Many / One
A database of 11,000+ illuminated guiding quotations in 40 categories from 600+ inspired books by our most brilliant and influential authors.
Compiled by JoAnn Kite
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"This view of consciousness as a fundamental attribute of the divine is taught, not only by Eastern philosophers, but also by Christian mystics such as Meister Eckhart, by Pythagorean and Platonic philosophers, and even by some scientific theorists."
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"We are evolving toward the goal of conscious unity with all."
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"There is an inner direction and meaning that inheres at the transpersonal level in every life."
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"The One Light illumines all creation."
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"There is only one consciousness in a cosmic sense." Saul-Paul Sirag, scientist
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"Spiritual will is the transcendent principle within us which forms as it were the very heart and core of our being." T. K. Taimni
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"The individual center of consciousness is one with the universal, all-encompassing divine consciousness."
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"Nothing can exist alone and isolated, but everything partakes in the being of all things. The Buddhist teacher Thich Nhat Hanh calls this connection among all things 'interbeing'."
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"Even as the self knows itself as the transcendental subject, it expands and becomes all." V. K. Chari
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"Our deepest spiritual core is outside the sphere of individual selfhood. It is universal and impersonal, one with the divine or Brahman, the one essence of all."
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"At the level of pure consciousness…we are one with everything, a focus of that which is undivided and universal."
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"Self-knowledge is vital. All other forms of knowledge are of secondary importance; for a man's action, feeling, reasoning, and thinking are dependent on his idea of the Self." Shankaracharya, 'Self-Knowledge', ch. xv
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"In the highest form of will, the personality and even the transpersonal self are inspired by the universal will, call it God or atma, for the good of the whole."
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"The Self of the universe and the Self of man are one, and in knowing the Self we know That which is at the root of the universe and of man alike." Annie Besant, 'Self and Its Sheaths'
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"As human consciousness develops it grows more and more conscious of the universal consciousness in which it is grounded." Bede Griffith
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"We are one with a divine field of consciousness, with Brahman or God."
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"In conscious union with the One, the high purpose of human life is fulfilled."
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"There is an immortal center of being in us."
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"The union of the separate Will with the one Will for the helping of the world is the goal which seems to be more worthy of reaching after than any the world can offer." Annie Besant, 'Study in Consciousness'
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"Many theologians consider the human will to be comparable to God's will, which created the world. Theosophy and the esoteric tradition consider will in its highest aspect to be the core of our nature, for spiritual will is an expression of our most essential self."
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"In our times, we are under the admonition at the entrance to the shrine of the Delphic oracle: 'Know thyself.'"