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A database of 11,000+ illuminated guiding quotations in 40 categories from 600+ inspired books by our most brilliant and influential authors.
Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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Alchemy, The Art of Transformation
Jay Ramsay

1 "Humanity is a microcosm that reflects the macrocosm of the Divine."

2 "The ouroboros is an expression of the unified field of matter and mind, and the cosmic destiny that is also ours. 'Oneness'.

3 "May we all go there, get there, be there – in the heart place where we know we belong."

4 "The source of it all is the Divine Will." Laurentius Ventura

5 "Love is working behind everything. Love, in every particle. Love."

6 "Someone once asked Mother Theresa in Calcutta how she could do so much. Her reply was simple: 'Because I'm so in love.'"

7 "'Everything comes from the One and returns to the One, by the One, for the One' reads the alchemical axiom."

8 "The impetus toward community is here and it is not going to leave us. Many of us are feeling a growing restlessness that has to do with dreams of new ways of living….We want clear air and space to be, work, breathe and live. This alongside the sense that we belong together as soul friends."

9 "A certain primary everlasting and infinite nature rules everything." Eximundus

10 "One thing enters into every regimen and is found everywhere, being a stone and also not a stone; common and precious; hidden and concealed, yet known by everyone; of one name and many names….Without it nature never operates anything. Its name is one, yet we have called it by many names on account of the excellence of its nature." Turba Philosophorum

11 "The love we have and share is given to us as part of a greater love: a Great Love that is the love of God in action."

12 "The power of prayer lies in its ability to soften and attune us."

13 "We will know the secret lines of light between all of us that span cities, seas, and continents."

14 "All energy, used correctly, relates to Love." Bob Moore

15 "The truth lies at the heart of Creation itself – if we could but see it. If we can, then miracles can take place as we live in the light of it – the light that is the sun, the gold, and famous philosopher's Stone. All these are synonyms for truth."

16 "Above all, alchemy is about wholeness – about the whole of who we are, and about living whole rather than partial and suppressed lives. Wholeness means inclusion rather than denial, or, as Carole Bruce, photographer and therapist, once said to me, 'All denial is a denial of God.' Alchemy argues that everything is a part of God, otherwise it wouldn't exist. And since it exists, it is part of the Work."

17 "For your heavenly father is love. For your earthly mother is love. For the son of man is love." The Essene Gospel of Peace

18 "We are the messengers….the message is love." Wim Wenders, in the film 'Far Away, So Close'

19 "We are joined, we are one with the human race. We are joined, we are one with the human face." Sally Potter, Songwriter

20 "We will see how we are a tribe and a company, in circle after circle rippling out and intersecting. We will see how we are all entering each other – as gifts to each other, mirroring and completing each other: and how we are all unique angles on the centre."

21 "Christ is the Beloved Master, brother, friend and unconditional lover in the words of his last, new commandment: '….that you love one another, as I have loved you.'"

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite