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1 "Number should not be understood solely as a construction of consciousness, but also as an archetype and thus as a constituent of nature both within and without." Marie Louise vonFranz A Beginner's Guide to Constructing the Universe: The Mathematical Archetypes of Nature, Art & Science (Michael S. Schneider)

2 "Archetypal ideas are part of the indestructible foundations of the human mind. However long they are forgotten and buried, always they return….continually reproducing themselves in new forms representing the timeless truths that are innate in man's nature." Collected Works (Carl Jung)

3 "Dr. Jung points out that he has borrowed his term 'archetype' from classic sources: Cicero, Pliny, the Corpus Hermeticum, Augustine, etc. ('Psychology and Religion', par. 89). Bastian notes the correspondence of his own theory of 'Elementary Ideas' with the Stoic concept of the 'Logoi spermatikoi'. The tradition of the 'subjectively known forms' (Sanskrit: antarjneyarupa) is, in fact, coextensive with the tradition of myth, and is the key to the understanding and use of mythological images." Hero With A Thousand Faces (Joseph Campbell)

4 "Archetypes are forms of different aspects expressing the creative psychic background. They are and always have been numinous and therefore 'divine.' In a very generalizing way we can therefore define them as attributes of the creator. That would explain the compelling character of such inner perceptions." C. G. Jung: Letters, 1951-1961 (Gerhard Adler and Aniela Jaffe, editors)

5 "As animals of the same kind show the same instinctual phenomena all over the world, man also shows the same archetypal forms no matter where he lives. As animals have no need to be taught their instinctive activities, so man also possesses his primordial psychic patterns and repeats them spontaneously, independently of any kind of teaching." C. G. Jung: Letters, 1951-1961 (Gerhard Adler and Aniela Jaffe, editors)

6 "The archetypal realm is not a figment of human fantasy and imagination; it has an independent existence of its own and a high degree of autonomy. At the same time, its dynamics seem to be intimately connected with material reality and with human life." The Cosmic Game, Explorations of the Frontiers of Human Consciousness (Stanislav Grof)

7 "Ideas are certain original forms or permanent and immutable models of things which are contained by the divine intelligence. They are immutable because they themselves have not been formed; and that is why they are eternal and always the same. But though they themselves neither come to be nor perish, yet it is accordfing to them that everything, which can come to be or pass away or which actually comes to be and passes away, is said to be formed." St. Augustine, Lib. 83 Quaest., q. 46 Introduction to Saint Thomas Aquinas (Anton C. Pegis, editor)

8 "In all traditions meditation on archetypal forms has been used to reconstruct thought patterns, to integrate thoughts and feelings, and to free the adept from the apparent disorder of life." Theosophy, The Wisdom of the Ages (Cherry Gilchrist)

9 "To the opened eye of the seer all nature is but a symbol, a partial and dim expression of the radiant beauty of the archetypes in the Divine Mind." Ancient Wisdom, Modern Insight (Shirley Nicholson)

10 "The great mystics such as Shankara, Plato and Augustine used the term 'archetype' to designate the first subtle forms that appear as the world manifests out of unmanifest Spirit. They are the fundamental patterns upon which all patterns of manifestation are based. The Greek term, 'arche typon', meant original pattern. These subtle, transcendental forms, then, are the first forms of manifestation." Shadows of the Sacred: Seeing Through Spiritual Illusions (Frances Vaughan, Ph.D.)

11 "Carl Jung spoke of a God-archetype within the psyche. The psyche has an affinity for God, a faculty for relationship with God." Spiritual Pilgrims, Carl Jung & Teresa of Avila (John Welch, O. Carm.)

12 "The prototypes of the images and forms utilized by the oneirocritic, poetic and prophetic idioms, can be found around us in Nature, revealing herself as a world of materialized dream, as a prophetic language whose hieroglyphics are beings and forms." Franz P. Schubert (1797-1828), Austrian composer, 'Symbolik des Traumes' A Dictionary of Symbols (J. E. Cirlot)

13 "Because these (archetypal) symbols are collective or transpersonal, to touch the archetype is actually to begin to transcend oneself, to find deeply within an intimation and pointer to the deeply beyond." Spectrum of Consciousness (Ken Wilber)

14 "The world's material forms are only approximations of ideal, eternal archetypes." A Beginner's Guide to Constructing the Universe: The Mathematical Archetypes of Nature, Art & Science (Michael S. Schneider)

15 "As the intellectual historian Richard Tarnas points out,'Platonic Forms are not conceptual abstractions that the human mind creates by generalizing from a class of particulars. Rather, they possess a quality of being, a degree of reality that is superior to that of the concrete world. Platonic archetypes form the world and also stand beyond it. They manifest themselves within time and yet are timeless. They constitute the veiled essence of things.'" Sacred Contracts: Awakening Your Divine Potential (Caroline Myss)

16 "Nature can put us in touch with the archetype of regeneration." A Passion for This Earth, Exploring a New Partnership of Man, Woman & Nature (Valerie Andrews)

17 "The unconscious, as the totality of all archetypes, is the deposit of all human experience right back to its remotest beginnings. Not, indeed, a dead deposit, a sort of abandoned rubbish-heap, but a living system of reactions and aptitudes that determine the individual's life in invisible ways." Collected Works (Carl Jung)

18 "Plato tells of universal ideas, the memory of which is lost at birth but through philosophy may be recalled. These correspond to Bastian's 'Elementary Ideas' and Jung's 'Archetypes of the Collective Unconscious'." Inner Reaches of Outer Space, Metaphor as Myth and as Religion (Joseph Campbell)

19 "The Absolute or Supreme God is the basic, or final Archetype in which all lesser archetypes originate and are resolved." The Transforming Mind (Laurence and Phoebe Bendit)

20 "Physically the structure of a cell retains its identity, even while the matter that composes it is continually altered. The cell rebuilds itself in line with its own pattern of identity, yet is always a part of emerging action, alive and responding even in the midst of its own multitudinous deaths. So psychological structures form to which various names are given. The names are meaningless, but the structures behind them are not. Such psychological structures also retain their identity, their pattern of uniqueness, even while they change constantly, die and are reborn." The Nature of Personal Reality (Jane Roberts)

21 "The archetypes serve as blueprints to guide the growing forms. They are like the perfect song on a conceptual level which individual singers bring into being in their unique way." Ancient Wisdom, Modern Insight (Shirley Nicholson)

22 "I understand that there arise and are made in me, when I seek them out earnestly, certain ideas like intelligible species, of the intelligibles within, which I contemplate with the mind alone." John Scotus Eriugena (800?-877?), 'On The Division of Nature', Selections From Medieval Philosophers (Richard McKeon, editor and translator)

23 "The greatest and best thoughts of man shape themselves upon these primoridial images (the archetypes) as upon a blueprint." Collected Works (Carl Jung)

24 "The sky is moist and dry, cold and hot, bright and obscured by turns; these are the rapidly alternating forms included under the one ideal or universal form of the sky. The earth is ever passing through many changes of form; it generates produce, it nourishes the produce it has generated, it yields all manner of crops, with manifold differences of quality and quantity; and above all, it puts forth many sorts of trees, differing in the scent of their flowers and the taste of their fruits. Water takes different forms, now standing, and now running. Fire undergoes many changes, and assumes godlike forms;…they are like our mirrors, and reproduce the ideal or universal form in visible copies with rival brilliance." Hermetica (Walter Scott, translator)

25 "Archetypal images have something in common throughout mankind." The Transforming Mind (Laurence and Phoebe Bendit)

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite