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Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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Living Wholeness
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1 "The Soul is not divided, nor does it split up in order to give life to each individual. All things live by the Soul in its entirety; it is all present everywhere." Plotinus (204-270), Greek philosopher, 'Enneads' The Essential Mystics (Andrew Harvey)

2 "Without you there would be a lack in God….for what God wills is whole, and part of Him because His Will is one." A Course in Miracles (Helen Schucman and William Thetford)

3 "When you see things in your world – a part of nature, another aspect of life – that appear separate from you, just look at them deeply. Look INTO them. Do this for a long moment and you will capture their essence. And then you'll meet you, waiting there." Communion with God (Neale Donald Walsch)

4 "Our own individual actions are extremely important because we are all part of this larger matrix, a global web. Our own acts of love build energy that we can all draw upon. Even a little bit of love on our part can create an important foundation for future generations to build upon." James and Salle Merrill Redfield, 'Listening for Love' Handbook for the Heart, Original Writings on Love (Richard Carlson and Benjamin Shield, editors)

5 "The one ever becomes many and the many are ever reunited with and in the one. This process constitutes wholeness." Beatrice Bruteau, 'The Unknown Goddess' The Goddess Re-Awakening: The Feminine Principle Today (Shirley Nicholson, Compiler)

6 "If enough of us can perceive the new view of wholeness emerging in our times and absorb it into our consciousness so that it permeates our world view, and hence our attitudes and actions, our new vision cannot help but reflect in world attitudes and conditions. As we ourselves become whole and live as intrinsic parts of the Whole, we can begin to re-establish wholeness in our tragically fragmented and divided world." Ancient Wisdom, Modern Insight (Shirley Nicholson)

7 "Holy Mother Earth, the trees and all nature are witnesses of your thoughts and deeds." Winnebago (Native American) saying Bartlett's Familiar Quotations, 16th edition (John Bartlett)

8 "The Absolute is in all experiences for there is nothing which is not an explication or manifestation of what we call the Absolute….the Absolute is not the sum of all the parts, but the unity of part and whole." The Unity of Reality (Michael vonBruck)

9 "The psyche contains an indwelling sense of its destiny of wholeness." The Gnostic Jung and the Seven Sermons to the Dead (Stephan A. Hoeller)

10 "All things are located everywhere. Everything is all, and all is each thing; infinite splendour is radiated around. Everything is great, for even the small is great." Plotinus Basic Theosophy (Geoffrey Hodson)

11 "The ancient metaphor of Indra's net and the modern formulations of quantum physics remind us that we are all woven together." The Search for the Beloved (Jean Houston)

12 "Each particle of consciousness is dependent upon every other. The strength of one adds to the strength of all. The weakness of one weakens the whole. The energy of one recreates the whole. The striving of one increases the potentiality of everything that is." The 'Unknown' Reality (Jane Roberts)

13 "One touch of nature makes the whole world kin." Shakespeare, 'Troilus and Cressida', III, iii Living Quotations for Christians (Sherwood Eliot Wirt and Kersten Beckstrom, editors)

14 “The establishment of the mind in wholes (unities) is essential to right thinking.” Lectures on Ancient Philosophy (Manly P. Hall)

15 "'In Homer, the whole world is a woof of organic umbilical cords,' writes the modern Greek poet and scholar George Seferis. He is describing a unifying experience of life whose expression is found everywhere in the belief systems of the world's traditional societies." The Way of The Earth, Encounters with Nature in Ancient and Contemporary Thought (T. C. McLuhan)

16 "The integrating principle of the whole – the Spirit, as it were, of the universe – instinct without contrivance, flows with purpose." George Romanes, Charles Darwin's colleague The World's Religions (Huston Smith)

17 "The existential multiplicity and separativeness of thngs is limited and transitory, for, thanks to the universal concatenation, they return to the principal Unity, the supreme Source of All, from which they came." Editors The Philokalia, volume 4 (various authors, compiled by St. Nikodimos and St. Makarios)

18 "Life is a triumph of cooperation and creativity. Indeed, since the creation of the first nucleated cells, evolution has proceeded through ever more intricate arrangements of cooperation and coevolution." The Web of Life, A New Scientific Understanding of Living Systems (Fritjof Capra)

19 "In every form of life an organizing, self-regulating process resides, an inborn purpose to be a whole in a whole….This organic impulse, which in plant and animal is an unconscious instinct, becomes in man an urge to complete the mystery of Being in the harmony of Knowing." The Flame and the Light (Hugh I'anson Fausset)

20 "Could it be that the human heart and the world's heart are one in their self-surpassing? We believe that they are. As we grow in love and strength, we become vehicles for the world's growth." The Life We Are Given, A Long-Term Program for Realizing the Potential of Body, Mind, Heart and Soul (George Leonard and Michael Murphy)

21 "On the surface, the various religions might appear to offer very different teachings about the nature of reality and the means toward achieving salvation or liberation. But once one begins to pare away cultural trappings and the additions and corrections imposed by later commentators and translators, a basic teaching begins to emerge which is common to them: we are, at our cores, united." The Global Brain, Speculations on the Evolutionary Leap to Planetary Consciousness (Peter Russell)

22 "No manifested thing can be thought of except as part of a larger whole: the total aggregate being the One manifested Universe." The Secret Doctrine (Helena P. Blavatsky)

23 "Beatitude always follows upon realisation of the unity of the part with the Whole." The Light of the Soul (Alice A. Bailey)

24 "No living form 'hangs in the air.' Each is attached by some part of itself to a pre-existent prototype, to a morphological antecedent – and each is connected also with its neighbouring forms." The Vision of the Past (Pierre Teilhard deChardin)

25 "Human nature…participates in the wholeness and goodness of the original creation." Adam, Eve, and the Serpent (Elaine Pagels)

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite