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Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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The Unity of Reality
Michael vonBruck
God, God-Experience, and meditation in the Hindu-Christian dialogue

1 "Our 'own' consciousness is like a light which is switched on in the meeting with another. What is new in today's interreligious situation could be described as a worldwide and conscious application of this principle to interreligious dialogue, with the goal of cooperation in all areas of life."

2 "Humans are a true mirror-image of God. They project the manifold, but remain one and also know it, or at least can come to know it, because their true nature as pure consciousness is the integrating power of the One."

3 "Freedom is the awareness of the basis of life and life lived in rhythm with this basis."

4 "On the grounds of a basic unity or karmic connectedness of all things, nothing can be lost, nothing can be outside."

5 "God is at one and the same time and in the same circumstances the ground and the goal of reality. This can be illustrated in the following way: we frequently imagine reality as a ladder of cosmic evolution. God is not only the highest rung of the ladder, but also the material out of which it is constructed as well as its structure and its transendent ground that makes everything possible."

6 "The love of God is the unity of reality….God is love, and therefore the one who dwells in love knows that God is in him and he in God (1 John 4:9ff.)."

7 "God is continuously realizing himself in the whole of creation."

8 "Brahman is one and is everything, above everything, outside everything, beyond everything and yet in everything….Brahman is the real self of all beings."

9 "When the dialogue partner becomes for me a source of my own self-understanding, he/she is also a source of my understanding of God."

10 "It is not so much a question of finding in the partner's position analogous terms for one's own system. Rather, we try to clarify equivalent functions of our own practices, symbols and terms, in order to recognize, adapt, and fulfill the existential MEANING of religious reality which comes to light in the encounter."

11 "Since eschatological fulfillment refers to the true nature of creation and the divine will which is expressed in it, the significance of the 'communio sanctorum' [sacred community] is universal. It is realized by the power of the Spirit, who cannot be contained by human ideas and institutional borders. It is a communion of 'men and women of good will' (Luke 2:14). And this is manifested in various religions as well as in secular societies, and to an extent in every human heart."

12 "Whoever recognizes in atman (the Self) the unity of reality is free from fear. For fear arises when there is an other who poses a threat. But atman is knowledge, and for it there is no other that is not already essentially a self. Non-dulaity is freedom from fear."

13 "Intuitive knowledge of the One is the pinnacle of spiritual fulfillment."

14 "Only when we can treat others….as a thou and as a source for our self-understanding is true brotherhood/sisterhood possible between all peoples."

15 "Human freedom consists in knowing the unity of atman (the Self) and the cosmic order."

16 "God is the unity of all moments of time….God is the absolute now."

17 "The eternal is IN the temporal and the temporal IN the eternal."

18 "The peace of God is a unity which is realized in the process of love."

19 "Reality in itself is not a dead tranquility, nor a mechanical process, but expansiveness and the attraction of love."

20 "In an image from the German mystics, human life is like a flower, which willingly unfolds in order to receive the rays of the sun."

21 "Insofar as humans become aware of being and recognize atman they realize not only their own identity -…but they also integrate the polarity of difference and identity in the participatory act of lovingly becoming one."

22 "Perfection is uninterrupted resonance in God."

23 "Love is the very structure of the one reality."

24 "The Son is being, realized. Through him everything exists (Romans 11:36; 1 Cor. 8:6; Col. 1:16). This statement implies a temporal eternity or eternal temporality, i.e., tempiternity, in the Son. He is the realization of the Father and therefore the visibility (John 14:9) or the being of the Father. He manifests God's perfect transcendence as immanent and through his being points to transcendence. As immanent transcendence he is being's eternal transcending being in the trinitarian self-realization of God."

25 "Being crucified with Christ in order to share in the resurrection produces a new advaitic (non-dual) identity beyond our denial of self. I am no longer cut off from others as an individual self, but am now joined to the process of God's self-realization: this is the ground and goal of my life (John 12:25; Romans 6:3ff.; Gal. 2:19f.; Col. 2:12f.)"

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite