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A database of 11,000+ illuminated guiding quotations in 40 categories from 600+ inspired books by our most brilliant and influential authors.
Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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Ancient Wisdom, Modern Insight
Shirley Nicholson

1 "Evolution moves forward to produce ever more sensitive forms, through which greater degrees of consciousness and ever higher reaches of the Divine Mind can manifest."

2 "Living things show a fluid architecture in which the functioning of each part exactly fits the needs of the whole. All levels, from atoms to cells to tissues and organs, are interdependent and coordinated, as vital processes working together."

3 "Life is continually developing organisms which are more and more responsive to the inner demands of consciousness. Evolution marches forward with increasingly complex forms, which express an ever richer inner life."

4 "Archetypes are reflected in the biological orders, families, genera, species, in the orders of crystals, in the bodily pattern of man."

5 "In the midst of the whirling and changing worlds, we are ever rooted in the One, our deepest center of consciousness grounded in that unchanging, eternal background."

6 "The spiritual will is the One itself turned toward the manifest world, so to speak. In us it is the very sense of self, of being an individual, yet at the same time being one with the All."

7 "We are indeed complex beings embodying many kinds of universal energy, truly microcosms. There are subtle ranges in our nature which we have at best only glimpsed. Contrasts, opposites, and rich variety lie within us. Yet at the same time each of us is a whole person, not a loosely knit set of vehicles. We integrate many strains within ourselves, and we as Atman, the Self, express through each of them."

8 "In spite of the diversity of forms, evolution attests to the oneness of life."

9 "Behind the surface separation and supporting the seemingly disparate things is a unity more basic, more real, closer to us than our sense impressions,…mystics agree with physicists that this unitary realm is primary, that the divisions ultimately rest on a unitary background."

10 "Universal Intelligence [is] the organizing, structuring principle at work behind nature, imposing order and purpose on the entire cosmic process."

11 "According to the Ancient Wisdom, the world issues by means of archetypes, the Divine Ideas or forms of Plato. These are nonmaterial matrices or guiding fields, geometric in nature, which shape forms from within."

12 "We all share the same pool of genes. Each of us has as ancestors Europeans, Africans, Chinese, Arabs, Malays, Latins, Eskimos, and every possible type of human being. Students of genetics are forced to believe in human brotherhood. Each of us is literally kin to humankind; we are all the family of man."

13 "Each level of wholes is comprised of smaller wholes and at the same time serves as a part of larger wholes. Nature shows us nothing but wholes that are part of greater wholes."

14 "Everything reflects and influences everything else."

15 "Evolution systematically reveals the divine archetypes, the Ideas of Plato. Forms unfold through evolution according to the pattern impressed on them by the archetype that governs their particular structure."

16 "If we personally realize that synchronicity is at work in our lives, we feel connected rather than isolated and estranged from others; we feel ourselves part of a divine, dynamic, interrelated unvierse." Jean Shinoda Bolen, Jungian psychologist, 'The Tao of Psychology'

17 "In its depths the life in all that exists IS the One Life."

18 "Our being is enmeshed in endless ways with others and with our environment."

19 "All the principles that govern the universe and its workings are forcefully present in us. We have cosmic connections. We embody universals."

20 "The metaphysical principles that inhere in the Transcendent One are reflected in us, as throughout the cosmos at every level."

21 "Nothing can come into being that did not pre-exist in the inner world as ideal plan."

22 "We spring from the divine Ground which gives rise to all."

23 "Life is a cyclic interplay of polar energies….The waning of the energy of one pole…is always associated with the waxing in strength of the other pole." Dane Rudhyar, 'The Pulse of Life'

24 "All things are interconnected and bound together as by an invisible thread."

25 "We are connected with the universe at every level, and therefore we have a far richer potential than we have begun to express."

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite