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Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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1 "Plato arrived at the conclusion that there exists in a supra-sensible world a host of models or archetypes, immaterial, immutable, eternal, man in general or man in himself, triangle in itself, virtue in itself, etc. These he termed ideas, which are the object apprehended by the intellect, the faculty which attains truth – that is to say, they are Reality." An Introduction to Philosophy (Jacques Maritain)

2 “Archetypes represent the law-determined course of all experienceable things.” Basic Writings of C G Jung (V S DeLasslo, editor)

3 "All our actions are typifications of the divine archetypes." St. Gregory of Sinai, 'On Commandments and Doctrines' The Philokalia, volume 4 (various authors, compiled by St. Nikodimos and St. Makarios)

4 "Number should not be understood solely as a construction of consciousness, but also as an archetype and thus as a constituent of nature both within and without." Marie Louise vonFranz A Beginner's Guide to Constructing the Universe: The Mathematical Archetypes of Nature, Art & Science (Michael S. Schneider)

5 "Dr. Jung points out that he has borrowed his term 'archetype' from classic sources: Cicero, Pliny, the Corpus Hermeticum, Augustine, etc. ('Psychology and Religion', par. 89). Bastian notes the correspondence of his own theory of 'Elementary Ideas' with the Stoic concept of the 'Logoi spermatikoi'. The tradition of the 'subjectively known forms' (Sanskrit: antarjneyarupa) is, in fact, coextensive with the tradition of myth, and is the key to the understanding and use of mythological images." Hero With A Thousand Faces (Joseph Campbell)

6 "Wherever conscious life becomes one-sided or adopts a false attitude, these [archetypal] images instinctively rise to the surface in dreams and in the visions of artists and seers to restore the psychic balance, whether of the individual or of the epoch." Collected Works (Carl Jung)

7 "Archetypal images feel basic, necessary, and generative. They are connected to something original….They seem to give energy and direction. Archetypal images give rise to associations and lead us to other images; and we therefore experience them as having resonance, complexity, and depth. They feel universal." Mirrors of The Self, Archetypal Images That Shape Your Life (Christine Downing, editor)

8 "The archetypes are abstract patterns formulated in the Divine Mind." The Secret Teachings of All Ages (Manly P. Hall)

9 "In the mythopoetic fantasy, the soul experiences its own subjective reality. Myth is unashamed subjectivity. It depicts how the soul perceives existence. 'Once upon a time' implies forever and 'here' implies everywhere. This gives the fairy tale its moving impact. It evokes timeless truth." Return of the Goddess (Edward C. Whitmont, MD)

10 "The sense of being in touch with something that feels collective, shared, is indeed part of what 'archetypal' connotes." Christine Downing, Prologue Mirrors of The Self, Archetypal Images That Shape Your Life (Christine Downing, editor)

11 "Archetypes are perennial themes that reside at the level of the collective, universal soul. These themes are representations of our collective soul's yearnings, imagination, and deepest desires. These themes have existed forever. We see them in the writings of ancient cultures, in literature throughout the ages. Their shapes shift depending on where we are in history, but their core remains the same." Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desire (Deepak Chopra)

12 "Archetypes are vital to understanding and defining who we are, individual expressions of a collective consciousness." Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desire (Deepak Chopra)

13 "In all traditions meditation on archetypal forms has been used to reconstruct thought patterns, to integrate thoughts and feelings, and to free the adept from the apparent disorder of life." Theosophy, The Wisdom of the Ages (Cherry Gilchrist)

14 "Within the divine, incorporeal, and eternal sphere are included all the lower manifestations of life – all that is, has been, or ever shall be. Within the Kosmic Intellect all things spiritual or material exist as archetypes, or divine thought-forms." The Secret Teachings of All Ages (Manly P. Hall)

15 "As our soul contemplates its Archetype, so that Archetype in turn contemplates the One, which is its Source." Plotinus Shadows of the Sacred: Seeing Through Spiritual Illusions (Frances Vaughan, Ph.D.)

16 "Culture and psyche are not opposed entities but two aspects of the same psychobiological process – the actualization of innate archetypal propensities." Ariadne's Clue, A Guide to the Symbols of Humankind (Anthony Stevens)

17 "She may play and dance as Artemis, allure as Aphrodite, domesticate as Vesta, or be maternal as Demeter. She may function as Athena by furthering civilization and skills, or be concerned with comfort and the relief of misery as Mary. These are but a few of the many faces of the Great Goddess." Return of the Goddess (Edward C. Whitmont, MD)

18 "The materialization of a form originates upon the archetypal planes, through the agency of divine thought, and from thence (through directed streams of intelligent energy) acquires substance as it is reproduced upon each plane, until eventually, upon the physical plane, the form stands revealed at its densest point of manifestation." A Treatise on Cosmic Fire (Alice A. Bailey)

19 "The idea of wholeness is an archetype of deep significance." Gerhard Adler (b. 1904), English Jungian analyst, 'Studies in Analytical Psychology' The Choice Is Always Ours (Dorothy B. Phillips, Chief Editor)

20 "Archetypes create myths, religions, and philosophies that influence and characterize whole nations and epochs of history." Carl Jung Man and His Symbols (Carl Jung)

21 "All that can be known is but forms ensouled by ideas." A Treatise on Cosmic Fire (Alice A. Bailey)

22 "For the mystics – Shankara, Plato, Augustine, Eckhart, Garab Dorje, and so on – archetypes are the first subtle forms that appear as the world manifests out of formless and unmanifested Spirit. They are the patterns upon which all other patterns of manifestation are based." Grace and Grit: Spirituality and Healing in the Life and Death of Treya Killam Wilber (Ken Wilber)

23 "The first task of any systematic comparison of the myths and religions of mankind should be to identify these universals (or, as C. G. Jung termed them, archetypes of the unconscious) and as far as possible to interpret them." The Inner Reaches of Outer Space, Metaphor as Myth and as Religion (Joseph Campbell)

24 "Ideas are certain original forms or permanent and immutable models of things which are contained by the divine intelligence. They are immutable because they themselves have not been formed; and that is why they are eternal and always the same. But though they themselves neither come to be nor perish, yet it is accordfing to them that everything, which can come to be or pass away or which actually comes to be and passes away, is said to be formed." St. Augustine, Lib. 83 Quaest., q. 46 Introduction to Saint Thomas Aquinas (Anton C. Pegis, editor)

25 "By using archetypal symbols that resonate on a universal level, art can evoke the complete range of possible life experiences, including the boundless nature of our souls." Alex Grey Experiencing the Soul (Eliot Jay Rosen, editor)

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite