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A database of 11,000+ illuminated guiding quotations in 40 categories from 600+ inspired books by our most brilliant and influential authors.
Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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Ancient Wisdom, Modern Insight
Shirley Nicholson

1 "At every level – from the atom and its parts through the myriad forms of life to the farthest stars and galaxies – all is permeated by one Life."

2 "All things are interconnected and bound together as by an invisible thread."

3 "Consciousness in the guise of the Divine Mind, the subjective side of nature, is the driving force behind evolution.'

4 "Seers, initiates, wise ones through the ages have demonstrated the heights that the human potential can reach. Looking at the lives of the Christ, the Buddha, Plato, or Lao-tzu, we can glimpse the possibilities of human development."

5 "Like the learning curve plotted when a new skill is being mastered, there are steps up, falling back, leveling off, new steps forward, but the general direction is always upward. As 'Light on the Path' says, 'The soul of man is immortal and its future is the future of a thing whose growth and splendor has no limit.'"

6 "We have to come to a point when we truly feel the oneness, the unity in all the aspects of our lives." Sun Bear (Native American elder), 'The Shaman and The Medicine Wheel'

7 "To the opened eye of the seer all nature is but a symbol, a partial and dim expression of the radiant beauty of the archetypes in the Divine Mind."

8 "We are indeed complex beings embodying many kinds of universal energy, truly microcosms. There are subtle ranges in our nature which we have at best only glimpsed. Contrasts, opposites, and rich variety lie within us. Yet at the same time each of us is a whole person, not a loosely knit set of vehicles. We integrate many strains within ourselves, and we as Atman, the Self, express through each of them."

9 "The Divine Mind reveals its own nature in the human abilities to conceptualize, to see relationships and patterns in diversity, to produce pattern and design in art, mathematics, science, and to organize experience into meaningful, interrelated wholes."

10 "Our work on the path is to deliberately learn to open the personality so that it can resonate to the universal strains within. We need to erase the artificial line that separates us from the inner universal Self."

11 "The hexagons of the beehive and the turtle's shell, the ram's horn, the path of a moth all embody mathematical perfection."

12 "The universe…is a unified system, a mighty organism in which the inmost nucleus and pervading Spirit and Self is the one abiding Being." J. C. Chatterji

13 "We all share the same pool of genes. Each of us has as ancestors Europeans, Africans, Chinese, Arabs, Malays, Latins, Eskimos, and every possible type of human being. Students of genetics are forced to believe in human brotherhood. Each of us is literally kin to humankind; we are all the family of man."

14 "Our being is enmeshed in endless ways with others and with our environment."

15 "Although he is not yet finished, man clearly indicates the direction of evolution toward unfoldment of higher and higher reaches of consciousness and mind."

16 "According to the Ancient Wisdom, the world issues by means of archetypes, the Divine Ideas or forms of Plato. These are nonmaterial matrices or guiding fields, geometric in nature, which shape forms from within."

17 "All that exists throughout the cosmos is but the temporary, ephemeral effect of the One Life refracted through the screen of objectivity."

18 "Throughout nature, levels of organization can be found in which greater beings are composed of smaller and smaller ones, with all the levels interpenetrating and relating in every possible way, binding all together into an integrated whole."

19 "If we personally realize that synchronicity is at work in our lives, we feel connected rather than isolated and estranged from others; we feel ourselves part of a divine, dynamic, interrelated unvierse." Jean Shinoda Bolen, Jungian psychologist, 'The Tao of Psychology'

20 "The metaphysical principles that inhere in the Transcendent One are reflected in us, as throughout the cosmos at every level."

21 "Each level of wholes is comprised of smaller wholes and at the same time serves as a part of larger wholes. Nature shows us nothing but wholes that are part of greater wholes."

22 "We all influence one another, and we are vulnerable to nationwide and worldwide emotional influences such as anxiety and fear at times of crisis. Our best defense is, through practice, to learn to radiate positive feelings like love, good will, and joy. Doing so not only protects us from disturbances in the surrounding field, but also contributes to helping others through the field."

23 "In spite of the diversity of forms, evolution attests to the oneness of life."

24 "If enough of us can perceive the new view of wholeness emerging in our times and absorb it into our consciousness so that it permeates our world view, and hence our attitudes and actions, our new vision cannot help but reflect in world attitudes and conditions. As we ourselves become whole and live as intrinsic parts of the Whole, we can begin to re-establish wholeness in our tragically fragmented and divided world."

25 "Everywhere there is unity in multiplicity. Our bodies are an example of the interplay of a variety of specialized organ systems and processes working together as a whole. The larger world, too, is a single living system."

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite