Many / One
A database of 11,000+ illuminated guiding quotations in 40 categories from 600+ inspired books by our most brilliant and influential authors.
Compiled by JoAnn Kite
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1 | "The universe…is a unified system, a mighty organism in which the inmost nucleus and pervading Spirit and Self is the one abiding Being." J. C. Chatterji | |
2 | "We all share the same pool of genes. Each of us has as ancestors Europeans, Africans, Chinese, Arabs, Malays, Latins, Eskimos, and every possible type of human being. Students of genetics are forced to believe in human brotherhood. Each of us is literally kin to humankind; we are all the family of man." | |
3 | "All that exists throughout the cosmos is but the temporary, ephemeral effect of the One Life refracted through the screen of objectivity." | |
4 | "Every atom and particle is imbued with Divine Mind, which energizes it to move to higher levels of organization." | |
5 | "The One Life permeates, supports, and gives life to everything that arises from it. The One Form of Existence manifests IN matter." | |
6 | "The forms of nature are exteriorized representations of Divine Thought." | |
7 | "Instead of stressing distinctions and the isolation of things, we can look at them as parts connected to form an organic whole. When we expand our consciousness and focus on this rather than on our seeming isolation, we can begin to live more fully." | |
8 | "The Ancient Wisdom has always held that each of us, like everything else in nature, is fundamentally one with the All, immersed in that undivided, numinous unity from which all creation springs." | |
9 | "We are indeed complex beings embodying many kinds of universal energy, truly microcosms. There are subtle ranges in our nature which we have at best only glimpsed. Contrasts, opposites, and rich variety lie within us. Yet at the same time each of us is a whole person, not a loosely knit set of vehicles. We integrate many strains within ourselves, and we as Atman, the Self, express through each of them." | |
10 | "We can try to universalize our attitudes towards others, experience each as an expression of the One Life at a particular level of unfoldment, and begin to actualize universal love and compassion. As we work consciously to develop our mental and spiritual capacities, we move in the direction of the whole cosmic evolutionary process." | |
11 | "Our being pulses with the ongoing process of the Great Breath." | |
12 | "The Divine Mind underlies our being. We are at all times linked to Universal Mind, an ever-present, lawful background, which supports us and gives us life from within." | |
13 | "'Tat tvam asi' (Thou art That), which proclaims man's inmost being as one with divine Being…is identical with the Gnostic maxim, 'Thou art I and I am thou.' This insight into man's hidden connection with the Ground of all has appeared in many other philosophies and religions, such as Taoism and Neoplatonism, and is even hinted at in Buddhism." | |
14 | "In the midst of the whirling and changing worlds, we are ever rooted in the One, our deepest center of consciousness grounded in that unchanging, eternal background." | |
15 | "The Ancient Wisdom depicts man as a microcosm, a miniature of the cosmos, embodying all its principles, energies, functions." | |
16 | "Plant physiologist Rupert Sheldrake…hypothesizes a field by means of which communication can occur within a species over distance and even at future times. This transmission process is thought to occur according to the principle of resonance, as when a note struck on a piano evokes response from octaves above and below itself." | |
17 | "Consciousness in the guise of the Divine Mind, the subjective side of nature, is the driving force behind evolution.' | |
18 | "There is overwhelming evidence from the most diverse sources that we are interconnected, that we are all part of one whole, sharing at all levels." | |
19 | "All things are interconnected and bound together as by an invisible thread." | |
20 | "We can know the oneness behind all life, for such knowledge lies within us already, waiting to be actualized." | |
21 | "At some level we are all interconnected to each other and to all things on this planet." William Tiller, 'New Fields' | |
22 | "Though each of us is a unique individual, we make up one humanity, our divisions into nations and groups of nations are less fundamental than our oneness." | |
23 | "Because we can choose our inner feelings and thoughts, we have the possibility of self-control and self-direction. This gives us some control over our environment and our world. Our evolution is now self-induced, through our own decisions and efforts. Although the full development of self-consciousness and choice is not yet apparent, we are capable to some extent of choosing what we wish to express and be and what our world will be." | |
24 | "The metaphysical principles that inhere in the Transcendent One are reflected in us, as throughout the cosmos at every level." | |
25 | "Organisms are self-forming and also goal directed, not random. F. L. Kunz held that such self-ordering forms operate according to a principle of order, of dynamic geometry: 'The self-proportioned geometry of the living orders is the diversified expression of a consistent, universal principle.' ('Order in the Universe')." | |