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Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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The Empathic Imagination
Alfred Margulies, M.D.

1 "The word 'resonance' derives from the Latin 'resonare' or resound. Like an echo 'resound' owes its existence to the other: Plucking one string of an instrument creates resonant vibrations in a second."

2 "The imagination can, by a process of identification, extend the self out into the world and into other people. The result is….a fusing of the two." J. Engell, 'The Creative Imagination: Enlightenment to Romanticism'

3 "Invariably, in searching for the other in an active fashion, we come to our own reflection, the fundamental projective nature of empathy, and the dialectical quality of finding and creating meaning."

4 "The extremest resources of the imagination are called in to lay open the deepest movements of the heart." William Hazlitt

5 "Empathy is not merely a resonating with the other, but an act of will and creativity."

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite