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Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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The Philokalia, volume 4
various authors, compiled by St. Nikodimos and St. Makarios

1 "The divine nature is one and indivisible." Nikitas Stithatos, 'On Spiritual Knowledge'

2 "Through love you are united to God." Nikitas Stithatos, 'On the Inner Nature of Things'

3 "Man participates in the divine nature, and according to his spiritual self – that is to say, as a spiritual, incorporeal and immortal soul – is an image of God, and possesses an intellect which naturally begets consciousness from its essence." Nikitas Stithatos, 'On Spiritual Knowledge'

4 "The energy that creates individual essence, life and wisdom, and in general makes and sustains created beings, is identical with the divine volitions and the divine participable principles and the gifts of supernal Goodness, the Cause of all." St. Gregory Palamas, 'Topics of Natural and Theological Science'

5 "God is in the universe and the universe is within God." St. Gregory Palamas, 'Topics of Natural and Theological Science'

6 "Listen to St. Maximos, who says: 'All immortal things and immortality itself, all living things and life itself, all holy things and holiness itself, all good things and goodness itself, all blessings and blessedness itself, all beings and being itself are manifestly works of God.'" St. Gregory Palamas, 'The Declaration of The Holy Mountain'

7 "The person blind to the One is utterly blind to everything; but he who sees in the One contemplates all things." St. Symeon the New Theologian, 'Practical and Theological Texts'

8 "Incorruptible and imperishable are the following: tears of repentance, acts of charity, compassion, prayer, humility, faith, hope, love." Nikitas Stithatos, 'On Spiritual Knowledge'

9 "The eternal abode embraces all and everything." Nikitas Stithatos, 'On Spiritual Knowledge'

10 "Free will is always part and parcel of the present life." St. Gregory Palamas, 'To the Most Reverend Nun Xenia'

11 "The Sovereign Ruler created all intelligent nature free and self-determining." St. Gregory Palamas, 'Topics of Natural and Theological Science'

12 "God reveals and manifests Himself in all things." St. Gregory of Sinai, 'On Commandments and Doctrines'

13 "God's nature is everywhere." St. Gregory Palamas, 'Topics of Natural and Theological Science'

14 "Man's life is based upon a variety of sciences and skills, each person practising one or another of them and making his contribution….one person pursues one virtue while another follows another path. But all are moving towards a single goal." St. Symeon the New Theologian, 'Practical and Theological Texts'

15 "As St. Dionysios says, 'All things participate in the providence that wells forth from the Godhead, the Cause of all.'" St. Gregory Palamas, 'Topics of Natural and Theological Science'

16 "The [human] intellect's being in the likeness of God resides in its justice, truthfulness, love, sympathy and compassion. When these qualities are energized and guarded in a person, that which is in the image and likeness of God is clearly manifest in him." Nikitas Stithatos, 'On Spiritual Knowledge'

17 "St. John of Damaskos writes, 'The creation is an operation of the divine will.'" St. Gregory Palamas, 'Topics of Natural and Theological Science'

18 "This World Soul belongs to the entire world." St. Gregory Palamas, 'Topics of Natural and Theological Science'

19 "The human soul is something great and wondrous….it overlooks the universe and has all things in its care; it is capable of knowing and receiving God, and more than anything else has the capacity of manifesting the sublime magnificence of the Master-Craftsman." St. Gregory Palamas, 'Topics of Natural and Theological Science'

20 "With respect to other people, you must keep your conscience pure by not doing to them anything that you hate and that you do not want them to do to you." St. Symeon the New Theologian, 'The Three Methods of Prayer'

21 "'For there is one glory of the sun, and another glory of the moon, and another glory of the stars, for one star differs from another star in glory' (1 Cor. 15:41); and yet all of them shine in a single divine firmament." St. Gregory of Sinai, 'On Commandments and Doctrines'

22 "The existential multiplicity and separativeness of thngs is limited and transitory, for, thanks to the universal concatenation, they return to the principal Unity, the supreme Source of All, from which they came." Editors

23 "God is the Being of all beings, the Form that is in all forms as the Author of form, the Wisdom of the wise and, simply, the All of all things." St. Gregory Palamas, 'Topics of Natural and Theological Science'

24 "Prayer is God, who accomplishes everything in everyone." St. Gregory of Sinai, 'On Commandments and Doctrines'

25 "God welcomes the discourse born of prayer, and when He is lovingly invoked and called to our aid, He bestows inexpressible joy on the beseeching soul." Theoliptos, Metropolitan of Philadelphia, 'Texts'

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite