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A database of 11,000+ illuminated guiding quotations in 40 categories from 600+ inspired books by our most brilliant and influential authors.
Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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Gnosticism: New Light on the Ancient Tradition of Inner Knowing
Stephan A. Hoeller

1 "The flame of love is the uniting force through which the human spirit may reach its divine source."

2 "Each spirit entity is a pure spark or atom of divine consciousness and is of the same essence as God."

3 "O hidden life vibrant in every atom; O hidden light shining in every creature; O hidden love embracing all in oneness; May each who feels himself as one with thee, know he is therefore one with every other." Annie Besant

4 "From the day when we beheld thee, from the day when we heard thy word, our hearts were filled with peace. We believed in thee, Good One, we beheld thy light and shall not forget thee." The Ginza (Mandaean Scripture)

5 "The universal Divinity is present in miniature within each person."

6 "Humans had their origin in eternity and they also have eternity as their goal."

7 "The Hindu and the Gnostic would agree that to know one's deepest self is tantamount to knowing God."

8 "The meanings present in mythologies, ancient and otherwise, could help to undo the alienation and rootlessness prevalent in the individual and collective psyches of our culture."

9 "What makes us free is the gnosis of who we were, of what we have become, of where we were, of wherein we have been cast, of whereto we are hastening, of what we are being freed, of what birth really is, of what rebirth really is." 'Excerpta de Theodoto'

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite