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Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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American Indian Myths and Legends
Richard Erdoes and Alfonso Ortiz, editors

1 "When we look around, we see part of our Mother everywhere." Okanogan (Native American) saying

2 "The Great Spirit is in and of everything."

3 "'As you know,' Jenny Leading Cloud said, 'we Indians think of the earth and the whole universe as a never-ending circle….The buffalo and the coyote are our brothers; the birds, our cousins. Even the tiniest ant, even a louse, even the smallest flower you can find – they are all relatives.'"

4 "'All living things', one Sioux elder says, 'are tied together with a common navel cord.'" Editors

5 "As Bronislaw Malinowski said, 'Myth in its living, primitive form is not merely a story told but a reality lived.'" Editors

6 "Even a pebble or a tiny insect is gathered up in the sacred hoop." Leonard Crow Dog (Sioux Native American),

7 "In undying love she [First Mother] renews herself again and again." Penobscot (Native American) saying

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite