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Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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The Tibetan Book of the Great Liberation
W. Y. Evans-Wentz, compiler and editor
The method of realizing Nirvana through knowing the mind, as taught in ancient Tibetan texts. Includes a psychological commentary by C. G. Jung.

1 "In the Beginning was Mind; and Mind was with God. So Mind was God. This was in Beginning with God. All kept coming into existence through it; and apart from it came into existence not a single thing." 'The Gnostic John the Baptizer', published by John M. Watkins, London, 1924

2 "Pluralism is illusory, since all separate forms originate in the indistinguishable oneness of the psychic matrix, deep down in the unconscious." C. G. Jung, Psychological Commentary

3 "Just as the mirror reflects images, so the True Essence embraces all phenomena; and all things and beings exist in and by it. It is this True Essence which comes to fruition in the Buddhas; and is everywhere present throughout the manifested cosmos, which is born of it, and eternally present."

4 "Not until mankind shall transcend dualism and phenomenal appearances, and realize the natural at-one-ment of all living creatures, will they be able to formulate a sound standard of morality."

5 "Realization of the One Mind, through introspectively attaining understanding of the true nature of its macrocosmic aspect innate in man, is equivalent to the attainment of…the Full Awakening of Buddhahood."

6 "All hail to the One Mind that embraces the whole." 'The Seeing of Reality'

7 "May that Universal Good Will of the Great Teachers of Wisdom speedily prevail, so that mankind may recognize their divine at-one-ment."

8 "The One Mind, the cosmic focus of consciousness, is all-in-all; there is nothing other than it, no thought other than its thought, no object or universe independent of it."

9 "Earth's multitude of human and sub-human creatures, each of them like a single cell, collectively constitute the body of one multicellular organism, mentally illuminated by the One Cosmic Mind. We are, as St. Paul perceived, all members of One Body; or, as the Mahayana [Buddhism] likewise teaches, other and self are identical."

10 "The One Mind being the Cause of All Causes, the Ultimate Reality, every other aspect of the Whole, visible and invisible, and all states or conditions of consciousness, are inseparably parts of the One Mind."

11 "The One-Supra-Mundane Mind, or the Universal All-Pervading Consciousness, transcendent over appearances and over every dualistic concept born of the finite or mundane aspect of mind, alone is real."

12 "Even as time is, in its essentiality, beginningless and endless duration, incapable of division into past, present, and future, so space is dimensionless, and divisionless, and non-existent apart from the One Mind."

13 "There appears to be deep-hidden in the unconscious, awaiting favourable opportunity to come forth into the conscious, a transcendent geometrical symmetry, like that referred to by the Greek philosophers in such aphorisms as 'God geometrizes', or 'The Universe is founded on number'; and, also, a divine beauty and perfect harmony."

14 "Inevitably, as the Great Gurus teach, what men sow in law-courts or on battle-fields produces ever new harvests; and the sowing will continue until they recognize, individually and collectively, the Higher Law of the Divine At-one-ment of mankind, irrespective of nationality, race, religion, or social status, and, equally, of everything that lives."

15 "Considered in its universality, Intelligence contains all entities as the genus contains all species, as the whole contains all parts." Plotinus

16 "To the clear-seeing, Humanity is One Family, eternally transcending geographical demarcations, national limitations, and every fettering concept born of the un-enlightened mind."

17 "Whatever the structure of the unconscious may be, one thing is certain: it contains an indefinite number of motifs or patterns of an archaic character, in principle identical with the root ideas of mythology and similar thoughtforms." C. G. Jung, Psychological Commentary

18 "The radiance which emanates from the One Mind, by emanating from one's own mind, emancipates the mind." 'The Seeing of Reality'

19 "The inseparableness of all living things is as natural as it is inescapable."

20 "If we carefully scrutinize our own character we shall inevitably find that, as Lao-Tzu says, 'high stands on low', which means that the opposites condition one another, that they are really one and the same thing." C. G. Jung, Psychological Commentary

21 "All sentient beings are members of one body, even as the Christian seer St. Paul perceived."

22 "Although the Sun may shine in each of a thousand rooms of a palace, its unity is not affected; although the One Mind illuminates the innumerable myriads of finite minds, it remains inseparably a unit."

23 "We are eternally present in the One."

24 "The One Mind is the unique root of energy, the potentiality of potentialities, the sole dynamo of universal power, the initiator of vibrations, the unknown source, the womb whence there come into being the cosmic rays and matter in all its electronic aspects, as light, heat, magnetism, electricity, radio-activity, or as organic and inorganic substances in all their manifold guises, visible and invisible, throughout the realm of nature."

25 "The First Principle, being One, is transcendent over measure or number….The Supreme Principle must be essentially unitary, and simple, while essences [derived therefrom] form a multitude." Plotinus, Ennead V

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite