Many / One

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Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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1 "Consciousness is the one and all-inclusive reality." The Unobstructed Universe (Stewart Edward White)

2 "All things are of the One Mind." 'Awakening of Faith', a compendium of the essence of Mahayana doctrine Spectrum of Consciousness (Ken Wilber)

3 "Brahman is all, the One without a second." A Walk with Four Spiritual Guides: Krishna, Buddha, Jesus, and Ramakrishna (Andrew Harvey)

4 "Let us suggest a way to move through your day. Against all that your separated senses tell you, try to see through the unity of the inner eye. It sees the One – the Light – the Wholeness. So, as you walk, as you move, remember you can see with this inner eye. You do it by reminding yourself that one thing is not more important than another. You look at everything with the intention of seeing the One in all things. You carry with you the intention to see the Wholeness of Consciousness." Reflections of an Elder Brother: Awakening from the Dream (Mary-Margaret Moore)

5 "Live this message of the nonseparation, of the Unity of Life and the Oneness of All Things. Live it in a practical way, not merely in a conceptual way. Allow it to seep into your being at the deepest level, and become a part of your subconscious and immediate response to every life encounter." Tomorrow's God, Our Greatest Spiritual Challenge (Neale Donald Walsch)

6 "All that exists is one, and..God is in all, is All…All are one, united in One, in divine fellowship." Men Who Have Walked With God (Sheldon Cheney)

7 "The one cause – which is the Whole – is what existence is and what we are." The Glorious Presence (Ernest E. Wood)

8 "Revelation concerns Oneness and nothing else. The practical nature of this truth is only recognized when the disciple attempts to do two things: to realise it individually, and to bring the nature of planetary unity and of non-separateness to the minds and into the lives of men everywhere." The Rays and The Initiations (Alice A. Bailey)

9 "And your God is one God, there is no God but The One, the Compassionate, the Merciful." The Koran, Surah 2 Seven Paths to God, The Ways of the Mystic (Joan Borysenko, Ph.D.)

10 "Essentially, our greatest hope has already been realized. Heaven is here and now, in our capacity to realize our oneness." Everyday Grace, Having Hope, Finding Forgiveness, and Making Miracles (Marianne Williamson)

11 "This is one great use for memory, to recall the oneness of life." The Findhorn Garden: Pioneering a New Vision of Man and Nature in Cooperation (The Findhorn Community)

12 "There is but One Universal Element, which is infinite, unborn, and undying, and all the rest – as in the world of phenomena – are but so many various differentiated aspects and transformations of that One, from cosmical down to microcosmical effects, from super-human to human and sub-human beings, the totality, in short, of objective existence." The Secret Doctrine (Helena P. Blavatsky)

13 "The universe is one mighty, inconceivable medium." Encyclopedia of Ancient and Forbidden Knowledge (Zolar)

14 "Wherever you are in consciousness at this moment, know that you are one with every other soul." The Human Aura (Kuthumi and Djwal Kul)

15 "The Holy Spirit stands at the gate of every man's heart, preparing to initiate him into greater and more lasting joy – the joy of the Eternal One." The Science of the Spoken Word (Mark L. and Elizabeth Clare Prophet)

16 "An infinite divine reality – call it Brahman, God, or the One – underlies all that is and is the ultimate nature of all that is; we humans, as part of it, have an infinite origin and destiny; and these things can be known through wisdom, for they are our heritage and our very selves." Theosophy, A Modern Expression of the Wisdom of the Ages (Robert Ellwood)

17 "At the deepest levels of our being we are all one." Riding With the Lion: In Search of Mystical Christianity (Kyriacos C. Markides)

18 "Life is one and naught can ever take or touch that life." The Rays and The Initiations (Alice A. Bailey)

19 "The divinity is One reality which, because of our manner of seeing it, appears in different hypostases which are perfect in themselves." The Unity of Reality (Michael vonBruck)

20 "Brahman, though one, is all things, as a single flame takes many different shapes." Finding Deep Joy (Robert Ellwood)

21 "All living things have their roots not only in the Earth, but in the universe itself. They all inhere in the One." Ancient Wisdom, Modern Insight (Shirley Nicholson)

22 "The universe turns as one (which is the root meaning of the word 'universe') and we all live in one element." Virginia Hanson, 'The Other Face of Karma' Karma, The Universal Law of Harmony (Virginia Hanson and Rosemarie Stewart, editors)

23 "First the molecules of carbon compounds with their thousands of atoms symmetrically grouped; next the cell which, within a very small volume, contains thousands of molecules linked in a complicated system; then the metazoa in which the cell is no more than an almost infinitesimal element; and later the manifold attempts made sporadically by the metazoa to enter into symbiosis and raise themselves to a higher biological condition. And now, as a germination of planetary dimensions, comes the thinking layer which over its full extent develops and intertwines its fibres, not to confuse and neutralise them but to reinforce them in the living unity of a single tissue." The Phenomenon of Man (Pierre Teilhard deChardin)

24 "Creator uncreated, sole one, unique one, who traverses eternity…with millions under his care; Your splendor is like heaven's splendor." Suti and Hor (15th to 14th centuries bce), architects to Amenhotep III, 'First Hymn to the Sun God' Bartlett's Familiar Quotations, 16th edition (John Bartlett)

25 "This whole essence is but one thing only, like the mind of a man. Even as he is in soul and body, so also is this whole essence." Jacob Boehme Collected Works (Carl Jung)

26 "The one eternal soul with one eternal consciousness is a fundamental reality." The Spiritual Universe (Fred Alan Wolf, Ph. D.)

27 "The aim of all religions is essentially the same. It is the reunion of the self-conscious with that supreme Principle of consciousness and being which is known metaphysically as the One." The Flame and the Light (Hugh I'anson Fausset)

28 "The Whole manifests simultaneously on all levels of manifestation. The Whole is also immanent in nature; that is, present in its Oneness and undivided in its Wholeness no matter in what form or in the number of its manifestations." Soul Centered Astrology, A Key to Your Expanding Self (Alan Oken)

29 "The One Mind, as Reality, is the Heart which pulsates forever, sending forth purified the blood-streams of existence, and taking them back again; the Great Breath, the Inscrutable Brahman, the Eternally Unveiled Mystery of the Mysteries of Antiquity, the Goal of all Pilgrimages, the End of all Existence." The Tibetan Book of the Great Liberation (W. Y. Evans-Wentz, compiler and editor)

30 "The life of a moment and the life of thousands of years, your life and the lives of all creatures seen and unseen, is one." Leo Tolstoy, 'Esarhaddon, King of Assyria' The Alternative Gospel (John Baldock)

31 "Love is no more and no less than the ethical expression of oneness." Theosophy, A Modern Expression of the Wisdom of the Ages (Robert Ellwood)

32 "To experience compassion and to identify with the suffering of others – as well as with their joy – is to experience the Divine One who suffers and rejoices in each person." The Coming of the Cosmic Christ (Matthew Fox)

33 "Be careful to remember him, the One who is all things, - him who is the creator of all things." Hermetica (Walter Scott, translator)

34 "When you see the one who exists eternally, that is the great vision." The Dialogue of the Savior The Gnostic Gospels of Jesus (Marvin Meyer)

35 "One god there is hidden in every creature, the Self of all creatures, and all pervading, abiding in all." Sueta Upanishad (900-600 bce) The Quotable Spirit (Peter Lorie and Manuela D Mascetti, editors)

36 “Only One exists.” Call to the Heights, Guidance on the Pathway to Self-illumination (Geoffrey Hodson)

37 "Let the love of the individual parts for one another and for the Whole exceed self-love and excel unto an expansion of Love within the creation in honor of the Creator, finding thereby reunion with the one Life which is All and in all." Saint Germain on Alchemy (Mark L. and Elizabeth Clare Prophet)

38 “That from which all beings arise and in which they have their origin is the Great One.” Lu Bu Ve, ‘The Spring and Autumn’ The Secret Power of Music (David Tame)

39 "The principles of the successive phases of Spirit are themselves only steps in the development of one universal Spirit." G. W. F. Hegel (1770-1831), German philosopher Reincarnation: The Phoenix Fire Mystery (Cranston/Head, editors)

40 "Everything belongs to one world." The Findhorn Garden: Pioneering a New Vision of Man and Nature in Cooperation (The Findhorn Community)

41 "Our spirit inherently understands that we are all one – with other people and our universe." Invisible Acts of Power: Personal Choices That Create Miracles (Caroline Myss)

42 "There is but one Magnet in the universe, and from it proceeds the magnetization of everything existing." Isis Unveiled (Helena P. Blavatsky)

43 "All are one. Minerals, plants, animals, men, supermen, angels, archangels, worlds, suns, stars and galaxies – all are one, inseparably united……This is the sublime truth, the Master fact – all are one." Basic Theosophy (Geoffrey Hodson)

44 "The Tree of Life is a universal symbol. To some extent it arises from the natural affection people feel for trees, but there is also something else at play. The tree is the most visible and obvious image for the essential unity of all that is. It has a single trunk yet ramifies outward in countless branches and twigs and leaves; it is the living representation of the world, which for all its multiplicity has its one life in God." Inner Christianity, A Guide to the Esoteric Tradition (Richard Smoley)

45 "The goal is to achieve harmony with the ultimate Oneness." Personhood: The Art of Being Fully Human (Leo F. Buscaglia, Ph.D.)

46 "There is but the One Life – the Universal Life of God, in Whom it is an actual fact that 'we live, and move, and have our being." Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception, or Christian Occult Science (Max Heindel)

47 "All the Earth's surface is of one family, one creation, one intelligence." The Findhorn Garden: Pioneering a New Vision of Man and Nature in Cooperation (The Findhorn Community)

48 "There is only One Body. One Being. Always remember that." Communion with God (Neale Donald Walsch)

49 "Only One exists." Autobiography of a Yogi (Paramahansa Yogananda)

50 "All is fundamentally one." Masanobu Fukuoka, Japanese microbiologist The Way of The Earth, Encounters with Nature in Ancient and Contemporary Thought (T. C. McLuhan)

51 "All these nearly countless separately conscious souls are illusions, reflections of one soul with singular consciousness lasting throughout the span of time that our universe persists." The Spiritual Universe (Fred Alan Wolf, Ph. D.)

52 "Wherever we see the one we should recognise the many also, and conversely." A Treatise on Cosmic Fire (Alice A. Bailey)

53 "This One is…not merely the Reality of all that is, but also a living and personal Object of Love." Mysticism (Evelyn Underhill)

54 "All things partake of The One in absolute dependence." The Great Ideas, A Syntopicon, vol. 1 (Mortimer J. Adler, editor)

55 "I believe like every Hindu in God and His oneness." Mahatma Gandhi, Autobiography of a Yogi (Paramahansa Yogananda)

56 "Laws are only the unalterable conditions brought about by the activity, the orientation and the emanated decisive thoughts of the One in Whom we live and move and have our being, just as the activitis, the orientation and the thinking of a human being carry the cells and the atoms of his body along the line of his wishes." Discipleship in the New Age (Alice A. Bailey)

57 "The history of nature has to do not just with individual, finite, imminently perishable being, but with an imperishable basis of all that can be seen, which unites it all and gives it soul. It teaches a love which loves in all things, a universal soul which sets everything, even that which is most remote and apart, in a living interplay that gives to all that can be seen, from the firmament of heaven to the ephemeral insect, one rhythm of time and law of life." G. H. Schubert, 'Allgemeine Naturegeschichte', 4 Modern Esoteric Spirituality (Antoine Faivre and Jacob Needleman, editors)

58 "The central teaching of Unity (School of Christianity) is this: There is only one Presence and one Power in the universe – God, the Good and Omnipotent." James Dillet Freeman, 'Imagination: The Wondrous Power of Conception' New Thoughts for a New Millennium (Michael A. Maday, editor)

59 "Every act of love brings happiness; there is no act of love which does not bring peace and blessedness as its reaction. Real existence, real knowledge, and real love are eternally connected with one another, the three in one: where one of them is, the others also must be; they are the three aspects of the One without a second – the Existence-Knowledge-Bliss." Swami Vivekananda (1863-1902), Hindu mystic, 'Karma-Yoga' The Choice Is Always Ours (Dorothy B. Phillips, Chief Editor)

60 "Because all things on this Earth are from one source, interspecies communication is not only inherent within us, it is necessary for understanding our own humanity and our own sacred nature." One Spirit, Many Peoples, A Manifesto for Earth Spirituality (Stephen Harrod Buhner)

61 "How true it is that all life is one." Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception, or Christian Occult Science (Max Heindel)

62 "The One is majestic and has an immeasurable purity. The One is a realm that gives a realm, life that gives life, a blessed One that gives blessedness, knowledge that gives knowledge, a good One that gives goodness, mercy that gives mercy and redemption, grace that gives grace." The Secret Book of John The Gnostic Gospels of Jesus (Marvin Meyer)

63 "Intuitive knowledge of the One is the pinnacle of spiritual fulfillment." The Unity of Reality (Michael vonBruck)

64 "We have heard repeatedly the term 'One World'. Events seem to be shaping themselves into a creation of a 'one world' consciousness." Rediscovering the Angels (Flower A. Newhouse)

65 "In order to experience and understand oneness one can look within and find the core of one's own being and find that core to be the common reality which we all share." Spirit Guides (Iris Belhayes)

66 "There is within us One who knows the truth." A Return to Love, Reflections on the Principles of A Course in Miracles (Marianne Williamson)

67 "This oneness IS and always has been." The Manifold and The One (Agnes Arber)

68 "In the course of a traditional vision quest associated with a rite of passage, such as we find among many Native American peoples, the neophyte learns that the life he or she is to follow is that of the Holy One." Shamanic Voices, A Survey of Visionary Narratives (Joan Halifax, Ph.D.)

69 "The One to be praised, the Father-Mother, the One rich in mercy, takes form in its seed." The Secret Book of John (1st century Gnostic text) The Other Bible (Willis Barnstone, editor)

70 "Although the Supersoul appears to be divided, He is never divided. He is situated as one." Bhagavad Gita, ch. 13, v. 17 Bhagavad-Gita As It Is (A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada)

71 "'We are all', as Schopenhauer avers, 'one and the same single Being.' And the sentiment proper to this selfless realization is compassion." The Masks of God (Joseph Campbell)

72 "The divine spirit is one, omniscient and truly all-conscious, i.e., holding all the consciousness of the universe and thus comprising each individual consciousness….in a higher and highest connection." Gustave Theodor Fechner, 'Life After Death' Integral Psychology: Consciousness, Spirit, Psychology, Therapy (Ken Wilber)

73 "There is no other except the Lord, neither in heaven, nor in earth, nor in the very lowest places." Secrets of Enoch, ch. XLVII, v. 4b The Lost Books of The Bible and The Forgotten Books of Eden (various)

74 "The whole spiritual realm may be described as a kind of Light with the One in repose at its summit, as its King….we are always brought back to God." Plotinus Men Who Have Walked With God (Sheldon Cheney)

75 "The eternal Oneness underlies and permeates all impermanent phenomena." Making Peace With God, A Practical Guide (Harold Bloomfield, M.D. & Philip Goldberg, Ph.D.)

76 "Prophetic words are many in and of themselves, but they are one in their origin." Thomas Aquinas, In Jer 1, p. 579 Sheer Joy, Conversations with Thomas Aquinas on Creation Spirituality (Matthew Fox)

77 "I dwell within a world of unity. I know all souls are one." Atlantean chant A Treatise on White Magic (Alice A. Bailey)

78 "There flows onward, with the rushing music of mighty waves, an eternal stream of life, and power, and action, which issues from the original source of all life – from Thy life, O Infinite One!" Johann G. Fichte (1762-1814) Daily Strength for Daily Needs (Mary Wilder Tileston, Compiler)

79 "If all of us saw ourselves as One, it would create a new ethic for our species and a new way of life on our planet." What God Wants (Neale Donald Walsch)

80 "The artist divines something out of his awareness of, his identification with, the One, the centre of life, the rhythmic universal order; and he communicates the sense of that order to the listener or beholder. But, say Pythagoras and Lao-Tse alike, we can all be artists in living, in 'the art of being in the world'. We too can identify ourselves with the One, can attune ourselves to the cosmic rhythm." Men Who Have Walked With God (Sheldon Cheney)

81 "Your encounters with others reveal your connection with the Oneness." Spiritual Literacy, Reading the Sacred in Everyday Life (Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat)

82 "Even as time is, in its essentiality, beginningless and endless duration, incapable of division into past, present, and future, so space is dimensionless, and divisionless, and non-existent apart from the One Mind." The Tibetan Book of the Great Liberation (W. Y. Evans-Wentz, compiler and editor)

83 "The One Light illumines all creation." The Seven Human Powers: Luminous Shadows of the Self (Shirley J. Nicholson)

84 “The universe is the work of one creator.” Manilius Arcana Mundi (Georg Luck)

85 "A unity pervades and underlies all existence. This is the meaning of 'the Eternal is One' (Old Testament, Deut. 6:4)." The Hidden Face of God: How Science Reveals the Ultimate Truth (Gerald L. Schroeder, Ph.D.)

86 "The 'One' has, as the alchemists say, a 'thousand names.'" Collected Works (Carl Jung)

87 "In truth all souls have a continuous relation to the ONE world-soul, as has the sunlight to the sun." Robert Fludd, Western Esoteric Masters Series (William Huffman, editor)

88 "To divide or multiply consciousness is something meaningless. In all the world, there is no kind of framework within which we can find consciousness in the plural; this is simply something we construct because of the spatio-temporal plurality of individuals, but it is a false conception." Erwin Schrodinger, 'My View of the World' The Flight of the Wild Gander (Joseph Campbell)

89 "All living things fit together into a single pattern." The Web of Life (John H. Storer)

90 "Remember the basic truth, you are all connected through the deep reaches of the One Mind." Reflections of an Elder Brother: Awakening from the Dream (Mary-Margaret Moore)

91 "The One…will again reassert his soverign claim, and gather all the fragmented and estranged shreds of being into the reconciled opposites of the one Word." Earthy Mysticism: Contemplation and the Life of Passionate Presence (William McNamara)

92 "There is a teleological message contained in the image of the spiral; for it moves in successively opposite directions towards the ultimate expression of both the infinitely expanded and the infinitely contracted. The spiral is constantly approaching these two incomprehensible aspects of the ultimate reality, and therefore symbolizes a universe moving toward the perfect singularity from which it arose." Robert Lawlor, 'Ancient Temple Architecture' Homage to Pythagoras, Rediscovering Sacred Science (Christopher Bamford, editor)

93 "All is one life. Play your part in making life one." The Findhorn Garden: Pioneering a New Vision of Man and Nature in Cooperation (The Findhorn Community)

94 "The universe, as many mystical traditions tell us, is the 'child' of a sacred marriage between the feminine and masculine forces within the One." The Essential Mystics (Andrew Harvey)

95 "In keeping with the Gaia Hypothesis, formulated by English scientist James Lovelock, deep ecologists view the world as a living organism whose many species make up a single breathing entity." As Above, So Below: Paths to Spiritual Renewal in Daily Life (Ronald S. Miller and the editors of New Age Journal)

96 "The One existed before this tangible view of things came into finite being." The Child Within Us Lives!, A Synthesis of Science, Religion and Metaphysics (William Samuel)

97 "As the one fire has entered the world and become corresponding in form to every form, so the one interior Self of all things corresponds in form to every form, and yet is beyond." Katha Upanishad, 5.9 The Flight of the Wild Gander (Joseph Campbell)

98 "Relativity and quantum theory agree in that both imply the need to look upon the world as an undivided whole in which all the parts of the universe merge and unite in one totality." David Bohm, 'Wholeness and the Implicate Order' Who Do You Think You Are? The Healing Power of Your Sacred Self (Carlos Warter, M.D., Ph.D.)

99 "From the many to the one, from duality to unity – the direction of growth and evolution is toward integration, toward oneness." The Unfolding Self: Varieties of Transformative Experience (Ralph Metzner)

100 "For an increasing number of people, the Inner Voice grows stronger, more insistent, calling: 'One life in all'." Basic Theosophy (Geoffrey Hodson)

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite