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Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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Ramon Lull and the Secret of Life
Amador Vega

1 "Your love, which is perfect in Your perfect goodness, greatness, eternity, power, wisdom – that love of Yours, O Lord, I worship and love, and do it, with all my will, with all the strength of my intellect and with all that Your love has seen fit to give me, I give everything, O Lord, to serve and honor and praise Your love every day of my life." Ramon Llull, 'The Book of the Gentile and the Three Wise Men'

2 "Whoever would seek and apperceive the secrets of human beings should look in themselves and in their nature and in their own attributes. Just as one mirror displays the form of the other mirror in itself, so will one who knows one's own nature apperceive the secrets that are sought in human beings." Ramon Llull, 'The Book of Contemplation on God'

3 "God is a single essence with multiple attributes, or as [Ramon] Lull says, is 'the being in which Goodness, Grandeur, Eternity, and the other Dignities convert each other reciprocally.'"

4 "Imagination is a kind of mediator, opening the way to the activity of the intelligible and spiritual life of the human being."

5 "Through the harmony that is present in the substance of the soul by nature,..the soul is lasting and incorruptible." Ramon Llull, 'The Book of Contemplation on God'

6 "We have one God, one Creator…and we should love and help one another." Ramon Llull, 'The Book of the Gentile and the Three Wise Men'

7 "Lord, the soul that sees your virtues and your perfection and your goodness sees itself in your virtue and in your goodness." Ramon Lull, 'The Book of Contemplation on God'

8 "If people want to seek You [God], they can find You everywhere, at every place and every shortcut." Ramon Lull

9 "Human understanding is sufficient to apperceive that the world has a creator." Ramon Llull, 'The Book of Contemplation on God'

10 "In the beautiful arrangement and ordering through which we recognize the world as something beautiful and orderly, Lord, we understand and apperceive intellectually your great wisdom and your great power and your great justice and your sweet mercy and all your other virtues." Ramon Lull, 'The Book of Contemplation on God'

11 "The One is the perfection of everything." Ramon Llull

12 "Ah! Divine, infinite, sovereign good, which is origin and fulfillment of all good! To your holy goodness, O Lord, I give reverence and honor." Ramon Llull, 'The Book of the Gentile and the Three Wise Men'

13 "It is easier to apperceive in them [human beings], in more perfect form than in any other creature, the secrets of nature." Ramon Llull, 'The Book of Contemplation on God'

14 "In the grandeur that we see in the world, we apperceive Your grandeur, for a world so grand as this signifies that its Creator is most grand and marvelous." Ramon Lull, 'The Book of Contemplation on God'

15 "No science or knowledge is complete without the science of the love of God."

16 "Just as there is only one God, Father, Creator, and Lord of everything that exists, so all peoples could unite and become one people,…giving glory and praise to our Lord God." Ramon Llull, 'The Book of the Gentile and the Three Wise Men'

17 "Lord and creator of all that is!....creatures signify and demonstrate your great nobility and goodness." Ramon Lull, 'The Book of Contemplation on God'

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite