Many / One
A database of 11,000+ illuminated guiding quotations in 40 categories from 600+ inspired books by our most brilliant and influential authors.
Compiled by JoAnn Kite
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1 | "'No man liveth unto himself' (Romans XIV:7) and no nation either; the goal of all human effort is loving understanding, prompted by a program of love and right human relations for all mankind." The Reappearance of the Christ (Alice A. Bailey) | |
2 | "The next step in the development of further evolution is the achievement of higher group consciousness….throughout the world." The Center of the Cyclone: An Autobiography of Inner Space (John C. Lilly, M.D.) | |
3 | "The life in everything – animals, plants, even drops of water and specks of dust – will one day reach Buddhahood, the Buddha nature being Potential in all." Editors Reincarnation: The Phoenix Fire Mystery (Cranston/Head, editors) | |
4 | "The law of life is evolution and change and growth and continued perfection and refinement." Robert C. Henderson, Baha'i spiritual leader A Parliament of Souls, In Search of Global Spirituality (Michael Tobias, Jane Morrison, Bettina Gray, editors) | |
5 | "Shakespeare wrote, 'There is a destiny that will shape our end, rough hew it how we will.' This statement seems to mean that there may be an ultimate goal, or a divine plan, established for each person who comes into this world." Worldwide Laws of Life: 200 Eternal Spiritual Principles (John Marks Templeton) | |
6 | "Life is the process of awakening. It is the process of Becoming. It is the process of knowing that one has become what one always was. It is the process of rejoining the inseparable – and that is not a process of actual rejoining, but of simply knowing again that separation never occurred." Tomorrow's God, Our Greatest Spiritual Challenge (Neale Donald Walsch) | |
7 | "Never forget that every living thing has a particular and needed job to do in the universal Plan and Purpose." Kinship With All Life (J. Allen Boone) | |
8 | "The enrichment and ferment of religious thought in our time has undoubtedly been caused by the revelation of the size and the unity of the world all around us and within us. All around us the physical sciences are endlessly extending the abysses of time and space, and cleaselessly discerning new relationships between the elements of the universe. Within us a whole world of affinities and interrelated sympathies, as old as the human soul, is being awakened by the stimulus of these great discoveries, and what has hitherto been dreamed rather than experienced is at last taking shape and consistency. Scholarly and discriminating among serious thinkers, simple or didactic among the half-educated, the aspirations towards a vaster and more organic One, and the premonitions of unknown forces and their application in new fields, are the same, and are emerging simultaneously on all sides. It is almost a commonplace today to find people who, quote naturally and unaffectedly, live in the explicit consciousness of being an atom or a cititzen of the universe." The Divine Milieu (Pierre Teilhard deChardin) | |
9 | "There is a drive subtly and yet relentlessly pushing the human species forward to fulfillment of the purpose of awakening." 97 Agartha: The Essential Guide to Personal Transformation in the New Era (Meredith L. Young) | |
10 | "Accept that you are a child of God. Sing your own song with gusto. Fulfill your mission as a copartner with the Holy One in the unfolding drama of the universe." Spiritual Literacy, Reading the Sacred in Everyday Life (Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat) | |
11 | "Every art and every investigation, and likewise every practical pursuit or undertaking, seems to aim at some good: hence it has been well said that the Good is That at which all things aim." Aristotle (384-322bc), 'Nicomachean Ethics', bk. 1, 1094b 6-7 Oxford Dictionary of Quotations, 4th edition (Angela Partington, editor) | |
12 | "Beings are what in the divine plan they were designed to be: steps to their Origin." Fire Within: St. Teresa of Avila, St. John of the Cross, and the Gospel - on Prayer' (Thomas Dubay, S.M.) | |
13 | "Having reached a higher degree of self-mastery, the Spirit of Earth will experience an increasingly vital need to adore; out of universal evolution God emerges in our consciousness as greater and more necessary than ever." Building the Earth (Pierre Teilhard deChardin) | |
14 | "There is a great and glorious reality in the background all the time, ever pressing towards realization, and employing whatever channels are available for its manifestation." Freemasonry and Its Ancient Mystic Rites (C. W. Leadbeater) | |
15 | "Nature herself can be felt as a power presiding over the molding of her budding and growing creatures, suiting their physical structure to the lives they have to live, and endowing them with strength and soul proportionate to the tasks she intends them to perform." Introduction to 'On Man In The Universe' by Aristotle, Wm. J. Black 1971, p. xxv On Man In The Universe (Aristotle, edited w/ intro by Louise Ropes Loomis) | |
16 | "All this, then, was the plan of the everlasting god for the god who was going to be. According to this plan he made the body of the world smooth and uniform, everywhere equidistant from its center, a body whole and complete, with complete bodies for its parts. And in the centre he set the soul and caused it to extend throughout the whole body, and he further wrapped the body round with soul on the outside. So he established one world alone." Plato, 'Timaeus' Collected Works (Carl Jung) | |
17 | "The universe in its entirety must be regarded as one gigantic process, a process of becoming, of attaining new levels of existence and organisation." Julian Huxley The Phenomenon of Man (Pierre Teilhard deChardin) | |
18 | "Increasing numbers of us have heard the Gaian voice and seen in our experience ways of being together that celebrate and affirm life. More and more we are in conversations where we speak of the great forces of life – love, purpose, soul, spirit, freedom, courage, integrity, meaning. The new story is being born in these conversations. We are learning to give voice to a different and fuller sense of who we are." Margaret J. Wheatley, 'Reclaiming Gaia, Reclaiming Life' The Fabric of the Future (M. J. Ryan, editor) | |
19 | "Whether it is through intellectual insight, mystical illumination or merely the inexorable process of evolution, we will all ultimately attain the 'Great Work' of which the alchemists wrote – the perfection of spirit and union with our source." Revelations: The Wisdom of the Ages (Paul Roland) | |
20 | "Our growth to a planetary dimension is an invitation to spiritual deepening, a purification from selfishness to a mre universal communion in real life, to our own humanization." Tissa Balasuriya, contemporary Sri Lankan theologian The Lion Christian Quotation Collection (Hannah Ward & Jennifer Wild, compilers) | |
21 | "Everything in life is evolving upwards and onwards to a higher and more perfect state, having had its beginning in an uncreative, unconscious and elementary form, and growing and progressing through striving, sacrifice and struggle to a condition of creative selfconscious potent strength." The Finding of the Third Eye (Vera Stanley Alder) | |
22 | "A Divine plan has as its intent our conscious evolution." Anatomy of the Spirit: The Seven Stages of Power and Healing (Caroline Myss) | |
23 | "Every one of us has some awareness that we were born for a specific purpose, that life contains a Divine plan." Anatomy of the Spirit: The Seven Stages of Power and Healing (Caroline Myss) | |
24 | "The Light Supernal, that central Life or Energy, holds hid within Itself the purpose and plan towards which all Being tends." A Treatise on White Magic (Alice A. Bailey) | |
25 | "What is the plan?....We could call it a 'divine plan', or we could call it an 'evolutionary imperative', which is essentially the same thing. It is the plan to which Teilhard (deChardin) referred when he envisioned evolution as the movement toward conscious oneness with God." Robert Brumet, 'Power Shift: A New Paradigm for the New Millennium' New Thoughts for a New Millennium (Michael A. Maday, editor) | |