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Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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1 "I feel that the Shylocks, the Judases, and even the Devil, are broken spokes in the great wheel of good which shall in due time be made whole." The Story of My Life (Helen Keller)

2 "One of the toughest roots of all evil is unconsciousness, and I could wish that the saying of Jesus, 'Man, if thou knowest what thou doest, thou art blessed, but if thou knowest not, thou art accursed, and a transgressor of the law,' were still in the gospels….It might well be the motto for a new morality." Collected Works (Carl Jung)

3 "The word goes forth from soul to form. 'Both sides are one. There is no war, no difference and no isolation. The warring forces seem to war from the point at which you stand. Move on a pace. See truly with the opened eye of inner vision and you will find, not two but one; not war but peace; not isolation but a heart which rests upon the center. Thus shall the beauty of the Lord shine forth. The hour is now.'" Esoteric Psychology II (Alice A. Bailey)

4 "The Hebrew Bible, including Daniel, the last-written of its twenty books, knows nothing of an evil principle independent of God. Satan in the Book of Job is an authorized accuser, sanctioned by Yahweh, and not a devil or a being who can operate of his own will, or for his own purposes." Omens of Millennium (Harold Bloom)

5 "Good and evil are the light and shade of the same thing." Duncton Found (William Horwood)

6 "What is called good is perfect, and what is called bad is just as perfect.' Walt Whitman Varieties of Religious Experience, The (William James)

7 "Good does not destroy evil if a man does not think about the evils in himself, and actually repent of them." Emanuel Swedenborg A Compendium of the Theological Writings of Emanuel Swedenborg (Samuel M. Warren, compiler)

8 "Bisection and lessening of symmetry, that's the poodle's core. Dividing in two is a very old attribute of the devil. The word 'doubtful' is supposed to have originally meant 'twofold'." Wolfgang Pauli, 1945 winner of Nobel Prize in Physics Quantum Questions, Mystical Writings of the World's Great Physicists (Ken Wilber, editor)

9 "No creature is evil by nature." An Introduction to Philosophy (Jacques Maritain)

10 "Many point their fingers critically at other people, not realizing that the pointed finger itself is the source of all evil. It is the concept of enemy that is our greatest enemy of all." The Gift of Change, Spiritual Guidance for a Radically New Life (Marianne Williamson)

11 "Darkness is dispelled by sending out bright beams of light." Address to the Representatives of World Religions (Pope John Paul II)

12 "Seeking for the good in evil will, in time, transmute the evil into good." Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception, or Christian Occult Science (Max Heindel)

13 "Chaos is a friend and a teacher and an integral part or prelude to new birth. Therefore, it is not to be feared or compulsively controlled." A New Reformation: Creation Spirituality and the Transformation of Christianity (Matthew Fox)

14 "I feel sure in my bones there is no such thing as absolute evil, for evil is in essence only a dearth of good, a deficiency from certain viewpoints, a negative quality, a relative value....….Some might say a completely white page is purer and more perfect than one with many black marks upon it. But of course a pure page is also a blank page and worthless because it conveys no meaning." Seven Mysteries of Life, An Exploration in Science and Philosophy (Guy Murchie)

15 "Evil is after all only an impelling sense of difference, leading inevitably to separative action." The Rays and The Initiations (Alice A. Bailey)

16 "The capacity to overcome evil requires that one has perceived the Good-beyond-evil and molded oneself to its Image and nature." The Gospel of Mary of Magdala: Jesus and the First Woman Apostle (Karen L. King)

17 "The mystery of the devil will eventually be seen to be that of the light of God's countenance, which reveals that which is undesirable and must be changed and renounced, and which thus transforms life by the light that God's nature pours forth." Esoteric Psychology II (Alice A. Bailey)

18 "As it is written in the Bible, 'What man has intended for evil, God intends for good.' Even the most horrific situations can increase within us our capacity to love." Everyday Grace, Having Hope, Finding Forgiveness, and Making Miracles (Marianne Williamson)

19 "In the long run, the good triumphs over the evil." The City of God (St. Augustine)

20 "In every evil we must seek out the elements that allow us to transform it into good." How To Know Higher Worlds: A Modern Path of Initiation (Rudolf Steiner)

21 "If we were privy to the whole spectrum of reality, we would then see that, yes, even what looks like unmitigated evil to us has its place in the scheme of things entire." The Way Things Are (Huston Smith, edited by Phil Cousineau)

22 "Good is everywhere, ever abiding; and evil, so-called, is the ignorance in ourselves impelling us to violate the patterns for human growth that exist forever in the Infinite Mind." Buddhism and Psychotherapy, The Healing of Heart Doctrine (Manly P. Hall)

23 "Good encompasses evil and transmutes it, showing its place in the total scheme of things." The Way Things Are (Huston Smith, edited by Phil Cousineau)

24 "Evil originates in divine thought, which eliminates waste before emanating goodness. The demonic is rooted in the divine." Essential Kabbalah, The Heart of Jewish Mysticism (Daniel C. Matt)

25 "The only palliative to the evils of life is union and harmony – a Brotherhood in action, and altrusism not simply in name." The Secret Doctrine (Helena P. Blavatsky)

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite