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Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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The Future Is Now: The Significance of Precognition
Arthur W. Osborn

1 "In Hegel's Absolute we have a philosophic statement of a universal Whole which is the sum total of all phenomenal existence."

2 "Whenever we look at nature and at all phenomena we find it impossible to put our fingers on boundary lines which are definite limits of independent existence. A thing which seems to be separate from one point of view is found from another to be related, and therefore dependent on other existences. Nature is an integrated symbiotic Whole."

3 "The processes of the macrocosm are reflected in ourselves. So in studying ourselves we may know the inherent nature of the universe."

4 "God is the only Reality, and the realms of manifestation rest on God as the Ground of all that exists."

5 "Theistic conceptions of both Eastern and Western religions imply that in some sense all things exist in the eternal consciousness of the Supreme."

6 "Both in the East and in the West it is stated that we may transcend the intellect and become aware in a manner incomprehensible to the rational mind of a state of Oneness or Wholeness."

7 "Love and compassion are the direct outcome of the realization of Unity."

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite