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A database of 11,000+ illuminated guiding quotations in 40 categories from 600+ inspired books by our most brilliant and influential authors.
Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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Angels: The Mysterious Messengers
Rex Hauck, editor

1 "God is…all that is, everything that's formed." Joan Borysenko, Ph.D.

2 "Are we contributing to a finer spiritual body of light for our planet, or are we contributing to a body of darkness? It is our choice." K. Martin-Kuri

3 "To create meaning in our lives, we have to go back to basics….It's morality. It's doing the right thing. It's choosing the right way to be for the good of the whole." Terry Lynn Taylor

4 "You know, the imagination is also a place of reality. That may sound ridiculous, but it is. I think the imagination is where we create the future. It's where we begin to know ourselves, and it's the place of creativity and knowledge." Terry Lynn Taylor

5 "Everything comes from the greatest force, the power, God – whatever we want to call the Creator." Becky Hobbes, Songwriter

6 "Happiness consists, number one, of recognizing that everything is interconnected." Joan Borysenko, Ph.D.

7 "The only way out of the dilemmas that we currently face in the world is to find some way of bringing about a situation in which we genuinely love one another all over the world." Raymond Moody, M.D., Ph.D.

8 "If we, as human beings, start to make a personal choice to make things better, to sacrifice instead of hurt, then the light will get so bright that the dark won't have a lot of room to exist." Terry Lynn Taylor

9 "If we all knew ourselves better, we'd know the things that we were here to do. And I think the world would be a lot different. It may not even be the same world. It might be a whole new place. I don't see how the world could be the same if we were more in tune with what we came here to be." Terry Lynn Taylor

10 "I believe in what Meister Eckhart, the Christian mystic, said: 'At the darkest moment, that's when the dawn is going to come.'" Joan Borysenko, Ph.D.

11 "All of life is interconnected." Melvin Morse, M.D.

12 "Each of us daily makes the choice moment by moment for love or for fear, to do good or to do evil, to try to seek for wisdom or to remain in ignorance." Joan Borysenko, Ph.D.

13 "This ocean of love is us, and we come from it and we go back to it, and all the cells of our bodies are composed of it." Sophy Burnham

14 "Light is so much more powerful that the dark can't keep us down unless we allow it to with our fears." Terry Lynn Taylor

15 "When Buddhist scholars look at quantum mechanics, they tend to go, 'Aha, aha, this is what we've been saying all the time. Phenomena are all interdependent.' What looked to be isolated phenomena at an energetic level aren't isolated at all. Everything's related to everything else." Joan Borysenko, Ph.D.

16 "Through the years, people have related, oh, five hundred or six hundred near-death experiences to me. When people come back out of that experience of light, they'll often say that they have a sense that everything is interconnected. In some way that's hard to put into words, we're all the same. We all share one mind. And it doesn't stop with people, it has to do, too, with trees and plants and living things." Joan Borysenko, Ph.D.

17 "I think the Native Americans have it right when they say, 'Life is a circle'." Joan Borysenko, Ph.D.

18 "The beginning of a cure for our ills is a revitalized imagination, one that truly recognizes that there is a sacred dimension to the everyday life that we live." Thomas Moore

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite