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A database of 11,000+ illuminated guiding quotations in 40 categories from 600+ inspired books by our most brilliant and influential authors.
Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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The Findhorn Garden: Pioneering a New Vision of Man and Nature in Cooperation
The Findhorn Community

1 "This is one great use for memory, to recall the oneness of life."

2 "Let the oneness grow in your awareness."

3 "You are the gardener of your own being, the seed of your destiny."

4 "We are told to turn within, to seek God within….But this withinness is not contained in my physical body which would limit it; it is in all dimensions of space and time; it is infinite, the eternal now."

5 "God's will is the path we tread which develops the best for us and for all we encounter."

6 "There is no end to God's gifts to his creation. In all this we are one, without separation. Let us extend that oneness to all levels, and let us do it here and now."

7 "One radiant energy pervades and gives rise to all life."

8 "All living things are part of the whole, placed there by divine plan and purpose."

9 "Through love we can blend with the consciousnes of a plant or with the consciousness of another human being."

10 "All cultures begin in explosions of myth in the minds of prophets, mystics, visionary scientists, artists and crazies. Whether it is in the dreams of Descartes, Alfred Russell Wallace and Niels Bohr, or in the visions of Buddha, Jesus and Mohammed, culture springs from the depths." William Irwin Thompson, Foreword

11 "What we call opposites are only complementary parts of a greater whole."

12 "Love is the energy of acceptance that cuts through the apparent barriers and links us with every part of life."

13 "Together with minerals, plants and animals, we make up the body and consciousness of a single living organism – Earth. We move within this body, intricately related to and dependent upon every other part of it."

14 "Life is ceaselessly growing, moving on, learning, rising and becoming more and more conscious."

15 "The image of God is the process of divinity itself, and that is a process of growth, of nourishment, of wisdom, light and love. It is the process of life unfolding itself into greater levels of freedom and knowing and expression."

16 "All have the breath of God in them. The air you breathe – is it not full of God, is it not your life force? All of creation shares in it, contributes something to it."

17 "God is within everyone, the very thing everyone lives by."

18 "All the Earth's surface is of one family, one creation, one intelligence."

19 "All around you creation reflects the oneness of life."

20 "Love is always the fundamental key in guiding our awareness."

21 "Man cannot grow unless he learns to understand his oneness with his world."

22 "The power and laws of manifestation can only function best where there is love."

23 "We are, in fact, all part of one thing, all different materializations of the one life."

24 "To do God's will you must attempt to see with his vision, know with his love, live with his life. It is as simple as that. It is not a complex pattern."

25 "All is one life. Play your part in making life one."

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite