Many / One

A database of 11,000+ illuminated guiding quotations in 40 categories from 600+ inspired books by our most brilliant and influential authors.
Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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Shadows of the Sacred: Seeing Through Spiritual Illusions
Frances Vaughan, Ph.D.

1 "The circle is a symbol of wholeness, totality and individuation."

2 "Shadows are dispelled when we begin to see the world through the eyes of love and acceptance rather than judgment."

3 "The Self is one with Spirit, as the Source of all being."

4 "For the awakened soul perception is a mirror, and the play of light and shadow reveals the bright radiance of eternity."

5 "A diamond will cut a piece of glass, no matter what words we use for 'diamond', cut', and 'glass' – and a soul can experience God, no matter what words we use for 'soul', 'experience', and 'God'." Ken Wilber, 'Paths Beyond Ego'

6 "The Eternal Self, or Atman, the seed of divinity within the soul, is birthless and deathless and cannot be destroyed."

7 "Ancient spiritual teachings say that wherever there is other, there is fear."

8 "Love is stronger than death. It does not die when the body dies and cannot be limited by laws or logic. Love pervades existence, even in the midst of suffering."

9 "When we are willing to face our fear we may discover that behind the shadows and illusions runs a deep and all-pervading undercurrent of love."

10 "Love yourself and others equally, not more or less. Love is kind. Be kind to yourself and to all beings. Ask yourself how you could love yourself and others better."

11 "Freedom from fear lets us say yes to life. When we have seen past the shadow, everything can be perceived as grace."

12 "Love is not primarily a relationship to a specific person. It is an attitude, an orientation of character which determines the relatedness of a person to the world as a whole, not toward one 'object' of love." Erich Fromm

13 "The divinity permeates existence."

14 "If we open our hearts to the suffering of the world, the healer in each of us is called forth to manifest the qualities of love and compassion and relieve suffering wherever we find it. In our effort to heal others, we also heal ourselves."

15 "Healing is a process of remembering, of reconnecting with our wholeness." Christina Grof, 'The Thirst for Wholeness'

16 "As one goes further and further on the path of truth, the freedom becomes greater at every step." Hazrat Inayat Khan, Omega Institute Newsletter, 1985

17 "Nothing is excluded from the circle of wholeness."

18 "Bless the world by sending peace, love and joy to all beings."

19 "Remember love is everpresent, here, now and always. Identify with love, and you are safe. Identify with love, and you are home. Identify with love, and find your Self."

20 "Unity consciousness is not a future state which results from some practice….for unity consciousness is present eternally." Ken Wilber, 'No Boundary'

21 "The one reality is, for the mystic, an object of love that draws us homeward under the guidance of the heart."

22 "Reflect for a moment on the fact that any personal pain is only a microcosm of the suffering of humanity and life on earth. Everyone is in need of healing. All creatures experiencing birth, impermanence, old age, disease and death, encounter pain in some form….Be aware of your desire to extend love and relieve the suffering of the countless sentient beings in the world."

23 "What you are seeking is already hidden in the depths of your own being. 'Tat Tvam asi', thou art that. Love, lover and beloved are one."

24 "By turning to the source of intuitive wisdom that can be found in the depths of the soul, we can discover a universal source of inspiration and renewal."

25 "Wisdom knows that behind the Many is the One." Ken Wilber, 'Sex, Ecology and Spirituality'

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite