Many / One
A database of 11,000+ illuminated guiding quotations in 40 categories from 600+ inspired books by our most brilliant and influential authors.
Compiled by JoAnn Kite
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1 | "'Time' is a relative concept and needs to be complemented by that of the 'simultaneous' existence, in the Bardo or pleroma, of all historical processes. What exists in the pleroma as an eternal process appears in time as an aperiodic sequence." | |
2 | "The spirit is at work in science, in art, philosophy, and religious experience…for there is something in man that is of divine nature….This spirit wants to live." | |
3 | "Every advance, every conceptual achievement of mankind, has been connected with an advance in self-awareness." 'General Aspects of Dream Psychology' | |
4 | "God made man to partake of his glory and created him in his image." | |
5 | “Caesarius of Heisterbach says that the soul has a ‘spherical nature.’” | |
6 | "It seems to me that we are at the threshold of a new spiritual epoch. I do not wish to pass myself off as a prophet, but one can hardly attempt to sketch the spiritual problem of modern man without mentioning the longing for rest in a period of unrest, the longing for security in an age of insecurity. It is from need and distress that new forms of existence arise." | |
7 | “The ‘Tao Teh Ching (ch. 25) says of the Original Being: ‘There was something formless yet complete that existed before heaven and earth; without sound, without substance, dependent on nothing, unchanging, all pervading, unfailing. One may think of it as the mother of all things under heaven.’” | |
8 | "The idea of the 'anima mundi' [soul of the world] coincides with that of the collective unconscious whose center is the self." | |
9 | "As I have already emphasized, the spontaneous symbols of the self, or of wholeness, cannot in practice be distinguished from a God-image." | |
10 | "The history of religion in its widest sense (including therefore mythology, folklore, and primitive psychology) is a treasure-house of archetypal forms from which [we] can draw helpful parallels and enlightening comparisons for the purpose of calming and clarifying a consciusness that is all at sea." | |
11 | "Christ is the inner man who is reached by the path of self-knowledge, 'the kingdom of heaven within you.'" | |
12 | "Let now the savage instincts sleep and all the violence they do; when human love stirs in the deep, the love of God is stirring too." Goethe, 'Faust' | |
13 | "Although the birth of Christ is an event that occurred but once in history, it has always existed in eternity. For the layman in these matters, the identity of a non temporal, eternal event with a unique historical occurrence is something that is extremely difficult to conceive. He must, however, accustom himself to the idea that 'time' is a relative concept and needs to be complemented by that of the 'simultaneous' existence, in the Bardo or pleroma, of all historical processes. What exists in the pleroma as an eternal process appears in time as an aperiodic sequence, that is to say, it is repeated many times in an irregular pattern." 'Answer to Job' | |
14 | "Mathematics has more than once proved that its purely logical constructions which transcend all experience subsequently coincided with the behaviour of things. This, like the events I call synchronistic, points to a profound harmony between all forms of existence." | |
15 | “The world-soul pervades all things.” | |
16 | "The drama of the archetypal life of Christ describes in symbolic images the events in the conscious life - as well as in the life that transcends consciousness - of a man who has been transformed by his higher destiny." 'A Psychological Approach to the Trinity' | |
17 | "We must awaken our innermost wisdom, pure and divine, called the Mind of Buddha…It is the divine light, the inner heaven, the key to all moral treasures, the centre of thought and consciousness,..the seat of kindness, justice, sympathy, impartial love, humanity, and mercy, the measure of all things. When this innermost wisdom is fully awakened, we are able to realize that each and every one of us is identical in spirit, in essence, in nature with the universal life." Kaiten Nukariya, professor at the So-To-shu Buddhist College in Tokyo | |
18 | "God fashioned the sphere of light round himself. 'God is an intelligible sphere whose centre is everywhere and whose circumference is nowhere'(cf. St. Bonaventure, Itinerarium, 5). The point symbolizes light and fire, also the Godhead in so far as light is an 'image of God' or an 'exemplar of the Deity.' This spherical light modelled on the point is also the shining or illuminating body that dwells in the heart of man." | |
19 | "The archetypes…are to be understood as inborn modes of functioning that constitute, in their totality, man's nature." | |
20 | "In the last analysis every life is the realization of a whole, that is, of a self." | |
21 | "Christ espoused the sinner and did not condemn him. The true follower of Christ will do the same, and, since one should do unto others as one would do unto oneself, one will also take the part of the sinner who is oneself." | |
22 | "Man is a single Monad, uncompounded and indivisible, yet compounded and divisible; loving and at peace with all things yet warring with all things and at war with itself in all things; unlike and like itself, as it were a musical harmony containing all things;…showing forth all things and giving birth to all things." Hippolytus, 'Elenchos' VIII, 12, 5ff. | |
23 | "The power of God reveals itself not only in the realm of the spirit, but in the fierce animality of nature both within man and outside him." | |
24 | "Which of us can improve himself in total isolation? Even the holy anchorite who lives three days' journey off in the desert not only needs to eat and drink but finds himself utterly and terribly dependent on the ceaseless presence of God. Only absolute totality can renew itself out of itself and generate itself anew." | |
25 | "The religions contain a revealed knowledge that was originally hidden, and they set forth the secrets of the soul in glorious images. Their temples and their sacred writings proclaim in image and word the doctrine hallowed from of old, making it accessible to every believing heart, every sensitive vision, every farthest range of thought." | |