The Digital Integration of Conceptual Form
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The Many Forms of Many/One
Universal conceptual form

Aligning the vision

Project under development
Evolving and coalescing

Guiding motivation
Why we do this

A comprehensive vision
Ethics / governance / science

Cybernetic democracy
Homeostatic governance

Collective discernment
Idealized democracy

Objectives and strategy
Reconciliation and integration

Reconciliation of perspectives
Holistic view on alternatives

What is a concept?
Definitions and alternatives

Theories of concepts
Compare alternatives

What is truth?
How do we know?

How meaning is created

Synthetic dimensionality
Foundational recursive definition

Universal hierarchy
Spectrum of levels

A universal foundation
The closed loop ensemble contains
all primary definitions

Dimensions of set theory

What is a number?

Venn diagrams
Topology of sets

Objects in Boolean algebra
How are they constructed?

Core vocabulary
Primary terms

Core terms on the strip
Closed Loop framework

Hierarchical models

Digital geometry
Euclid in digital space

The dimensional construction
of abstract objects
Foundational method

The digital integration
of conceptual form
Compositional semantics

Closed loop interval ontology
How it works

Cognitive science
The integrated science of mind

What does it mean?

Formal systematic definitions
Core terms

Data structures
Constructive elements
and building blocks

Preserving data under transformation

Steady-state cosmology
In the beginning

Semantic ontology
Domain and universal

Foundational ontology
A design proposal

Coordinate systems
Mapping the grid

From other sources

Foundational computation

Plato's republic and
homeostatic democracy
Perfecting political balance

Branching computational architecture
Simultaneity or sequence

Abstract math and HTML
Concrete symbolic representation

All knowledge as conceptual
Science, philosophy and math
are defined in concepts

Does the Closed Loop
have an origin?
Emerging from a point

A few hundred elements

Definition / description

This project runs on an SQL database, and supposedly presents something like a hierarchical word processor, of a very basic sort. We are gathering elements to the database, generally organized in terms of "theme groups" -- major topic areas -- and "themes" -- subject areas that are aligned somewhere with that theme group. We are also developing a basic vocabulary -- like a glossary of basic concepts and terms, generally concerned with epistemology. What is a dimension, what is a unit, what is an interval, what is a metaphor, what is equivalence or identity or equality? What does it mean when we say "two things are equal" -- when clearly they are not the exact same thing -- but are "equal" in some sense that we have to clarify. We are looking at 100 issues like this.

Today, at this early stage, our database system is starting to work fairly well, and we are starting to slowly load in data -- ideas, content, specific statements and interpretations, graphics and diagrams -- all of which is intended to illustrate the broad thesis that "in significant ways, the Closed Loop contains philosophy and science and mathematics."

This is a big deal, and a very broad reach. What are the historical precedents?

You are putting together 100+ definitions, and this project is a house of cards -- it could collapse at any of 100 failure points, true.

As far as I can tell, from my limited research, "nobody has done anything quite like this" -- but maybe this project could be described as inspired by Leibnitz or Ramon Lull -- and who knows how many medieval visionary philosophers who drew complex ontological diagrams as explanations of the universe.

This project is almost a cosmology -- a theory of the universe -- a proposition that we might defend by insisting that we mere humans only know reality -- and/or have mapped reality -- in terms of our concepts.

What we think we know are our concepts and the empirical experience that we believe we have correlated and organized within or by those concepts.

Is it true that "all science is conceptual"? That even mathematical explanations are "mere maps" of an inexplicable territory?

What we do know -- is that mathematics works. Our rockets do reach the moon -- or mars.

But one other thing we know -- is that we mere humans do not always understand one another very well, and in an era of accelerating complexity, this can be dangerous. Maybe Closed Loop is a step towards a collective human awakening that can get us through this crisis.

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Thu, May 6, 2021