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A database of 11,000+ illuminated guiding quotations in 40 categories from 600+ inspired books by our most brilliant and influential authors.
Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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Shadows of the Sacred: Seeing Through Spiritual Illusions
Frances Vaughan, Ph.D.

1 "The Eternal Self, or Atman, the seed of divinity within the soul, is birthless and deathless and cannot be destroyed."

2 "By turning to the source of intuitive wisdom that can be found in the depths of the soul, we can discover a universal source of inspiration and renewal."

3 "The deeper we go into our own suffering and sorrow, the more we discover that the seeds of love and healing lie hidden under the pain."

4 "The one reality is, for the mystic, an object of love that draws us homeward under the guidance of the heart."

5 "Love is a time-honored way of awakening the soul."

6 "Love activates self-knowledge and expands the inner world."

7 "The soul that empathetically identifies with both the pain and the joy of others begins to see that in the inner world we are not separate from each other. Peace and joy, no less than pain and sorrow, are shared, collective experiences. In the inner world it becomes clear that we can choose what we want to cultivate and that help is available."

8 "What you are seeking is already hidden in the depths of your own being. 'Tat Tvam asi', thou art that. Love, lover and beloved are one."

9 "The source of timeless unconditional love, like the Buddha nature, lies hidden within, awaiting only our willingness to see."

10 "There is no freedom from fear in a world of illusion, for the mind always projects the shadow onto something or someone perceived as other."

11 "The divinity permeates existence."

12 "Ancient spiritual teachings say that wherever there is other, there is fear."

13 "Love as the creative Source of being is always already present."

14 "Love expressed as altruism is found in all cultures, not only in social service and philanthropy, but among parents, teachers, healers, mentors, friends and lovers of all persuasions."

15 "As we become increasingly aware of our global interdependence as a species, we can also deepen awareness of our spiritual connectedness. We cannot live in total isolation. The crosscultural communion of awakened souls may be a key to cocreating a sustainable future and living in harmony with the earth."

16 "Reflect on all the love expressed by people everywhere who want to give and receive love. Feel the unconditional love of healers everywhere who want to relieve suffering wherever they find it. Remember that you are among them. You can find the source of infinite, healing compassion in the depths of your own heart."

17 "The great mystics such as Shankara, Plato and Augustine used the term 'archetype' to designate the first subtle forms that appear as the world manifests out of unmanifest Spirit. They are the fundamental patterns upon which all patterns of manifestation are based. The Greek term, 'arche typon', meant original pattern. These subtle, transcendental forms, then, are the first forms of manifestation."

18 "Love as a universal experience that illuminates the spiritual path is a source of healing and guidance at every step along the way. By clearing away the blocks to our awareness of love's presence we reawaken to its original blessing."

19 "Body dies, but the soul and spirit that animate it live on." Huston Smith, 'Forgotten Truth'

20 "You have only to wake up to who and what you are to discover that Spirit, as the ground of being, is always present wherever you are, whether you know it or not."

21 "It is love that gives worth to being, and the mystical revelation that God is love is the sacred knowledge that can be transformed into wisdom."

22 "Reflecting on wholeness and balance as represented by symbols of integration such as the cross and the circle can sometimes help us bring our spiritual life into balance."

23 "When we are willing to face our fear we may discover that behind the shadows and illusions runs a deep and all-pervading undercurrent of love."

24 "Compassion sees the One in the many. Wisdom sees the many as One."

25 "Remember love is everpresent, here, now and always. Identify with love, and you are safe. Identify with love, and you are home. Identify with love, and find your Self."

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite