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Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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1 "We may transcend a sense of separateness by meditating on the perception of oneness." The Unfolding Self: Varieties of Transformative Experience (Ralph Metzner)

2 "The more we receive in silent prayer, the more we can give in active life." Malcolm Muggeridge, English journalist The Lion Christian Quotation Collection (Hannah Ward & Jennifer Wild, compilers)

3 "Through meditation, we contact a part of the Plan; we see the blueprints of the Great Architect of the Universe, and are given opportunity to participate in their emergence into objective being through our contact with and right interpretation of, the ideas we succeed in contacting in meditation." From Intellect to Intuition (Alice A. Bailey)

4 "The prayer itself is the essence of the Godhead." Rabbi Pinhas of Korez, 'Hasidism' Macmillan Dictionary of Religious Quotations (Margaret Pepper, editor)

5 "I will share a prayer that is a Hindu Sanskrit chant. The translation is 'Lead us from the unreal to the Real, lead us from darkness to Light, lead us from death to immortal life. Peace, peace, peace." The Way Things Are (Huston Smith, edited by Phil Cousineau)

6 "To have a prayerful approach to people is to have eyes to see, a mind intent upon seeing, a heart hopeful of seeing the image of God in each person I meet, to see them in themselves and in God." Douglas Rhymes, contemporary English priest and author The Lion Christian Quotation Collection (Hannah Ward & Jennifer Wild, compilers)

7 "We pray because we were made for prayer, and God draws us out by breathing himself in." P. T. Forsyth Living Quotations for Christians (Sherwood Eliot Wirt and Kersten Beckstrom, editors)

8 "Think of the news as humanity's prayer list. How different the world would be if everyday's newspaper reports were met with prayers for healing from its readers! And that will happen, when the modern mind realizes the power of spirit. Prayer itself will emerge from the constricting limitations of religious doctrine, to become a spontaneous call of the soul to the higher power from whence we came." Everyday Grace, Having Hope, Finding Forgiveness, and Making Miracles (Marianne Williamson)

9 "Pray to make your question clearer, then the answer will come." Bette Edl, American Franciscan hermit Spiritual Genius, The Mastery of Life's Meaning (Winifred Gallagher)

10 "Seek to know Brahman by 'tapas', by prayer, because Brahman is prayer." Taittiriya Upanishad The Essential Mystics (Andrew Harvey)

11 "Prayer is the fertile soil in which the insight into our true self in God takes root and grows. As our true awareness grows, as we see through the eyes of the Person we are, we see with a new vision. We see the Presence of God in all that is." Merton's Palace of Nowhere (James Finley)

12 "Prayer is a way to feed and nourish our Soul with its own form of nutrients." Divine Light and Love (Peter Roche deCoppens)

13 "Meditation is a sustained instrumental path of transcendence…It is the natural and orderly unfolding of successively higher-order unities, until there is only Unity, until all potential is actual, until all the ground-unconscious is unfolded as Consciousness." The Atman Project (Ken Wilber)

14 "God welcomes the discourse born of prayer, and when He is lovingly invoked and called to our aid, He bestows inexpressible joy on the beseeching soul." Theoliptos, Metropolitan of Philadelphia, 'Texts' The Philokalia, volume 4 (various authors, compiled by St. Nikodimos and St. Makarios)

15 "Prayer is not escape from reality and from action; it is the source of strength and insight for action. It is the only preparation for sound action." Rose Terlin, American editor and writer, 'Prayer and Christian Living' The Choice Is Always Ours (Dorothy B. Phillips, Chief Editor)

16 "Meditation has been used throughout the ages as the means by which a person can link his brain, mind and soul together, and connect them consciously with the Universal Intelligence." The Finding of the Third Eye (Vera Stanley Alder)

17 "Our Shepherd…nurtures us in the quiet, prayerful solitude of our own heart." Rejoice in Me (David E. Rosage)

18 "Prayer is an encounter, a dialogue with One Who has first addressed me; hence it begins with attentive listening." In Silence: Why We Pray (Donald Spoto, Ph.D.)

19 "Prayer, for St. John [of the Cross] as for St. Teresa [of Avila], is no mere exercise made up of petition and meditation, but a complete spiritual life which brings in its train all the virtues, increases all the soul's potentialities and may ultimately lead to 'deification' or transformation in God through love." E. Allison Peers, Introduction Ascent of Mount Carmel (St. John of the Cross)

20 "Meister Eckhart describes prayer at its best as a sinking down into 'God's dearest will', a lovely phrase which of course can be taken naively but might also be understood as the affectionate and benign source of our lives." The Soul's Religion, Cultivating a Profoundly Spiritual Way of Life (Thomas Moore)

21 "God made man to be his intimate friend; that is the message woven through the whole of Scripture. ALL are called to the intimacy of contemplative union with God." Centering Prayer, Renewing an Ancient Christian Prayer Form (M. Basil Pennington, O.C.S.O.)

22 "Whatever degree of prayer one is in, it is love that is primary." Fire Within: St. Teresa of Avila, St. John of the Cross, and the Gospel - on Prayer' (Thomas Dubay, S.M.)

23 "Give me the strength to rise above the remaining illusions which tend to make me think of Your touch as circumscribed and momentary." The Divine Milieu (Pierre Teilhard deChardin)

24 "Each day ask your God Presence for greater Wisdom and for an increase of the flame of illumination and its right use." Saint Germain on Alchemy (Mark L. and Elizabeth Clare Prophet)

25 "The best prayer is not that which feels most, but that which gives most." Fr. Andrew, 'A Gift of Light' Macmillan Dictionary of Religious Quotations (Margaret Pepper, editor)

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite