Many / One
A database of 11,000+ illuminated guiding quotations in 40 categories from 600+ inspired books by our most brilliant and influential authors.
Compiled by JoAnn Kite
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1 | "All of life is a reflection of God, the infinite source of holiness." | |
2 | "When we look into and touch deeply the life and teaching of Jesus, we can penetrate the reality of God. Love, understanding, courage, and acceptance are expressions of the life of Jesus." | |
3 | "There is the Buddha within ourselves, who transcends space and time. This is the living Buddha, the Buddha of the ultimate reality, the one who transcends all ideas and notions and is available to us at any time." | |
4 | "The birth of every child is important, not less than the birth of a Buddha. We, too, are a Buddha, a Buddha-to-be, and we continue to be born every minute." | |
5 | "The bread we eat is the whole cosmos." | |
6 | "Really hearing a bird sing or really seeing a blue sky, we touch the seed of the Holy Spirit within us." | |
7 | "In Buddhism, faith means confidence in our and others' abilities to wake up to our deepest capacity of loving and understanding." | |
8 | "Buddha nature as the seed of enlightenment is already in everyone's consciousness." | |
9 | "We have different roots, traditions, and ways of seeing, but we share the common qualities of love, understanding, and acceptance. For our dialogue to be open, we need to open our hearts, set aside our prejudices, listen deeply, and represent truthfully what we know and understand." | |
10 | "The seed of the Kingdom of God is within us. If we know how to plant that seed in the moist soil of our daily lives, it will grow and become a large bush on which many birds can take refuge." | |
11 | "When people appreciate each other as brothers and sisters and smile, the Holy Spirit is there." | |
12 | "The most basic work for peace is to return to ourselves and create harmony among the elements within us – our feelings, our perceptions, and our mental states…When we have peace within, real dialogue with others is possible." | |
13 | "In Christianity, faith means trust in God, the One who represents love, understanding, dignity, and truth." | |
14 | "You are interrelated to everyone and everything…your every act is linked with the whole of humankind and the whole cosmos." | |
15 | "Each thing depends on all other things to be. That is interdependence. Nothing can be by itself alone. It has to inter-be with all other things." | |
16 | "The insight of interbeing…can be obtained when you contemplate phenomena – a magnolia, a squirrel, or a cloud." | |
17 | "When we are mindful, touching deeply the present moment, we can see and listen deeply, and the fruits are always understanding, acceptance, love, and the desire to relieve suffering and bring joy." | |
18 | "When love and compassion are present, understanding deepens." | |
19 | "There has never been a human being who is not alive with God's own life breath." Brother David Stendl-Rast, O.S.B., foreword | |
20 | "You are not separate from other beings or the environment. This understanding cannot be merely intellectual. It must be experiential, the insight gained by deep touching and deep looking in a daily life of prayer, contemplation, and meditation." | |
21 | "A human being is a mini-God, a micro-theos who has been created in order to participate in the divinity of God." | |
22 | "Loving God is loving the living beings we see and touch in our daily life." | |
23 | "One flower is made of the whole cosmos." | |
24 | "When we are in touch with the highest spirit in ourselves, we too are a Buddha, filled with the Holy Spirit, and we become very tolerant, very open, very deep, and very understanding." | |
25 | "Because everything is made of everything else, nothing can be by itself alone." | |