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A database of 11,000+ illuminated guiding quotations in 40 categories from 600+ inspired books by our most brilliant and influential authors.
Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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Who Do You Think You Are? The Healing Power of Your Sacred Self
Carlos Warter, M.D., Ph.D.

1 "Re-vision your home as a container for a sacred circle of love."

2 "Love is a doorway through which we grow bigger. It is a universal energy that helps us evolve."

3 "Even the simplest transaction – buying food at the grocery store, for example – is an intricate marvel of codependence. We are all interconnected."

4 "Always look for the good in each person, situation, or thing. It resides at the core level."

5 "Divine energy manifests in a tangible way as the natural forces of heaven and earth."

6 "Cosmic intelligence is running the show."

7 "We can connect in the resonant field of the heart. We can learn and love each other from there."

8 "Core values such as forgiveness, understanding, compassion, and lovingkindness are essential human values….they come from the heart. These values embody the natural energy of the human heart."

9 "We can achieve balance and fulfillment in the midst of chaos because we know exactly where our sacred territory is. It's HERE, in the present moment; that's the only place it is."

10 "Loving broadens awareness. It is the ground of true understanding."

11 "Everyone has a heart. Everyone wants love. Our true vocation is love. The core frequency that unites us all is love."

12 "Who you are is light. Who you are is concentrated love force. Who you are is the purest, sweetest honey of the essence of God herself."

13 "We are, at all times, blessed with divinity. It is our life purpose to wake up to that."

14 "Love is the core energy of the heart. It is also the energy of expansion, of connection. It is the vital, divine current of creation."

15 "We are thoroughly blended into the universal energy of essential relationship – interconnectedness."

16 "When we abandon temporary identities and tread the path of heart, we can practice shifting our focus to the warm, pulsating, timeless space between heartbeats. This is a way to bring the healing energy of unconditional love into any relationship. In that unifying field, we recognize the essence of self and other."

17 "When the 'I am' is discovered – and every enlightened tradition has said this – we find ourselves and we find God. Look for yourself, and you'll find your creator."

18 "I saw that each life form is connected to the others as in a web."

19 "This divine love is part of everything. It is the web of interrelationship that makes the world around us. It is the love that brings a tree into being from soil, seed, sunlight, water, and time. Love is the cohesive energy of our experience."

20 "Rest in the remembrance of being a luminous particle of interconnected totality, a unit of consciousness holographically occurring."

21 "We can access the divine field from anywhere, no matter who we are: a peasant, a scientist, a homemaker. It's everywhere, and it's immediately available in the present moment."

22 "There is no difficulty that cannot be conquered with sufficient love, no chasm so treacherous that it cannot be crossed with sufficient love. There is no wall that a sufficient amount of love cannot bring down. There is no sin that a sufficient amount of love cannot redeem."

23 "No matter how menial our work, we have the chance to convey warmth, generosity, patience, and love in all our dealings."

24 "Everything in the universe is connected in an interdependent dance."

25 "Every person we meet is capable of enriching our lives. Everyone is a teacher, and we should honor them as such."

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite