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Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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1 "When we truly understand that no one can make us think or feel anything unless we give them permission, we begin to understand the vastness of our freedom. No person or circumstance has the power to change that truth." Worldwide Laws of Life: 200 Eternal Spiritual Principles (John Marks Templeton)

2 "Paradoxically, the more one obeys the laws of one's higher nature – the more one identifies with others – the freer and more creative one becomes." Anna Freifeld Lemkow, 'Karmic Process in Science and Society' Karma, Rhythmic Return to Harmony (V. Hanson, R. Stewart & S. Nicholson, editors)

3 "The true life-theme of humanity is brotherhood, founded on divine origin (equality) and leading to a free and true expression of divinity (liberty)." The Externalization of the Hierarchy (Alice A. Bailey)

4 "The greatest thing about us is our freedom, or power to choose, to love." Centering Prayer, Renewing an Ancient Christian Prayer Form (M. Basil Pennington, O.C.S.O.)

5 "Our life apart from God is but a mimicry….To hold aloof is loneliness and degradation. There with the Supreme is the soul's peace, a realm clean of wrong; there the soul has understanding, there it is free." Plotinus Men Who Have Walked With God (Sheldon Cheney)

6 "The freedom of the individual might be defined as the preparedness to be formed by his own eidos, his inner image of wholeness which exists a priori in him. The more the individual becomes sensitive and receptive to his inner image, the more he becomes whole and 'healed'." Gerhard Adler (B. 1904), English Jungian analyst, 'Studies in Analytical Psychology' The Choice Is Always Ours (Dorothy B. Phillips, Chief Editor)

7 "There IS order, but within this order there is freedom – the freedom of creativity, that characteristic of All That Is, that guarantees Its infinite becoming." Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul (Jane Roberts)

8 "Sooner or later each being will look up and realize he is already free – and free without the help of an organization or group, but by and for the 'self' as a part of All There Is." Spirit Guides (Iris Belhayes)

9 "Each personality is aware to some extent of the true freedom that belongs to its own inner consciousness." Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul (Jane Roberts)

10 "The essence of love is freedom. Anyone who says they love you, and that they are looking out for you, will grant you freedom. It is as simple as that." Communion with God (Neale Donald Walsch)

11 "The major liberating force in life is Love." Discipleship in the New Age (Alice A. Bailey)

12 "Within man there are great powers – powers of love, of healing, of clarity, that can lead man to liberation." Thucksey Rinpoche, Buddhist spiritual leader Revelations: The Wisdom of the Ages (Paul Roland)

13 "Free will is the power of relishing the divine good which intellect makes known to it." Meister Eckhart (1260-1327) The Soul Afire, Revelations of the Mystics (H. A. Reinhold, editor)

14 "That our will is free is self-evident." Rene Descartes, 'Principles of Philosophy' (17th century) The Book of Catholic Quotations (John Chapin, Editor)

15 "What's freedom for? To know eternity." Theodore Roethke (1908-1963), American poet, 'I Knew A Woman' The Great Thoughts (George Seldes, compiler)

16 "We fulfill our destiny by exercising our free will." The Unfolding Self: Varieties of Transformative Experience (Ralph Metzner)

17 "Since the beginning of time,…the vast mass of beings of which we form a part has been tenaciously and tirelessly climbing towards a fuller measure of freedom, of sensibility, of inner vision." Toward the Future (Pierre Teilhard deChardin)

18 "Journeying from the relative toward the Absolute means at once losing the freedom of living in error and gaining freedom from the tyranny of all the psycho-material determinations which imprison and stifle the soul." Seyyed Hossein Nasr, 'Knowledge and the Sacred' Shadows of the Sacred: Seeing Through Spiritual Illusions (Frances Vaughan, Ph.D.)

19 "The destiny to which our human spirit tends is 'freedom': that high level of being, upon which life achieves reality and becomes the self-creative auxiliary of the divine." The Mystic Way - A Psychological Study in Christian Origins (Evelyn Underhill)

20 "By offering freedom you will be free." A Course in Miracles (Helen Schucman and William Thetford)

21 "Our freedom is so much greater than we have comprehended. We can learn to shift from reality to reality, choosing the one that is most relevant to our needs and purposes at the moment and use our new approach…to nourish our being, love, cherish, and garden ourselves and each other, be at home in our universes, and help save ourselves and the planet." Dr. Lawrence LeShan, 'Alternate Realities' Shamanism: An Expanded View of Reality (Shirley Nicholson, Compiler)

22 "Religious traditions generally consider that humans do have free will." The Seven Human Powers: Luminous Shadows of the Self (Shirley J. Nicholson)

23 "New perceptions of possibility for a sustainable society that envision a compassionate consciousness infusing the world, in which love is the unifying force that makes global reconciliation possible, need to be adopted by those who aspire to freedom." Shadows of the Sacred: Seeing Through Spiritual Illusions (Frances Vaughan, Ph.D.)

24 "Free Will is inherent in this creation, and is the birthright and heritage of each soul." A Million Years to the Promised Land (Robert W. Krajenke)

25 "Almighty God hath created the mind free." Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826), 3rd American President, 'The Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom', 1779 The Great Thoughts (George Seldes, compiler)

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite