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Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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Entering the Castle: An Inner Path to God and Your Soul
Caroline Myss
Using St. Teresa of Avila's imagery of the Soul as an interior castle, the author guides us from room to room of this inner castle, preparing us for the ultimate encounter with God and our own divinity.

1 "The divine within the details of your life is present in every second, every motion, every thought."

2 "You are watched over and guided down to the smallest detail of your life."

3 "The choices you make are always and only motivated by either faith or fear."

4 "The soul is essentially a vessel of love."

5 "Each of us is enriched by the presence of God everywhere, in every blade of grass, in every beam of light, in every prayer, and in every truth in every scripture."

6 "Teresa of Avila observed, 'God lives also among the pots and pans', in other words in our daily actions."

7 "According to the mystics, the closer you get to your true self, the greater the sense of infinite freedom." Ken Wilber, Foreword

8 "Begin to dedicate daily prayer to those who have harmed you, to those who do not pray for themselves, and to the well-being of the human community."

9 "So seamlessly does the world, sacred and profane, arise in one piece that I can find no boundary – anywhere in the entire universe." Ken Wilber, Foreword

10 "Every second offers a choice either to channel grace or to withhold it."

11 "Your link to the divine cannot be broken….it is a sealed, eternal bond."

12 "You are never without divine guidance; you are never outside the orbit of divine sight."

13 "Prayer is your way through darkness, prayer is your way into the light, prayer is your way to maintain your field of grace."

14 "Within the interior of your soul, God is present."

15 "From the second you incarnate, your soul is in dialogue with divinity, and it is expressing and experiencing its own divinity instinctively."

16 "We want to touch the sacred and feel its energy, to connect to it personally and to connect to it through our purpose. The divine calls to us through places, actions, and objects, constantly seducing us."

17 "The overall number of inner selves is but one." Ken Wilber, Foreword

18 "Your soul is a vessel of sacred graces: compassion, harmony, wisdom, love, endurance, humor, patience, healing, and vision….these are the essence, the building blocks of your highest potential."

19 "Love is God in action in this world."

20 "I believe that the divine is everywhere and exists within even the most intimate details of our lives."

21 "You are more infinitely beautiful than you can imagine, and more infinitely gifted and blessed than words can describe."

22 "The world is not in the hands of greedy politicians or terrorists or corporate moguls or fundamentalists praying for Armageddon. The world is in the hands of God."

23 "Every prayer is heard in some way that is incomprehensible to our minds."

24 "Your role is to empower the life you have and the person you are – and the person you could be – with the energy of grace that listening to your soul gives you."

25 "The entire world is a divine scripture, unfolding like cosmic prayer."

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite