The Digital Integration of Conceptual Form
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The Many Forms of Many/One
Universal conceptual form

Aligning the vision

Project under development
Evolving and coalescing

Guiding motivation
Why we do this

A comprehensive vision
Ethics / governance / science

Cybernetic democracy
Homeostatic governance

Collective discernment
Idealized democracy

Objectives and strategy
Reconciliation and integration

Reconciliation of perspectives
Holistic view on alternatives

What is a concept?
Definitions and alternatives

Theories of concepts
Compare alternatives

What is truth?
How do we know?

How meaning is created

Synthetic dimensionality
Foundational recursive definition

Universal hierarchy
Spectrum of levels

A universal foundation
The closed loop ensemble contains
all primary definitions

Dimensions of set theory

What is a number?

Venn diagrams
Topology of sets

Objects in Boolean algebra
How are they constructed?

Core vocabulary
Primary terms

Core terms on the strip
Closed Loop framework

Hierarchical models

Digital geometry
Euclid in digital space

The dimensional construction
of abstract objects
Foundational method

The digital integration
of conceptual form
Compositional semantics

Closed loop interval ontology
How it works

Cognitive science
The integrated science of mind

What does it mean?

Formal systematic definitions
Core terms

Data structures
Constructive elements
and building blocks

Preserving data under transformation

Steady-state cosmology
In the beginning

Semantic ontology
Domain and universal

Foundational ontology
A design proposal

Coordinate systems
Mapping the grid

From other sources

Foundational computation

Plato's republic and
homeostatic democracy
Perfecting political balance

Branching computational architecture
Simultaneity or sequence

Abstract math and HTML
Concrete symbolic representation

All knowledge as conceptual
Science, philosophy and math
are defined in concepts

Does the Closed Loop
have an origin?
Emerging from a point

List of data structures

Definition / description

In progress, taken straight from Wikipedia as a strong starting point for a comprehensive list. We might not need all these types, but they are an interesting study. What are the fundamental constructive objects ("basic building blocks") and what are the more composite objects -- complex structure built from simpler structures

  • Data types

    • Primitive types

      • Boolean, true or false.
      • Character
      • Floating-point numbers, limited precision approximations of real number values.
      • Including Single precision and Double precision IEEE 754 Floats, among others
      • Fixed-point numbers
      • Integer, integral or fixed-precision values.
      • Reference (also called a pointer or handle), a small value referring to another object's address in memory, possibly a much larger one.
      • Enumerated type, a small set of uniquely named values.
      • Date Time, value referring to Date and Time

    • Composite types or non-primitive type

      • Array (as an example String which is an array of characters)
      • Record (also called Associative array, Map, or structure)
      • Union (Tagged union is a subset, also called variant, variant record, discriminated union, or disjoint union)

    • Abstract data types

      • Container
      • List
      • Tuple
      • Multimap
      • Set
      • Multiset (bag)
      • Stack
      • Queue (example Priority queue)
      • Double-ended queue
      • Graph (example Tree, Heap)

      Some properties of abstract data types:

      Structure Order Unique List yes no Associative array no yes Set no yes Stack yes no Multimap no no Multiset (bag) no no Queue yes no Order means the insertion sequence counts. Unique means that duplicate elements are not allowed, based on some inbuilt or, alternatively, user-defined rule for comparing elements.

      Linear data structures A data structure is said to be linear if its elements form a sequence.

      Arrays Array Bit array Bit field Bitboard Bitmap Circular buffer Control table Image Dope vector Dynamic array Gap buffer Hashed array tree Lookup table Matrix Parallel array Sorted array Sparse matrix Iliffe vector Variable-length array Lists Doubly linked list Array list Linked list Association list Self-organizing list Skip list Unrolled linked list VList Conc-tree list Xor linked list Zipper Doubly connected edge list also known as half-edge Difference list Free list Trees Main article: Tree (data structure) Binary trees AA tree AVL tree Binary search tree Binary tree Cartesian tree Conc-tree list Left-child right-sibling binary tree Order statistic tree Pagoda Randomized binary search tree Red–black tree Rope Scapegoat tree Self-balancing binary search tree Splay tree T-tree Tango tree Threaded binary tree Top tree Treap WAVL tree Weight-balanced tree B-trees B-tree B+ tree B*-tree B sharp tree Dancing tree 2-3 tree 2-3-4 tree Queap Fusion tree Bx-tree AList Heaps Heap Binary heap B-heap Weak heap Binomial heap Fibonacci heap AF-heap Leonardo Heap 2-3 heap Soft heap Pairing heap Leftist heap Treap Beap Skew heap Ternary heap D-ary heap Brodal queue Trees In these data structures each tree node compares a bit slice of key values.

      Tree (data structure) Radix tree Suffix tree Suffix array Compressed suffix array FM-index Generalised suffix tree B-tree Judy array X-fast trie Y-fast trie Merkle tree C tree Multi way trees Ternary tree K-ary tree And–or tree (a,b)-tree Link/cut tree SPQR-tree Spaghetti stack Disjoint-set data structure (Union-find data structure) Fusion tree Enfilade Exponential tree Fenwick tree Van Emde Boas tree Rose tree Space-partitioning trees These are data structures used for space partitioning or binary space partitioning.

      Segment tree Interval tree Range tree Bin K-d tree Implicit k-d tree Min/max k-d tree Relaxed k-d tree Adaptive k-d tree Quadtree Octree Linear octree Z-order UB-tree R-tree R+ tree R* tree Hilbert R-tree X-tree Metric tree Cover tree M-tree VP-tree BK-tree Bounding interval hierarchy Bounding volume hierarchy BSP tree Rapidly exploring random tree Application-specific trees Abstract syntax tree Parse tree Decision tree Alternating decision tree Minimax tree Expectiminimax tree Finger tree Expression tree Log-structured merge-tree Lexicographic Search Tree Hash-based structures Bloom filter Count-Min sketch Distributed hash table Double hashing Dynamic perfect hash table Hash array mapped trie Hash list Hash table Hash tree Hash trie Koorde Prefix hash tree Rolling hash MinHash Quotient filter Ctrie Graphs Many graph-based data structures are used in computer science and related fields:

      Graph Adjacency list Adjacency matrix Graph-structured stack Scene graph Decision tree Binary decision diagram Zero-suppressed decision diagram And-inverter graph Directed graph Directed acyclic graph Propositional directed acyclic graph Multigraph Hypergraph Other Lightmap Winged edge Quad-edge Routing table Symbol table See also Purely functional data structure

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      Mon, Mar 15, 2021