are a microcosm of the macrocosm."

25 "Review the situations of your life and notice that for every negative encounter, there is a positive possibility. The ability to turn a negative into a positive is the essence of the process of living and learning."

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite