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Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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Living Wholeness
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1 "Hinduism, Buddhism, yoga philosophy, alchemy, and other Western forms of esoteric knowledge, along with shamanism, hold in common a mystical and holistic view in which all things are interconnected and all inhere in a numinous background Source." Shirley Nicholson Shamanism: An Expanded View of Reality (Shirley Nicholson, Compiler)

2 "Evolution, or order of process, is more than just a paradigm for the biological domain; it is a view of how a totality that hangs together in all of its interactive processes moves. This dynamic totality spans a vast spectrum from the subatomic processes to social and further on to noetic (mental and psychic) processes." Erich Jantsch, 'Evolution and Consciousness: Human Systems in Transition' The Unfolding Self: Varieties of Transformative Experience (Ralph Metzner)

3 "In relating the things of the earth to the celestial, and those of heaven to the inferior, the Chaldeans have shown in the mutual affections between these parts of the universe (which are separated in space but not in essence) the harmony that unites them in a sort of musical accord." Philo Judaeus The History of Magic and the Occult (Kurt Seligmann)

4 "All natures, all formed things, all creatures exist in and with each other." The Gospel of Mary The Gnostic Gospels of Jesus (Marvin Meyer)

5 "God is indivisibly whole, seamless in his Godhood." 'Symeon the New Theologian' (translated by Stephen Mitchell), Son of Man, The Mystical Path to Christ (Andrew Harvey)

6 "In every form of life an organizing, self-regulating process resides, an inborn purpose to be a whole in a whole….This organic impulse, which in plant and animal is an unconscious instinct, becomes in man an urge to complete the mystery of Being in the harmony of Knowing." The Flame and the Light (Hugh I'anson Fausset)

7 "The scales of the whole hang balanced." C. G. Jung: Letters, 1906-1950 (Gerhard Adler and Aniela Jaffe, editors)

8 "Unity is destined to become more and more fully realized." Writings in Time of War (Pierre Teilhard deChardin)

9 "The cosmos is a living organism." Plotinus, 'The Intelligence, The Ideas, and Being' The Essential Plotinus (Translated by Elmer O'Brien, S.J.)

10 “All things subsist in all things.” Lectures on Ancient Philosophy (Manly P. Hall)

11 "When we look into the heart of a flower, we see clouds, sunshine, minerals, time, the earth, and everything else in the cosmos in it….In fact, the flower is made entirely of non-flower elements; it has no independent, individual existence. It 'inter-is' with everything else in the universe." Living Buddha, Living Christ (Thich Nhat Hanh)

12 "Ultimately, the message of the Unity of Life will be recognised as a divine instruction, as impelling summons, an irresistible command. When this time comes there will be health for mankind and peace upon Earth." Basic Theosophy (Geoffrey Hodson)

13 "As a cosmogenic model, the Mandala is a synchronous, self-renewing whole." Mandala (Jose and Miriam Arguelles)

14 "Life has unfolded for over three billion years in an uninterrupted process, without ever breaking the basic pattern of its self-generating networks." The Hidden Connections (Fritjof Capra)

15 "Our individual consciousnesses are like drops of water taken from an ocean: each drop is unique, with its own particular qualities and identity; yet each drop is also of the same essence as the ocean." The Global Brain, Speculations on the Evolutionary Leap to Planetary Consciousness (Peter Russell)

16 "The law of correspondences is the foundation of all symbolism and by virtue of it every thing proceeding essentially from a metaphysical principle, which is the source of its reality, translates and expresses this principle in its own way and according to its own level of existence, so that all things are related and joined together in total, universal harmony which is, in its many guises, a reflection of its own fundamental unity." Rene Guenon A Dictionary of Symbols (J. E. Cirlot)

17 "The most important of the fundamental instincts [is] the religious instinct for wholeness." Collected Works (Carl Jung)

18 "It is all intelligently ordered like one great household for the good of the whole, each member having his place, small or large, in the vast design." Introduction On Man In The Universe (Aristotle, edited w/ intro by Louise Ropes Loomis)

19 "We are embedded in communities, circles within circles of communities, both small and large, focused and abstract. Holding up the ideal of unity, we strive to break down the walls which separate us from others – not only other nations and peoples, but other species and the natural world." Spiritual Literacy, Reading the Sacred in Everyday Life (Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat)

20 "Nothing is separate; everything is related to the whole." Healing Through Colour (Theo Gimbel)

21 "A body may be considered divorced from its relations with other bodies…only conceptually. In fact, it can never be so detached: death itself being unable to detach it from its relation with the Univbersal forces, of which the one Force of Life is the synthesis." The Secret Doctrine (Helena P. Blavatsky)

22 "This is the truth given age upon age to all men in all lands - the truth at last to be seen of all, in its fullness and purity: Man is to know himself, not only to soar toward, but absolutely attain to heights of being and of beauty hitherto undreamed of, and bringing fairly within his realization a heaven on earth, in true grandeur and happiness." Paul Tyner Cosmic Consciousness (Richard M Bucke)

23 "Millions of infinitesimal cells, each embodying a life, each in a condition of constant activity, and each repulsing other cells so as to preserve individuality or identity, yet each held to each by a central attractive force. Thus…the objective form of a crystal, a vegetable, an animal, a man, a planet, a system." A Treatise on Cosmic Fire (Alice A. Bailey)

24 "All eyes that look on me are my sole eyes; the one heart that beats within all breasts is mine." Sri Aurobindo (1872-1950), Yogic master, 'Sonnets of Cosmic Consciousness' The Quotable Spirit (Peter Lorie and Manuela D Mascetti, editors)

25 "I am a part of all that I have met." Alfred Tennyson (1809-1892), English poet The Lion Christian Quotation Collection (Hannah Ward & Jennifer Wild, compilers)

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite