Many / One
A database of 11,000+ illuminated guiding quotations in 40 categories from 600+ inspired books by our most brilliant and influential authors.
Compiled by JoAnn Kite
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1 | "The ancient Sanskrit metaphor of Indra's Net and the modern formulation of quantum physics remind us that we are all woven together. The human challenge is to become fully aware of, full participants in, and fully conscious co-creators of the historic, the mythic, and the unitive realms, especially in times like ours when we are invited by the very depths of being to become co-creators of the future. As Zora Neale Hurston has said, 'There are years that ask questions and years that answer them.' I would add that these are the times. We are the people. And we are living in the answering years." Jean Houston, 'Living in One's and Future Myths' The Fabric of the Future (M. J. Ryan, editor) | |
2 | "There is an interconnectedness of all things." Michael Harner, interview with Gary Doore Shamanism: An Expanded View of Reality (Shirley Nicholson, Compiler) | |
3 | "All now appears as one great connected and interrelated whole." How To Know Higher Worlds: A Modern Path of Initiation (Rudolf Steiner) | |
4 | "We have a Universe outside (macro) and a Universe inside (micro) set of systems interbonded to produce all physical matter. Our thoughts, our experiences, the book, the table – all are systems." Intuition (R. Buckminster Fuller) | |
5 | "This wholeness of our being can never be grasped adequately at a single point of time, but needs to be perceived as it changes, moves, evolves, and involves from birth to death and death to birth." Return of the Goddess (Edward C. Whitmont, MD) | |
6 | "Regard Heaven as your father, Earth as your mother, and all things as your brothers and sisters." Shinto teaching Oneness: Great Principles Shared By All Religions (Jeffrey Moses) | |
7 | "The planet is composed of literally infinite hordes of consciousnesses – each experiencing its own reality while adding to the overall cooperative venture." The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events (Jane Roberts) | |
8 | "Being IS unity." The Glorious Presence (Ernest E. Wood) | |
9 | "As the smallest grain of dust is bound up with our entire solar system, drawn along with it in that undivided movement….so all organized beings, from the humblest to the highest, from the first origins of life to the time in which we are, and in all places as in all times, do but evidence a single impulsion." Henri Bergson (1859-1941), professor at College de France A Treasury of Philosophy, Vol. 1 (Dagobert D. Runes, editor) | |
10 | "All living things are part of the whole, placed there by divine plan and purpose." The Findhorn Garden: Pioneering a New Vision of Man and Nature in Cooperation (The Findhorn Community) | |
11 | "As is the human body, so is the cosmic body. As is the human mind, so is the cosmic mind. As is the mircrocosm, so is the macrocosm. As is the atom, so is the universe." The Upanishads As Above, So Below: Paths to Spiritual Renewal in Daily Life (Ronald S. Miller and the editors of New Age Journal) | |
12 | "The flavour of unity can be tasted by the mind, can be expressed in action as mutual endeavour. Wherever there is mutual endeavour…there men have caught the flavour of unity." The Brotherhood of Angels & of Men (Geoffrey Hodson) | |
13 | "How to convey the perception that everything is interconnected, crafted of an intelligent light that forms a seamless matrix from which all matter springs?" Seven Paths to God, The Ways of the Mystic (Joan Borysenko, Ph.D.) | |
14 | "Cosmos is much more than just the universe. It includes the idea of beauty, order or goodness, and structural perfection which we might call truth. All of these are held together by the prior principle of unity, which, manifesting as Cosmos – one mass of Life and Consciousness as the 'Corpus Hermeticum' will say – becomes a teaching of the harmony, sympathy and kinship of all things." Christopher Bamford, Introduction Homage to Pythagoras, Rediscovering Sacred Science (Christopher Bamford, editor) | |
15 | "Each and all should develop the realisation that they are organic parts of one corporate whole and that they must contribute to that whole all they have and are. This concept is already present in the hearts of countless thousands and carries with it great responsibility. These realisations, when intelligently developed and wisely handled, will lead to right human relations." The Externalization of the Hierarchy (Alice A. Bailey) | |
16 | "A society is a group of persons bound together organically by a principle of unity that goes beyond each one of them." Catechism of the Catholic Church (Various) | |
17 | "The body of the earth can be said to have its own soul, or mind. Using this analogy the mountains and oceans, the valleys and rivers and all natural phenomena spring from the earth's soul, as all events and all manufactured objects appear from the inner mind or soul of mankind. The inner world of each man and woman is connected with the inner world of the earth. …Part of each individual's soul is intimately connected with the world's soul, or the soul of the earth." The Nature of Personal Reality (Jane Roberts) | |
18 | "The existential multiplicity and separativeness of thngs is limited and transitory, for, thanks to the universal concatenation, they return to the principal Unity, the supreme Source of All, from which they came." Editors The Philokalia, volume 4 (various authors, compiled by St. Nikodimos and St. Makarios) | |
19 | "There is no separation between you and me, between you and any other person…we all 'inter-are.' As my friend Martin Luther King Jr. wrote, 'All life is interrelated. We are all caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied into a single garment of destiny.'" Creating True Peace: Ending Violence in Yourself, Your Family, Your Community, and the World (Thich Nhat Hanh) | |
20 | "All the varying aspects of the life of God are interdependent and not one proceeds onward into fuller realisation without benefiting the entire group." The Rays and The Initiations (Alice A. Bailey) | |
21 | "We are to recognize in this whole universe a reflection magnified of our own most inward nature; so that we are indeed its ears, its eyes, its thinking, and its speech – or, in theological terms, God's ears, God's eyes, God's thinking, and God's Word." Myths To Live By (Joseph Campbell) | |
22 | "There is only one method to keep human monads bound to the task of life: to make the passion for the whole prevail in them over elementary egoism, that is to say practically to increase their consciousness of the general evolution of which they are a part." The Vision of the Past (Pierre Teilhard deChardin) | |
23 | "Soul is the same thing in all living creatures, although the body of each is different." Hippocrates (460-377 bce), 'Regimen', bk. 1, sec. 28 Bartlett's Familiar Quotations, 16th edition (John Bartlett) | |
24 | "At the psychological root of all myticism there lies the more or less vague attraction or need that urges every conscious element to become one with the whole that encompasses it." Let Me Explain (Pierre Teilhard deChardin) | |
25 | "The coordination of wholes visible everywhere in nature – the intricate web of connections – is the outworking in the world of the basic unity from which it arises." Ancient Wisdom, Modern Insight (Shirley Nicholson) | |