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A database of 11,000+ illuminated guiding quotations in 40 categories from 600+ inspired books by our most brilliant and influential authors.
Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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The Spirituality of Imperfection: Modern Wisdom from Classic Stories
Ernest Kurtz & Katherine Ketcham

1 "All true wisdom must be grounded in accurate self-knowledge."

2 "The ultimate goal you seek is not some reality 'out there', but the awakening of an identity that lies within."

3 "As the root of the word 'good' hints – 'ge', the same root as in the words 'gather' and 'together' – 'goodness' involves fitting rightly, 'fitting' not in the sense of some mere conformity but in the sense of discovering and embracing the whole of which one is part."

4 "The message of all spirituality is that, in some mysterious way, we are all one – therefore the joy and the sorrow of any one of us is the joy and the sorrow of all of us."

5 "Listen! Listen to stories! For spirituality itself is conveyed by stories, which use words in ways that go beyond words to speak the language of the heart….stories convey the mystery and the miracle – the adventure – of being alive."

6 "Unawareness is the root of all evil." Anonymous Egyptian monk

7 "The holy place, where God is made known, is the place where human beings discover each other in love." Wilkie Au, 'By Way of the Heart'

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite