Many / One
A database of 11,000+ illuminated guiding quotations in 40 categories from 600+ inspired books by our most brilliant and influential authors.
Compiled by JoAnn Kite
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1 |
"Everything in the universe is related to everything else."
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"The capacities by which we can gain insights into higher worlds lie dormant within each one of us."
3 |
"Whatever we do, even the smallest task, can benefit the whole of humanity."
4 |
"In every evil we must seek out the elements that allow us to transform it into good."
5 |
"Self-knowledge, of course, is difficult. The temptation to deceive oneself is enormous. But if we make a habit of being honest with ourselves, the doors to greater insight open for us."
6 |
"We ourselves must give birth to a new, higher being within us."
7 |
"Something within us is eternal and unlimited by birth and death."
8 |
"The sources of strength in the world that we can draw from are inexhaustible."
9 |
"The cognitive insights of a person who has [spiritual] vision can provide healthy food for all. All of us can apply these insights to our lives; and if we do so, we shall soon realize the possibilities of life in every area."
10 |
"Every sound spiritual practice begins with moral development. This is as true of Buddhism and the mystical traditions of Christianity as it is of Anthroposophy…Esoteric schooling never has as its goal the accumulation of spiritual treasures for personal gain. If one seeks for oneself, one actually achieves nothing. Every striving, every accomplishment is properly placed only when it is placed at the service of others." Christopher Bamford, Afterword
11 |
"Experienced spiritual researchers know what strength they gain by always looking for the good in everything and withholding their critical judgment. This practice should not remain simply an outer rule of life, but must take hold of the innermost part of the soul."
12 |
"The higher self within us evolves continuously."
13 |
"It cannot be emphasized often enough that the sure path to higher worlds leads through careful self-knowledge and the self-assessment of our own nature."
14 |
"All the philosophies that acknowledge the existence of a spiritual world…did not bequeath these instructions to humanity on the basis of some vague feeling….They formed their moral precepts on the basis of their cognition. They knew that these precepts would affect humanity's finer and nobler nature, and they wanted their disciples gradually to train this nature. To live by such world views and philosophies means to work on perfecting ourselves spiritually. Only when we do this do we serve the cosmos as a whole."
15 |
"We must know that what we feel has as much impact upon the world as the work done by our hands."
16 |
"As a member of humanity as a whole, I am jointly responsible, with all human beings, for everything that happens."
17 |
"The world around us is filled everywhere with the glory of God."
18 |
"We shall not allow ourselves to think of our fellow human beings in any way that is incompatible with the profound respect due their dignity and freedom."
19 |
"Anything we do for our own improvement benefits not just ourselves but also the world."
20 |
"Fear of a thing prevents us from seeing it properly."
21 |
"You are linked together with all sentient beings."