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Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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1 "Our ancestors survived not by ripping one another apart but by helping one another hunt, gather food, and defend against predators. The simple act of one individual's keeping watch while others sleep has huge survival advantages. Altruism facilitated all forms of cooperation, sharing, and communication – key forces that shaped human evolution." The Ancestral Mind: Reclaim the Power (Gregg D. Jacobs, Ph.D.)

2 "The produce of the world, the natural resources of the planet and its riches, belong to no one nation but should be shared by all." The Externalization of the Hierarchy (Alice A. Bailey)

3 "Whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest….whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are of good report….think on these things, these things do, and the God of peace shall be with you." Elizabeth Clinton (1574-1630?), English author, Letters The Quotable Spirit (Peter Lorie and Manuela D Mascetti, editors)

4 "Blessedness is not the reward of virtue, but is virtue itself." Baruch Spinoza (1632-1677), Dutch philosopher, 'Ethics' The Great Thoughts (George Seldes, compiler)

5 "The path has been charted – compassion and justice – imbued by vision. And it's up to each individual." The Way Things Are (Huston Smith, edited by Phil Cousineau)

6 "With incarnation comes responsibility; beings need each other's help." Turning Toward the Mystery: A Seeker's Journey (Stephen Levine)

7 "You are a part of the Infinite. This is your nature. Hence you are your brother's keeper." Swami Vivekananda (1863-1902), The Quotable Spirit (Peter Lorie and Manuela D Mascetti, editors)

8 "In ancient times, the Greeks and Chinese, the Hebrews and the Hindus knew that virtue brings happiness." A Course in Miracles - A Gift For All Mankind (Tara Singh)

9 "Make sure-footed those who stumble and stretch forth your hands to the sick. Nourish the hungry and set at ease those who are troubled….raise up and awaken those who sleep. For you are this understanding, which encourages." The Gospel of Truth and the Valentinian Speculation (2nd century Gnostic text) The Other Bible (Willis Barnstone, editor)

10 "Everything we do COUNTS. There is really no such thing as a small act of service or goodness. This is in accord with most of the world's spiritual traditions." Invisible Acts of Power: Personal Choices That Create Miracles (Caroline Myss)

11 "The great law which St. Paul states 'Whatsoever a man sows that shall he also reap' does work; it eternally works." The Unfinished Autobiography (Alice A. Bailey)

12 "The recognition that every plant, every insect, stones even, participate in the dharma and need to be treated, not as spoils for human appetites, but as companions in terms both of origin and ultimate destiny, conditioned all the Native Americans' ideas of what is right and wrong." Huston Smith, 'What They Have That We Lack: A Tribute to the Native Americans via Joseph Epes Brown', from 'Sophia' The Best Spiritual Writing 1998 (Philip Zaleski, editor)

13 "Man has received from heaven a nature innately good, to guide him in all his movements. By devotion to this divine spirit within himself, he attains an unsullied innocence that leads him to do right with instinctive sureness." I Ching, Hexagram 25 The Essential Mystics (Andrew Harvey)

14 "Humility, unostentatiousness, non-injuring, forgiveness, simplicity, purity, steadfastness, self-control; this is declared to be wisdom; what is opposed to this is ignorance." Bhagavad Gita (ca. 500 bce) The Quotable Spirit (Peter Lorie and Manuela D Mascetti, editors)

15 "Not guided missiles but guided morals constitute our great need today." George L. Ford Living Quotations for Christians (Sherwood Eliot Wirt and Kersten Beckstrom, editors)

16 "Virtue means nothing but acting according to the laws of our own nature." Baruch Spinoza, 'Foundations of the Moral Life' Man and Spirit, The Speculative Philosophers (Saxe Commins and Robert N. Linscott, editors)

17 "Through active virtue desire is brought under control and anger is bridled." St. Theodoros the Great Ascetic, 'A Century of Spiritual Texts' The Philokalia, volume 2 (various authors, compiled by St. Nikodimos of the Holy Mountain)

18 "Cultivate a state of goodwill to all. Never by thought or word or deed hurt another." Basic Theosophy (Geoffrey Hodson)

19 "The call to be of service to one another, the intuition that prompts us to use our power to help others, is wired into our physical and spiritual nature." Invisible Acts of Power: Personal Choices That Create Miracles (Caroline Myss)

20 "Core values such as forgiveness, understanding, compassion, and lovingkindness are essential human values….they come from the heart. These values embody the natural energy of the human heart." Who Do You Think You Are? The Healing Power of Your Sacred Self (Carlos Warter, M.D., Ph.D.)

21 "The Lakota [Native American tribe] could despise no creature, for all were of one blood, made by the same hand, and filled with the essence of the Great Mystery." Luther Standing Bear (Sioux Native American) One Spirit, Many Peoples, A Manifesto for Earth Spirituality (Stephen Harrod Buhner)

22 "The Talmud states, 'All are responsible for each other.' And Jesus taught, 'That which you do to the least of these my brethren you do unto me.'" Invisible Acts of Power: Personal Choices That Create Miracles (Caroline Myss)

23 "Love is to the moral nature exactly what the sun is to the earth." Honore deBalzac Encyclopedia of Religious Quotations (Frank S Mead, editor)

24 "One can no more know oneself or the oneness of all things without knowing the anguish of myriads who are part of that web of life, and responding to their anguish as though to one's own, than one could act in a play and ignore all the other actors in their parts." Theosophy, A Modern Expression of the Wisdom of the Ages (Robert Ellwood)

25 "'Only One Cosmos' – this slogan, indeed, is a guide for truly human behavior." Dialogue on Life, Buddhist Perspectives on Life and the Universe (Daisaku Ikeda)

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite