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Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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Living Wholeness
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1 "There is an underlying unity of being of which we are all part." Inner Christianity, A Guide to the Esoteric Tradition (Richard Smoley)

2 "Everyone you meet is your mirror." Handbook to Higher Consciousness (Ken Keyes, Jr.)

3 "When we look at organisms….we find that there is one particular quality that they all share: the many components naturally and spontaneously function together, in harmony with the whole. This characteristic can be seen operating in organisms as different as a slime mold, an oak tree, or the human body. This harmonious interaction can be described by the word 'synergy', derived from the Greek 'syn-ergos', meaning 'to work together'. Synergy does not imply any coercion or restraint, nor is it brought about by deliberate effort. Each individual element of the system works toward its own goals, and the goals themselves may be quite varied. Yet the elements function in ways that are spontaneously mutually supportive." The Global Brain, Speculations on the Evolutionary Leap to Planetary Consciousness (Peter Russell)

4 "No dust mote is so poor, no dot is so small, but the wise person sees God in it in his glory. – In a mustard seed, if you can understand it, is the image of all higher and lower things." Angelus Silesius (1624-1677), 'Cherubinic Wanderer', vol. 4 Mystics after Modernism (Rudolf Steiner)

5 "The whole is greater than the sum of its parts being, in a sense, their origin and justification." A Dictionary of Symbols (J. E. Cirlot)

6 "Optical holograms demonstrate very clearly the paradoxical relations that can exist between the parts and the whole, including the possibility of retrieving the information about the whole from each of its parts." The Cosmic Game, Explorations of the Frontiers of Human Consciousness (Stanislav Grof)

7 "All is in God and God is in all; all is in all and each is in each." The Secret Teachings of All Ages (Manly P. Hall)

8 "There is only one method to keep human monads bound to the task of life: to make the passion for the whole prevail in them over elementary egoism, that is to say practically to increase their consciousness of the general evolution of which they are a part." The Vision of the Past (Pierre Teilhard deChardin)

9 "Every gesture embodies the whole self, including the history of that self." Elizabeth Swados, musician, writer Genesis: A Living Conversation (Bill Moyers)

10 "Everything that happens, happens in the same 'one world' and is a part of it. For this reason events must possess an a priori aspect of unity." Collected Works (Carl Jung)

11 "Every event you choose for your life, no matter how destructive, chaotic or miserable it may seem, has been allowed to manifest because your Wholeness has an innate knowledge of those things you need to get you to the place where you will choose to sink deeply within, into the stillness of who you are." Reflections of an Elder Brother: Awakening from the Dream (Mary-Margaret Moore)

12 "Although nature's forms are varied, the vast differences of form are contrasted by a simplicity of likeness in process. Our internal processes mirror nature's internal processes and vice versa." Breaking the Mind Barrier (Todd Siler)

13 "Any who have entered higher states of 'Oneness' or the scientist who sees the universe as a holo-movement are right, nature is not separate or segmented in any way: it is a seamless and continuous whole." Unknown Man (Yatri)

14 "One touch of nature makes the whole world kin." Shakespeare, 'Troilus and Cressida', III, iii Living Quotations for Christians (Sherwood Eliot Wirt and Kersten Beckstrom, editors)

15 "Nature has been forming synergistic systems for billions of years. Holism, the tendency to form whole systems out of separate parts, is the nature of reality." Barbara Marx Hubbard, 'Discovery of a New Ordering of the Future' New Thoughts for a New Millennium (Michael A. Maday, editor)

16 "Indeed, an outstanding property of all life is the tendency to form multileveled structures of systems within systems. Each of these forms a whole with respect to its parts while at the same time being a part of a larger whole." The Web of Life, A New Scientific Understanding of Living Systems (Fritjof Capra)

17 "The Tibetans have a practice where, on the outbreath, you are actually supposed to mix the mind with all space, or mix the mind and sky. This means, when you breathe out, you simply feel your separate identity going out with the breath and then dissolving into the sky in front of you – dissolving, in other words, into the entire universe. It's very powerful." Grace and Grit: Spirituality and Healing in the Life and Death of Treya Killam Wilber (Ken Wilber)

18 "Our nature is whole in God….He keeps nature whole." Revelations of Divine Love (Juliana of Norwich)

19 "The universe quietly reveals its unity. God is polite, knocking only gently. We have to listen carefully if we are to hear the report." The Hidden Face of God: How Science Reveals the Ultimate Truth (Gerald L. Schroeder, Ph.D.)

20 "If we attentively consider the constant regularity, order, and concatenation of natural things, the surprising magnificence, beauty, and perfection of the larger, and the exquisite contrivance of the smaller parts of the creation, together with the exact harmony and correspondence of the whole,….I say if we consider all these things, and at the same time attend to the meaning and import of the attributes, one, eternal, infinitely wise, good, and perfect, we shall clearly perceive that they belong to the Spirit who 'works all in all', and 'by whom all things consist.'" George Berkeley (1685-1745), 'The Principles of Human Knowledge' The Great Ideas, A Syntopicon, vol. 1 (Mortimer J. Adler, editor)

21 "No man can rise superior to his individual failings without lifting, be it ever so little, the whole body of which he is an integral part." Helena P. Blavatsky, 19th century Russian spiritual teacher and author Karma, The Universal Law of Harmony (Virginia Hanson and Rosemarie Stewart, editors)

22 "The individual mind is an integral part of the Universal Mind." A Treatise on White Magic (Alice A. Bailey)

23 "Bliss is associated with complete Being; it concerns the interior attitude of the Whole." The Rays and The Initiations (Alice A. Bailey)

24 "As we become increasingly aware of our global interdependence as a species, we can also deepen awareness of our spiritual connectedness. We cannot live in total isolation. The crosscultural communion of awakened souls may be a key to cocreating a sustainable future and living in harmony with the earth." Shadows of the Sacred: Seeing Through Spiritual Illusions (Frances Vaughan, Ph.D.)

25 "Things are more integrated, unified, whole than they seem to us." Huston Smith Spiritual Genius, The Mastery of Life's Meaning (Winifred Gallagher)

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite