Many / One

A database of 11,000+ illuminated guiding quotations in 40 categories from 600+ inspired books by our most brilliant and influential authors.
Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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1 "From this beautiful One beauty comes to be in all beings." Thomas Aquinas One River, Many Wells: Wisdom Springing from World Faiths (Matthew Fox)

2 "God is the oneness of the beginning and the end." Heaven, The Heart's Deepest Longing (Peter Kreeft)

3 "Because all things on this Earth are from one source, interspecies communication is not only inherent within us, it is necessary for understanding our own humanity and our own sacred nature." One Spirit, Many Peoples, A Manifesto for Earth Spirituality (Stephen Harrod Buhner)

4 "If we really learn how to see, we will enjoy a pure intuition born of love and thus behold the manifold in the One." The Human Adventure, Contemplation for Everyman (William McNamara, O.C.D.)

5 "The rationale behind alchemical theory was based on the notion of primary matter – the belief that the world originated from a single substance." Ariadne's Clue, A Guide to the Symbols of Humankind (Anthony Stevens)

6 "All forms are…externalizations of the one Infinite Being." A Treatise on White Magic (Alice A. Bailey)

7 "Out of the One Eternal Source of Life – the Self of all – come the various sparks that are spiritual Intelligences in every grade of evolution." The Spiritual Life (Annie Besant)

8 "Humans may have nervous systems that are automatically structured to produce instant insights that facilitate love and oneness." Handbook to Higher Consciousness (Ken Keyes, Jr.)

9 "Wisdom is one and unique – to know the intelligence by which all things are steered through all things." Heraclitus, Fragment 32 Homage to Pythagoras, Rediscovering Sacred Science (Christopher Bamford, editor)

10 "One of the main necessities…at this time is to endeavour to think in terms of the one Reality." A Treatise on White Magic (Alice A. Bailey)

11 "According to the Indian view, our separateness from each other in space and time here on earth – our multitude – is but a secondary, deluding aspect of the truth, which is that in essence we are of one being, one ground." Myths To Live By (Joseph Campbell)

12 "The One recreates the entire world anew each second." Eliezer Shore, 'The Heart of Ritual' Parabola, the Magazine of Myth and Tradition (various)

13 "All people worship God, the One;…This universal God is wisdom, will and love." ch. 28, vs. 13-14 Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ (Leo W. Dowling)

14 "Plotinus speaks of the One as 'that fountain always on'." Huston Smith Spiritual Genius, The Mastery of Life's Meaning (Winifred Gallagher)

15 "God is in an absolute sense one." St. Maximos the Confessor, 'First Century on Theology' The Philokalia, volume 2 (various authors, compiled by St. Nikodimos of the Holy Mountain)

16 "The Sacred Scripture teaches, and reason enlightened therein and therefrom by the Lord sees, that God is one." Emanuel Swedenborg A Compendium of the Theological Writings of Emanuel Swedenborg (Samuel M. Warren, compiler)

17 "There is One thing, that never dies, for it continues by perpetual increase." Aurora Consurgens (Marie Louise vonFranz)

18 "If there is only One Thing, and that One Thing Is All That Is, there can be no insufficiency of any kind, because that One Thing is everything, and thus…It is sufficient unto Itself. This is a statement of the nature of God." Communion with God (Neale Donald Walsch)

19 "Our universe that appears to contain countless myriads of separate entities and elements, is in its deepest nature just one being of immense proportions and unimaginable complexity." The Cosmic Game, Explorations of the Frontiers of Human Consciousness (Stanislav Grof)

20 "Eternally, all creatures are God in God….So far as they are in God, they are the same life, the same essence, the same power, the same One, and nothing less." Suso The Perennial Philosophy (Aldous Huxley)

21 "Two people with unlit lamps can give hope to one another as they remember together the One who is their Light." A Tree Full of Angels (Macrina Wiederkehr)

22 "Nature and matter, understood alchemically, can only be one and animated. Any demonstrative process that seeks to prove the opposite is mistaken not only in its manner but also in its mode of observation." Francoise Bonardel, 'Alchemical Esotericism and the Hermeneutics of Culture' Modern Esoteric Spirituality (Antoine Faivre and Jacob Needleman, editors)

23 "Only he to whom all is one, who draws all things to one, and sees all things in one, may enjoy true peace and rest of spirit." Amos Bronson Alcott (1799-1888), American Transcendentalist lecturer and writer A Treasury of Philosophy, Vol. 1 (Dagobert D. Runes, editor)

24 "God is the infinite and eternal substance of all finite existences, an absolute and unchanging ONE underlying the finite modes in which it variably manifests itself." The Great Ideas, A Syntopicon, vol. 1 (Mortimer J. Adler, editor)

25 "So we say deep down the consciousness of mankind is one. This is a virtual certainty because even in the vacuum, matter is one; and if we don't see this it is because we are blinding ourselves to it." David Bohm Unknown Man (Yatri)

26 "There is only one eternal moment – an eternal love, spirit, or consciousness – that constantly becomes seer and scenery." Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desire (Deepak Chopra)

27 “However much its names may differ, yet it is ever one thing alone.” ‘Rosarium’, Art. Aurif., II Collected Works (Carl Jung)

28 "All is One." The Alternative Gospel (John Baldock)

29 "There is one infinite Intelligence moving through all life." The Language of Silence (J. Allen Boone)

30 "Oneness is not just on the high or inner levels where God is but is right here and now." The Findhorn Garden: Pioneering a New Vision of Man and Nature in Cooperation (The Findhorn Community)

31 "There can only be….One eternal ever present Cause." The Secret Doctrine (Helena P. Blavatsky)

32 "The overall number of inner selves is but one." Ken Wilber, Foreword Entering the Castle: An Inner Path to God and Your Soul (Caroline Myss)

33 "He knew behind all creeds the Spirit that is one." Andrew Lang, 'Herodotus in Egypt' Macmillan Dictionary of Religious Quotations (Margaret Pepper, editor)

34 "He is one, the lord and innermost Self of all; of one form, he makes of himself many forms." Katha Upanishad Seven Paths to God, The Ways of the Mystic (Joan Borysenko, Ph.D.)

35 "Man and cosmos hold a dialogue in which the One grows in one, and one evolves in the One." Tarot Revelations (Joseph Campbell & Richard Roberts)

36 "One is All, by him is all, and for him is all, and in him is all." Early Alchemical saying The History of Magic and the Occult (Kurt Seligmann)

37 "We each are unique AND we all are one." The Hero Within: Six Archetypes We Live By (Carol Pearson, Ph.D.)

38 "The concept of oneness, that we are all one, is indeed a fact of life, not just an obscure spiritual abstraction." The Path of Transformation, How Healing Ourselves Can Change The World (Shakti Gawain)

39 "A New Spirituality is emerging upon the earth, and the idea of Oneness is at its core." What God Wants (Neale Donald Walsch)

40 "Where is any more misery for him who sees the Oneness in the universe?" Swami Vivekananda, Hindu sage Forbidden Faith: The Gnostic Legacy from the Gospels to The Da Vinci Code (Richard Smoley)

41 "The one Universal Light is ever existent." Chaldean Book of Numbers The Secret Doctrine (Helena P. Blavatsky)

42 "Spirit is one…Let the temples of individual lives, the temples of the world, and the varying religions of the world learn to understand this cardinal truth that they may cease in their warrings and begin to express universal compassion." Saint Germain's Prophecy for the New Millennium (Elizabeth Clare Prophet)

43 "The many contains the unity of the one without losing the possibilities of the many." A Blue Fire (James Hillman)

44 "The sum of all individual minds is the one Universal Mind, so that in the last analysis, gods, men, and worlds are each fragments of the whole." Lectures on Ancient Philosophy (Manly P. Hall)

45 "Broader awareness comes by recognizing our oneness with all aspects of life." The Findhorn Garden: Pioneering a New Vision of Man and Nature in Cooperation (The Findhorn Community)

46 "When he perceiveth the diversified existence of beings as rooted in One, and spreading forth from it, then he reaches the Eternal." The Cosmic Womb, An Interpretation of Man's Relationship to the Infinite (Arthur W. Osborn)

47 "The doctrine of Oneness used as a basis for all human political, economic, social, educational, and religious decisions would breathtakingly alter life as it is lived on the earth." What God Wants (Neale Donald Walsch)

48 "One nature delights in another, one nature overcomes another, one nature overrules another, and the whole of them are One." Synesius Isis Unveiled (Helena P. Blavatsky)

49 “God is known as One.” The Zohar Collected Works (Carl Jung)

50 "The Kosmos is ever one, and is a living and ever-living being." Hermetica (Walter Scott, translator)

51 "Anyone who is intent upon knowing the One Reality finds the One Reality everywhere." The Glorious Presence (Ernest E. Wood)

52 "Transcendence and immanence are two sides of one deity." Dancing in the Flames, The Dark Goddess in the Transformation of Consciousness (Marion Woodman and Elinor Dickson)

53 "John Wheeler has proposed a conception of the universe that he has called 'observer-participancy', or a closed-loop participatory universe in which – as quantum physics would have it – nothing that is observed is unaffected by the observer. In other words, the Creator and the Created are One." Tomorrow's God, Our Greatest Spiritual Challenge (Neale Donald Walsch)

54 "We are a family. White Buffalo Woman reminds us that we are more than family, we are one with each other. 'Whatever you do to any other thing or being in the circle of life', she exhorts us, 'you do to yourself, for you are One.'" Brooke Medicine Eagle, Native American healer, 'Creating a Path of Beauty' The Fabric of the Future (M. J. Ryan, editor)

55 "God is…a unity embracing a diversity of principles, each of which is an aspect of the Logos. Thus he who speaks about the truth…speaks always about the one." St. Maximos the Confessor, 'Second Century on Theology' The Philokalia, volume 2 (various authors, compiled by St. Nikodimos of the Holy Mountain)

56 "The universe, as many mystical traditions tell us, is the 'child' of a sacred marriage between the feminine and masculine forces within the One." The Essential Mystics (Andrew Harvey)

57 "There is one absolute, eternal, infinite, unchanging Being, which is the unique source of all existence, of all knowledge and of all life; which is above all things and in all things and for which all things exist." Christ in India: Essays Towards a Hindu-Christian Dialogue (Bede Griffiths)

58 "One Already is the Fact; near infinite numbers of possibilities are Its confirmation following. Godhead is One Already." The Child Within Us Lives!, A Synthesis of Science, Religion and Metaphysics (William Samuel)

59 "All these nearly countless separately conscious souls are illusions, reflections of one soul with singular consciousness lasting throughout the span of time that our universe persists." The Spiritual Universe (Fred Alan Wolf, Ph. D.)

60 "The One underlies all the diversities of external nature." The Ancient Wisdom (Annie Besant)

61 "The central teaching of Unity (School of Christianity) is this: There is only one Presence and one Power in the universe – God, the Good and Omnipotent." James Dillet Freeman, 'Imagination: The Wondrous Power of Conception' New Thoughts for a New Millennium (Michael A. Maday, editor)

62 "The whole universe is one reality, and that reality is pure consciousness. Pure consciousness is absolute existence. It is One that is not followed by a Second." Chandogya Upanishad Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desire (Deepak Chopra)

63 "Intuitive knowledge of the One is the pinnacle of spiritual fulfillment." The Unity of Reality (Michael vonBruck)

64 "The Holy Spirit stands at the gate of every man's heart, preparing to initiate him into greater and more lasting joy – the joy of the Eternal One." The Science of the Spoken Word (Mark L. and Elizabeth Clare Prophet)

65 "The cosmos is one, unique, and could not be otherwise, as it reflects the Oneness of its Cause." Keith Critchlow, 'The Platonic Tradition' Homage to Pythagoras, Rediscovering Sacred Science (Christopher Bamford, editor)

66 "The ultimate fullness of all dimensions….is Supreme Oneness." The Eye Aware: Zen Lessons for Christians (Jeroen Witkam)

67 "'For there is one glory of the sun, and another glory of the moon, and another glory of the stars, for one star differs from another star in glory' (1 Cor. 15:41); and yet all of them shine in a single divine firmament." St. Gregory of Sinai, 'On Commandments and Doctrines' The Philokalia, volume 4 (various authors, compiled by St. Nikodimos and St. Makarios)

68 "The oneness of the tiniest unit with the one great informing Life shows the integral beauty of the scheme. The life of the greatest cosmic Lord of Love pulsates in infinitesimal degree in the heart of His tiniest reflection, and for this reason the atom man can likewise say, 'I too am God; His Life is mine." A Treatise on Cosmic Fire (Alice A. Bailey)

69 "'We are all', as Schopenhauer avers, 'one and the same single Being.' And the sentiment proper to this selfless realization is compassion." The Masks of God (Joseph Campbell)

70 "The beatific vision is the sight of the one life in everything, and all things as expressions of that life." The Spiritual Life (Annie Besant)

71 "There is but One Life and Law: and he that worketh it is One. Nothing is inner, nothing is outer; nothng is great, nothing is small; nothing is high, nothing is low, in the Divine Economy." Hermetic Axiom As Above, So Below: Paths to Spiritual Renewal in Daily Life (Ronald S. Miller and the editors of New Age Journal)

72 "The One breaks into the manifold and the many are reconciled in the One." Hero With A Thousand Faces (Joseph Campbell)

73 "Home is the One Reality, the Ultimate Mystery, God, the One, the All, the Absolute – or whatever else we like to call it – which can perhaps best be described as a non-dualistic, Self-revealing, Self-knowing state of being." The Alternative Gospel (John Baldock)

74 "The whole totality of beings is somehow one and many." Introductory Metaphysics (Avery R. Dulles, James M. Demske, Robert J. O'Connell)

75 "Like the Eastern traditions, it [Sufism] looks beyond appearances to the essential oneness of Being." Kabir Helminski, 'Sufism, A Path to Human Wholeness' The Inner West, An Introduction to the Hidden Wisdom of the West (Jay Kinney, editor)

76 "The Big Idea is that We Are All One." Tomorrow's God, Our Greatest Spiritual Challenge (Neale Donald Walsch)

77 "There is an indissoluble strength in the connection of things….by virtue of the one cause containing and assembling them into one." Thomas Aquinas, DDN Sheer Joy, Conversations with Thomas Aquinas on Creation Spirituality (Matthew Fox)

78 "I say to you, there is not God AND man. But there is God-Man or Man-God. There is the One. However multiplied, however divided, it is forever One." Mikhail Naimy (1889-1988), mystic and author, 'The Book of Mirdad – A Lighthouse and a Haven' The Quotable Spirit (Peter Lorie and Manuela D Mascetti, editors)

79 "The perennial philosophy repeatedly declares that the realization of our essential oneness is not reserved for a select few. Because the Self is common to everyone, we all have the potential to be aware of our real inner natures." The Global Brain, Speculations on the Evolutionary Leap to Planetary Consciousness (Peter Russell)

80 "The relationship between the One and the many, the macrocosm and the microcosm, becomes increasingly self-evident – another gift from the cosmos!" Soul Centered Astrology, A Key to Your Expanding Self (Alan Oken)

81 "We should learn to behold the manifold in the One." The Human Adventure, Contemplation for Everyman (William McNamara, O.C.D.)

82 "Intuition is integral knowledge. The vision it gives is the vision of the whole, a unified, synoptic vision of reality, in which the inner and outer, the one and the many, the individual and the universal, are perceived as one." Chari, 'Vedantic Mysticism' Ancient Wisdom, Modern Insight (Shirley Nicholson)

83 "The son of Pandu (Arjuna) beheld the entire universe in all its multitudinous diversity, lodged as one being within the body of the God of gods." Bhagavad Gita 11:11 Ecstatic Journey, The Transforming Power of Mystical Experience (Sophy Burnham)

84 "The world of existence is only dual in our conception of it. In Reality there is but one World." The Transforming Mind (Laurence and Phoebe Bendit)

85 "Consciousness is the one and all-inclusive reality." The Unobstructed Universe (Stewart Edward White)

86 "All things that are ever said to be consist of a one and a many." Plato, 'Philebus' Homage to Pythagoras, Rediscovering Sacred Science (Christopher Bamford, editor)

87 "Try to see this world and the personalities of men as vehicles for the Divine Presence and the Divine Life, remembering also: All are but parts of one stupendous whole." Basic Theosophy (Geoffrey Hodson)

88 "All activities emanate from the One." Edgar Cayce Symbols, Guiding Lights Along the Journey of Life (Kathleen R. Prata)

89 "There is but One God." Ravidas, poet and cobbler, 'World of Illusion' The Religion Book, The Encyclopedia of Places, Prophets, Saints, and Seers (Jim Willis)

90 "There is a teleological message contained in the image of the spiral; for it moves in successively opposite directions towards the ultimate expression of both the infinitely expanded and the infinitely contracted. The spiral is constantly approaching these two incomprehensible aspects of the ultimate reality, and therefore symbolizes a universe moving toward the perfect singularity from which it arose." Robert Lawlor, 'Ancient Temple Architecture' Homage to Pythagoras, Rediscovering Sacred Science (Christopher Bamford, editor)

91 "This is the Light! It is one, and all who see it and love it are one!" Confessions (St. Augustine)

92 "Here are four words to memorize: We are all One. Model that when you make your next choices and decisions." Tomorrow's God, Our Greatest Spiritual Challenge (Neale Donald Walsch)

93 "All is a unity of one." Zohar Miraculous Living (Rabbi Shoni Labowitz)

94 "O, wondrous thing that all these lamps of the Divine attributes should be one simple being in which alone they are experienced, and yet that the distinction between them should be visible and perceptible, the one being as completely enkindled as the other and the one being substantially the other! Oh, abyss of delights, the more abundant in proportion as Your riches are gathered together in infinite unity and simplicity, so that each one is known and experienced in such a way that the perfect knowledge and absorption of the other may not be impeded thereby, but rather each thng within You is the light of the other, so that through Your purity, Oh, Divine wisdom, many things are seen in you when one thing is seen, since You are the store-house of the treasures." Living Flame of Love (St. John of the Cross)

95 “All things are one in essence.” Lectures on Ancient Philosophy (Manly P. Hall)

96 "And what if all of animated nature be but organic harps diversely framed, that tremble into thought, as over them sweeps plastc and vast, one intellectual breeze, at once the Soul of each, and God of All?" Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772-1834), 'The Eolian Harp' Bartlett's Familiar Quotations, 16th edition (John Bartlett)

97 "'Psyche' and 'matter' are not basically incommensurable, but may perhaps be qualities of one and the same existential being." C. G. Jung: Letters, 1951-1961 (Gerhard Adler and Aniela Jaffe, editors)

98 "All is fundamentally one." Masanobu Fukuoka, Japanese microbiologist The Way of The Earth, Encounters with Nature in Ancient and Contemporary Thought (T. C. McLuhan)

99 “There is in fact one substance in which everything is contained.” ‘VIII Exercitatio in Turbam’ Collected Works (Carl Jung)

100 "I have always been Served by that One. And I have Transcended everything, even all experiences, through the Grace of that One." The Enlightenment of the Whole Body (Bubba Free John)

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite