Many / One

A database of 11,000+ illuminated guiding quotations in 40 categories from 600+ inspired books by our most brilliant and influential authors.
Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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Jose and Miriam Arguelles
Deals comprehensively with the mandala, as a universal principle, a vision, a way of growth, a ritual technique, and an essential life process.

1 "From whichever point a Mandala is entered, a path opens that leads to the eternal center."

2 "Since archetypes are what give form to the collective unconscious, awareness of the archetypes in everyday living is a means by which the elements of existence may acquire a more conscious structure. Situations exist for the purpose of our being able to center and create ourselves anew through them."

3 "The Mandala has appeared throughout man's history as a universal and essential symbol of integration, harmony, and transformation. It gives form to the most primordial intuition of the nature of reality, an intuition that inheres in each of us, giving us life."

4 "Through contemplating his very form and the nature of his existence, man has often found a correspondence or series of correspondences to the workings of the cosmos as a whole – the macrocosm….If man conceives of himself as a microcosm, his way of life and community also take on the character of a cosmic order. Inherent in this idea is an intuition of the basic harmony of the universe and of man's desire to realize himself accordingly."

5 "Sorrow is only a transition between ignorance and illumination. Underlying even the basest acts and forms is the redeeming flow of an eternally self-transformative energy."

6 "The holistic perception of alchemy relates directly to the Mandala. Many alchemical charts take on a Mandala form in revealing the integral interrelationships between the elements and qualities of nature. Alchemy also defines the proceses of consciousness as an on-going state of integral awareness."

7 "To be integrated, to be made whole, means to be able to maintain contact with one's center."

8 "The center is the nameless, the most supreme, the oldest, yet is ever-present and continually pours forth its energy – it is self-renewing."

9 "The Mandala was developed as a reminder of the direct perception of reality."

10 "All cycles of experience are interlinked and are the expression of one immutable law."

11 "The Vegetative [Living] Universe opens like a flower from the earth's center in which is Eternity." William Blake

12 "In one sense, all sacred religious structures partake of the Mandala principle: the Egyptian and Mexican pyramids; the temples of India, Buddhist stupas; Islamic mosques; the pagodas of China and Japan; and the tipis and kivas of North America; in the churches and cathedrals of Christianity."

13 "Very gradually a global perspective is forming. Man's conscious activities must be seen in light of a larger ecological fabric and in relation to the biosphere, atmosphere, and other levels or layers which form the evolving matrix of the planet earth."

14 "The center is the beginning of the Mandala as it is the beginning and origin of all form and of all processes, including the extensions of form into time."

15 "Sacred consciousness, of which the Mandala is a structural model, conforms to the Hermetic statement, 'God is an intelligent sphere whose center is everywhere and whose circumference is nowhere.'"

16 "Go to the center and know the Whole. Follow this path."

17 "If man can mandalize himself, there will be a resulting deployment of now unused energies within his bio-organic structutre. It is these energies which will be most instrumental in creating a radiant – radiating from multiple centers – planetary sphere."

18 "The circle is the original sign, the prime symbol of the nothing and the all; the symbol of heaven and the solar eye, the all-encompassing form beyond and through which man finds and loses himself."

19 "Man is the seed of Divine Energy, the plant of which is mankind mandalized."

20 "Polarities are but the two extremes perceptible to us of one and the same motion."

21 "In the Beginning was the Center: the center of the mind of God, the eternal Creator, the Dream of Brahman, the galaxies that swirl beyond the lenses of our great telescopes. In all of these the center is one, and in the center lies eternity."

22 "Though the principle of the center is One, the patterns, the swirls and eddies of form and process which are generated by and through the center are infinite; and though infinite in number, the centers are essentially one, for each is the same irreducible point, the primary syllable, the word, the Logos, through which all is uttered."

23 "This eternal NOW and the realization of one's center are coeval, simultaneous events."

24 "In the present struggle of the planet the mandala presents itself as the seed-symbol of a more harmonized world order….The vision of renewed wholeness and brotherhood slowly spreads and filters through the consciousness of the [human] race."

25 "Everything in nature is a blend of these two forces [yang and yin]. What is demanded is a holistic point of view so that an over-identification with either one of the terms is avoided. The light implies the dark, the male, the female – there is no absolute separation, for both create the whole…Within the whole which they comprise, the alternation of these two forces create the processes of nature and the entire universe, visible and invisible."

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite