Many / One
A database of 11,000+ illuminated guiding quotations in 40 categories from 600+ inspired books by our most brilliant and influential authors.
Compiled by JoAnn Kite
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1 | "What would the rainbow be were it not limned against the lowering cloud?" Collected Works (Carl Jung) | |
2 | "Everything in nature is dual and can only be known in contrast with its opposite, while the two in combination produce a metaphysical third which is their synthesis and perfect balance." The Meaning of Masonry (W. L. Wilmshurst) | |
3 | "Growth and decay, life and death, are both opposites and yet contained, even embraced, by a continuum." Return of the Goddess (Edward C. Whitmont, MD) | |
4 | “God precontains all opposites in one single, universal cause.” Pseudo-Dionysius, The Complete Works (John Farina, Editor-in-Chief) | |
5 | "The self is a union of opposites par excellence." Collected Works (Carl Jung) | |
6 | "Man is a single Monad, uncompounded and indivisible, yet compounded and divisible; loving and at peace with all things yet warring with all things and at war with itself in all things; unlike and like itself, as it were a musical harmony containing all things;…showing forth all things and giving birth to all things." Hippolytus, 'Elenchos' VIII, 12, 5ff. Collected Works (Carl Jung) | |
7 | "The marriage of opposites, the transcendence of duality, occurs in the realization of the Self." Michael Flanagin, Ph.D., 'The Mandala in Jungian Psychotherapy' Mandala, Luminous Symbols for Healing (Judith Cornell, Ph.D.) | |
8 | "When dualistic opposites are allowed to fuse in the mind, the psyche saves itself." Great Cosmic Mother, Rediscovering the Religion of the Earth (Monica Sjoo and Barbara Mor) | |
9 | "Polarities are but the two extremes perceptible to us of one and the same motion." Mandala (Jose and Miriam Arguelles) | |
10 | "What we need is a way out of dualistic attitudes. We need a third possibility, and that third is soul." Care of the Soul (Thomas Moore) | |
11 | "The urge to reconcile all duality and to create synthesis out of polarization is at the core of much of our individual and collective self-development." Soul Centered Astrology, A Key to Your Expanding Self (Alan Oken) | |
12 | "From the unreal to the real is not from one thing to another, but from the complexity of duality and multiplicity to the simplicity of unity." The Glorious Presence (Ernest E. Wood) | |
13 | “The pairs of opposites constitute the phenomenology of the paradoxical Self, man’s totality.” Collected Works (Carl Jung) | |
14 | "Once you move beyond dualities and realize that life and death, up and down, in and out are all illusions, they join and become one." Miraculous Living (Rabbi Shoni Labowitz) | |
15 | "In the self all opposites – conscious and unconscious, psyche and physis, and so on – unite." Aurora Consurgens (Marie Louise vonFranz) | |
16 | "Every psychic phenomenon is compensated by its opposite, in agreement with the proverb, 'There is no misfortune so great that no good may come of it.'" Collected Works (Carl Jung) | |
17 | "There is no energy without opposites." C. G. Jung: Letters, 1951-1961 (Gerhard Adler and Aniela Jaffe, editors) | |
18 | "Everything in nature is cyclical and opposites are in balance. In the natural world you have opposites, like day and night, but they're not in opposition; they're complements to each other. They're part of one whole, and you have to have both. One isn't 'good' and the other 'evil'. The more that we can start to look at the world in this way again, the more integrated we can be." Starhawk, author and founding minister of the Covenant of the Goddess, 'Envisioning the Future' The Fabric of the Future (M. J. Ryan, editor) | |
19 | "From the One proceed all dualities, and in the One they dissolve in undifferentiation." The Tibetan Book of the Great Liberation (W. Y. Evans-Wentz, compiler and editor) | |
20 | "Beyond that world of opposites is an unseen, but experienced, unity and identity in us all." A Joseph Campbell Companion: Reflections on the Art of Living (Diane K. Osbon, editor) | |
21 | "We now know beyond doubt that large and widely scattered numbers of otherwise sane and sober people have had experiences of 'cosmic consciousness' in which the sense of life becomes perfectly clear. The antagonisms of good and evil, life and death, being and nothing, self and other are felt as the poles or undulations of a single, eternal and harmonious energy –exuding a sense of joy and love." Behold the Spirit, A Study in the Necessity of Mystical Religion (Alan Watts) | |
22 | "If we carefully scrutinize our own character we shall inevitably find that, as Lao-Tzu says, 'high stands on low', which means that the opposites condition one another, that they are really one and the same thing." C. G. Jung, Psychological Commentary The Tibetan Book of the Great Liberation (W. Y. Evans-Wentz, compiler and editor) | |
23 | "Jung's involvement with the mandala culminated in his insight that it represented the center, the midpoint that balance all dualities." Michael Flanagin, Ph.D., 'The Mandala in Jungian Psychotherapy' Mandala, Luminous Symbols for Healing (Judith Cornell, Ph.D.) | |
24 | "The poles open two paths, which both lead to ONE goal at the end." Wassily Kandinsky, painter Breaking the Mind Barrier (Todd Siler) | |
25 | "The universe seems to be pervaded by pairs of opposites, but…they are not independent realities but rather polar aspects of the one unity, in which they are synthesized." Emily B. Sellon and Renee Weber, 'Theosophy and The Theosophical Society' Modern Esoteric Spirituality (Antoine Faivre and Jacob Needleman, editors) | |