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Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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1 "It is through awareness of the individualized spiritual Will that one is attuned to the omniscience of life as a Conscious, Intelligent Entity." Soul Centered Astrology, A Key to Your Expanding Self (Alan Oken)

2 "Without you there would be a lack in God….for what God wills is whole, and part of Him because His Will is one." A Course in Miracles (Helen Schucman and William Thetford)

3 "You are what your deep, driving desire is. As your desire is, so is your will. As your will is, so is your deed. As your deed is, so is your destiny." Brihadaranyaka Upanishad IV.4.5 The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success (Deepak Chopra)

4 "The expansive pressure of the divine will is the Power behind the whole process of evolution." Basic Theosophy (Geoffrey Hodson)

5 "God's will is found in the chambers of the heart." Who Do You Think You Are? The Healing Power of Your Sacred Self (Carlos Warter, M.D., Ph.D.)

6 "Everything in the universe is a vessel that 'wills' to receive the light of the infinite bestower. Each molecule, plant, animal, rock and human is a vessel; each has the 'will' to be exactly what it is." God Is A Verb, Kabbalah and the Practice of Mystical Judaism (Rabbi David A. Cooper)

7 "The goal of all the initiatory process is to admit mankind into realisation of and identification with the will or purpose of Deity." The Rays and The Initiations (Alice A. Bailey)

8 "No thoughts exist apart from God, because God and His Creation share one Will." A Course in Miracles (Helen Schucman and William Thetford)

9 "All mankind are the work of one Will." Clement of Alexandria, 'On Spiritual Perfection' Alexandrian Christianity (John E. L. Oulton, editor)

10 "Man has something in his soul, a something that will tear the veil apart that he may see the world of real things….This Holy Breath knocks at the door of every soul, but cannot enter in until the will of man throws wide the door." ch. 44, v. 21 & 23 Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ (Leo W. Dowling)

11 "It is God's will that everything he has made should offer him glory." John of Carpathos (ca. 7 ad), Greek monk and spiritual guide The Lion Christian Quotation Collection (Hannah Ward & Jennifer Wild, compilers)

12 "At the heart of all reality is the Infinite and Eternal Being…the infinite Mind and sovereign Will working creatively in all things and through all things with a purpose which it is man's highest interest to know and with which it is man's chief duty to relate himself." The Nature and Truth of the Great Religions (August Karl Reischauer)

13 "Free Will is inherent in this creation, and is the birthright and heritage of each soul." A Million Years to the Promised Land (Robert W. Krajenke)

14 "The free will does not go into a state of restful oblivion and wait for God to do everything….The free will brings the personality under the direction of the receptive soul, so that the inner voice can make its wordless message felt." Summons to Life, Contemporary Christian Insights (Martin Israel)

15 "The whole is built by the will of God." Freemasonry and Its Ancient Mystic Rites (C. W. Leadbeater)

16 "God's will may not come to you in verbal or visual messages, or as anything you can articulate. It might just come as a deeply felt sense of where to go, what to do and how to act in the world from moment to moment. Clues might arrive in dreams, reveries or flashes of intuition, or in synchronistic meetings and moments, like a seemingly chance encounter with another person or a passage in a book you open in a random instance." Making Peace With God, A Practical Guide (Harold Bloomfield, M.D. & Philip Goldberg, Ph.D.)

17 "Synthesis is an attribute of the divine will and the outstanding quality of Deity." The Rays and The Initiations (Alice A. Bailey)

18 "All things are made fast according to the will of the Holy Spirit through the Self-born." The Secret Book of John (1st century Gnostic text) The Other Bible (Willis Barnstone, editor)

19 "The divine will is the wholeness, the good and the true in all things. Like God, the universal Being, it is manifest in everything." Jean-Pierre deCaussade (1675-1751), French priest and author Devotional Classics (Richard J. Foster and James Bryan Smith, editors)

20 "God's will is the path we tread which develops the best for us and for all we encounter." The Findhorn Garden: Pioneering a New Vision of Man and Nature in Cooperation (The Findhorn Community)

21 "A breath of Will blows eternally through the universe of souls in the direction of the Right and Necessary. It is the air which all intellects inhale and exhale, and it is the wind which blows the world into order and orbit." Ralph Waldo Emerson The Glorious Presence (Ernest E. Wood)

22 "God is irresistibly present to the will precisely as the ground of the will, precisely as the ultimate good that is always desired in any concrete act of the will." Introduction Thomas Aquinas, Spiritual Master (Robert Barron)

23 "The spiritual will is the One itself turned toward the manifest world, so to speak. In us it is the very sense of self, of being an individual, yet at the same time being one with the All." Ancient Wisdom, Modern Insight (Shirley Nicholson)

24 "There is a volition beyond drives for dominance, an ego-transcending identity based upon solidarity with others, a superabundant vitality that overflows to those in need." The Future of the Body, Explorations Into the Further Evolution of Human Nature (Michael Murphy)

25 "It is God's Will that constitutes the existence of all things that are." Libellus IX:2 Hermetica (Walter Scott, translator)

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite