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1 “Archetypes represent the law-determined course of all experienceable things.” Basic Writings of C G Jung (V S DeLasslo, editor)

2 "I understand that there arise and are made in me, when I seek them out earnestly, certain ideas like intelligible species, of the intelligibles within, which I contemplate with the mind alone." John Scotus Eriugena (800?-877?), 'On The Division of Nature', Selections From Medieval Philosophers (Richard McKeon, editor and translator)

3 "The world's material forms are only approximations of ideal, eternal archetypes." A Beginner's Guide to Constructing the Universe: The Mathematical Archetypes of Nature, Art & Science (Michael S. Schneider)

4 "The significance of the lotus is not to be found by analysing the secrets of the mud from which it grows; its secret is to be found in the heavenly archetype of the lotus that blooms for ever in the Light." A Greater Psychology, An Introduction to Sri Aurobindo's Psychological Thought (Sri Aurobindo, edited by A. S. Dalal)

5 "Since the archetypes, or elementary ideas, are not limited in their distributions by cultural or even linguistic boundaries, they cannot be defined as culturally determined." The Inner Reaches of Outer Space, Metaphor as Myth and as Religion (Joseph Campbell)

6 "Archetypes create myths, religions, and philosophies that influence and characterize whole nations and epochs of history." Carl Jung Man and His Symbols (Carl Jung)

7 "The sense of being in touch with something that feels collective, shared, is indeed part of what 'archetypal' connotes." Christine Downing, Prologue Mirrors of The Self, Archetypal Images That Shape Your Life (Christine Downing, editor)

8 "The history of religion in its widest sense (including therefore mythology, folklore, and primitive psychology) is a treasure-house of archetypal forms from which [we] can draw helpful parallels and enlightening comparisons for the purpose of calming and clarifying a consciusness that is all at sea." Collected Works (Carl Jung)

9 "The psychosomatic entity that is everywhere being shaped – namely, the bioenergetic system of the one species, Homo sapiens sapiens – is and has been for some 40 millennia a constant. Hence, the 'elementary ideas' (Bastian) or 'archetypes of the collective unconscious (Jung), of this single species – which are biologically grounded and at once the motivating powers and connoted references of the historically conditioned metaphorical figures of mythologies throughout the world – are, like the laws of space, unchanged by changes of location." The Inner Reaches of Outer Space, Metaphor as Myth and as Religion (Joseph Campbell)

10 "The ancient magical and mythological levels of our being, although 'unconscious' to our current modus operandi, need to be recognised as vital capacities of ours. If we fail to integrate them with our rational world view, we are likely to regress into a new barbarism rather than take the next step of conscious evolution." Return of the Goddess (Edward C. Whitmont, MD)

11 "The archetypes…are the first point where our formless or seamless organismic consciousness starts to take on an animate form." Spectrum of Consciousness (Ken Wilber)

12 "Dr. Jung points out that he has borrowed his term 'archetype' from classic sources: Cicero, Pliny, the Corpus Hermeticum, Augustine, etc. ('Psychology and Religion', par. 89). Bastian notes the correspondence of his own theory of 'Elementary Ideas' with the Stoic concept of the 'Logoi spermatikoi'. The tradition of the 'subjectively known forms' (Sanskrit: antarjneyarupa) is, in fact, coextensive with the tradition of myth, and is the key to the understanding and use of mythological images." Hero With A Thousand Faces (Joseph Campbell)

13 "Without these Ideas – these generalizations, regularities and ideals – the world would be to us as it must seem to the first-opened eyes of the child, a mass of unclassified and unmeaning particulars of sensation; for meaning can be given to things only by classifying and generalizing them, by finding the laws of their beings, and the purposes and goals of their activity." The Story of Philosophy (Will Durant)

14 "Since archetypes are what give form to the collective unconscious, awareness of the archetypes in everyday living is a means by which the elements of existence may acquire a more conscious structure. Situations exist for the purpose of our being able to center and create ourselves anew through them." Mandala (Jose and Miriam Arguelles)

15 "Instincts and archetypes share in common the fact of being essentially collective, that is, universal and regularly occurring." The Meaning in Dreams and Dreaming (Maria F. Mahoney)

16 "Symbols, images, and archetypes are indeed, and function as, a bridge or connection between the known and the unknown, the conscious and the Deep Mind, actuality and potentiality. They are elements in a progressive developmental path or curriculum by which the many can become one, by which the profane can be linked with the sacred, and by which the supreme synthesis of finding Union with God can be realized – the true purpose and destiny of all human beings on earth." Divine Light and Fire, Experiencing Esoteric Christianity (Peter Roche deCoppens)

17 "The Jungian archetypes have something in common with Bohm's implicate order. The archetypes are the structuring principles that underlie individual and collective behavior. As structuring principles they are never pereived or experienced directly but appear as images and myths and are manifest within dreams and patterns of behavior." From Certainty to Uncertainty, the Story of Science and Ideas in the Twentieth Century (F. David Peat)

18 "The existence of the atom and its components may well consist in a continually repeated process of rejuvenation, and one comes to similar conclusions in trying to account for the numinosity of the archetypes." Collected Works (Carl Jung)

19 "The purpose of human learning and philosophy is to reawaken in the soul remembrance of the eternal, spiritual realm of pure forms and ideas." The Roots of Consciousness (Jeffrey Mishlove, Ph.D.)

20 "Archetypes are organs of Essence, the cosmic blueprints of how it all works." A Mythic Life, Learning to Live our Greater Story (Jean Houston)

21 "The archetypes have a life of their own which extends through the centuries and gives the aeons their peculiar stamp." C. G. Jung: Letters, 1951-1961 (Gerhard Adler and Aniela Jaffe, editors)

22 "Joy is the quality which grows out of self-realisation….We are told that there is an archetype, a pattern, a way, a goal, and a light which shines upon the Path. But, realising this, do I know anything of the joy which should irradiate my way?" Discipleship in the New Age (Alice A. Bailey)

23 "Ideas, by the analysis St. Anselm makes of them, are thenselves things; and for them to be is indication of something concerning the nature of things." Richard McKeon, introduction to St. Anselm Selections From Medieval Philosophers (Richard McKeon, editor and translator)

24 "As animals of the same kind show the same instinctual phenomena all over the world, man also shows the same archetypal forms no matter where he lives. As animals have no need to be taught their instinctive activities, so man also possesses his primordial psychic patterns and repeats them spontaneously, independently of any kind of teaching." C. G. Jung: Letters, 1951-1961 (Gerhard Adler and Aniela Jaffe, editors)

25 "The archetypes precipitate as ever more complex forms in the material world in accordance with the cyclic development of consciousness….The sequential unfolding of the archetype's potential from simple to complex proceeds cyclically, according to an inner order." Ancient Wisdom, Modern Insight (Shirley Nicholson)

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite