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A database of 11,000+ illuminated guiding quotations in 40 categories from 600+ inspired books by our most brilliant and influential authors.
Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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The Findhorn Garden: Pioneering a New Vision of Man and Nature in Cooperation
The Findhorn Community

1 "Ultimately, it is love that fulfills all laws."

2 "Humanity represents the stage of Earth's unfoldment at which the planetary soul becomes not only self aware but functionally and creatively conscious of the processes through which growth, awareness and the externalization of spirit through form take place."

3 "You, too, are parts of the whole – part of that clod of earth, part of that tiny flower, part of the sunshine and the rain, the light in another's eye, the warmth of another's smile."

4 "Let the oneness grow in your awareness."

5 "We have many opportunities every day through which to learn of the unity in apparent separation. We can work toward it in every moment."

6 "As we begin to recognize God in every aspect of the world around us, that part of the world is redeemed, until ultimately the whole planet is redeemed."

7 "God is your supply, not the vine nor the tree, nor the soil nor other human beings, nor the kingdoms of nature. God is your source of supply."

8 "Man has the divine power of transcendence, of moving beyond pre-set patterns, of bridging the dimensions of form and spirit, potential and actuality, image and fulfillment."

9 "We are all capable of bringing about what we set our minds to if it is for the good of the whole."

10 "We are one under the One."

11 "This idea of a life and spirit informing nature and directing its activities is not new within human culture; it is the basis for such philosophies as animism and pantheism."

12 "Together with minerals, plants and animals, we make up the body and consciousness of a single living organism – Earth. We move within this body, intricately related to and dependent upon every other part of it."

13 "All is one life. Play your part in making life one."

14 "Love is a firm reality which forms a bridge over which all can walk."

15 "When you delve deeply into anything you will find God is there."

16 "You may call this [life] energy positive and negative, even label it good and evil, but when the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge is digested, you will see that all things are one, having emerged from the wars of opposites to unity."

17 "God is within all life."

18 "To do God's will you must attempt to see with his vision, know with his love, live with his life. It is as simple as that. It is not a complex pattern."

19 "All the Earth's surface is of one family, one creation, one intelligence."

20 "God's will is the path we tread which develops the best for us and for all we encounter."

21 "What greater vision could be given humankind than for God to say to us, 'You are my beloveds. Build with me, create with me.'"

22 "Everything belongs to one world."

23 "Broader awareness comes by recognizing our oneness with all aspects of life."

24 "What we call opposites are only complementary parts of a greater whole."

25 "All have the breath of God in them. The air you breathe – is it not full of God, is it not your life force? All of creation shares in it, contributes something to it."

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite