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Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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The Book of Catholic Quotations
John Chapin, Editor

1 "The greatness of the soul is her capacity for God." Archbishop Ullathorne, 'Humility and Patience' (19th century)

2 "Charity brings to life again those who are spiritually dead." St. Thomas Aquinas, 'Disputations Concerning Charity', (13th century)

3 "Love is the movement, effusion and advancement of the heart toward the good." St. Francis deSales, 'Treatise on the Love of God' (17th century)

4 "That our will is free is self-evident." Rene Descartes, 'Principles of Philosophy' (17th century)

5 "Love and faith are as much realities as artistic faculties, and need similar cultivation." R. H. Benson, 'Lord of the World' (20th century)

6 "That Being through Which all exist must be one….There is, then, some one Being Which alone exists in the greatest and highest degree of all." St. Anselm, 'Monologium', (11th century)

7 "The only true joy on earth is to…enter by love into union with the Life Who dwells and sings within the essence of every creature and in the core of our own souls." Thomas Merton, 'Seeds of Contemplation' (20th century)

8 "There is naturally ingrafted in men's minds an earnest desire of that which is truly good." Boethius, 'De Consolatione Philosophiae' (6th century),

9 "Faith opens the door to understanding." St. Augustine, Letter 137, 15 (5th century)

10 "The life of virtue [is] a climb from the many to the One." St. Thomas Aquinas, 'Summa Theologica' 1-2, 71, 1 (13th century)

11 "There is one Being Which is supremely good, and supremely great." St. Anselm, 'Monologium' (11th century)

12 "God clothes himself actually and literally with His whole creation." Coventry Patmore, 'The Rod, the Root and the Flower' (19th century)

13 "Catholicism admits the presence of God in creation, which is a continual act….God is maintaining the creation in its existence; He is concurring with every act of movement…. The whole earth is full of his glory." M. C. D'Arcy 'The Idea of God' (20th century),

14 "Virtue is a gift from God implanted in our nature." St. John of Damascus, 'Exposition of the Orthodox Faith' (8th century)

15 "All human beings, without any exception whatever, were specially made, were shaped and pointed like shining arrows, for the end of hitting the mark of beatitude." G. K. Chesterton, 'The Thing' (20th century)

16 "'One loving soul,' says St. Augustine, 'sets another on fire.'" Arnold Lunn, 'Now I See' (20th century)

17 "Man was by God constituted free, master of his own will and power; indicating the presence of God's image and likeness in him by nothing so well as by this constitution of his nature." Tertullian, 'Tertullian Against Marcion' (3rd century)

18 "In the most noble part of the soul, the domain of our spiritual powers, we are constituted in the form of a living and eternal mirror of God; we bear in it the imprint of His eternal image and no other image can enter there." John Ruysbroeck, 'The Mirror of Eternal Salvation' (14th century)

19 "There is but one point in the universe where God communicates with us, and that is the center of our own soul." Archbishop Ullathorne, 'Humility and Patience' (19th century)

20 "One of the greatest paradoxes of the mystical life is this: that a man cannot enter into the deepest center of himself and pass through that center into God, unless he is able to pass entirely out of himself and empty himself and give himself to other people in the purity of a selfless love." Thomas Merton, 'Seeds of Contemplation' (20th century)

21 "There is no place in the world but contains some trace of God; He has left His secret marks everywhere and they only need to be found." Jacques Maritain, 'The Things That Are Not Caesar's' (20th century)

22 "God is the cause of everything, He is one and wise." St. Thomas Aquinas, 'Commentary on 2nd Corinthians' (13th century)

23 "The Deity is one." St. John of Damascus, 'Exposition of the Orthodox Faith', (8th century)

24 "Man is a noble being, created to the image and likeness of God." St. Augustine, 'De Doctrina Christiana' (4th century)

25 "Charity is the bond of brotherhood, the foundation of peace, the mainstay and security of unity." St. Cyprian, 'On Patience' (3rd century)

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite