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Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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366 Celt: A Year and A Day of Celtic Wisdom and Lore
Carl McColman

1 "All of the elements are held intimately and lovingly in the hand of Spirit."

2 "To the ancient Celts, the goddess is more than just a kind of female version of the Almighty – she is a powerful presence who stands for the spirit of charity, generosity, and care for others."

3 "If I am focusing on how you and I are so different from one another, community becomes strained if not impossible. But when we choose to place our attention instead on our hospitality and the spirituality of shared resources and open hearts, then our differences are reduced to the simple ways in which we embody diversity and distinctiveness – lovely qualities, after all, for they have their roots in nature."

4 "All stories, no matter how unique or idiosyncratic, function on one level as elements in the 'Great Story' of our shared and common lives as members of the human family….Our voices must be heard if the Great Story is to be told in full."

5 "Each one of us is a magnificent story."

6 "There is no separation between nature and grace, or between nature and humanity – or between nature and the divine. All is interwoven."

7 "Nature is not some inert resource for us to exploit as we wish, but rather is divine, and can be related to as a Divine Feminine: a goddess."

8 "Pursuing virtue is an essential part of wisdom….Wisdom is more than just the acquisition of knowledge; rather, it is the ability to apply knowledge, through the considered merit of virtue and values."

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite