Many / One
A database of 11,000+ illuminated guiding quotations in 40 categories from 600+ inspired books by our most brilliant and influential authors.
Compiled by JoAnn Kite
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1 | "O nature of man that cannot be parted from God!" The Acts of Peter, 2nd century Christian Apocrypha | |
2 | "The One to be praised, the Father-Mother, the One rich in mercy, takes form in its seed." The Secret Book of John (1st century Gnostic text) | |
3 | "Earth the same for all, not divided by walls and fences, will then bear fruits more abundant of its own accord, livelihood held in common, wealth unapportioned! No pauper is there, no rich man, nor any tyrant; no slave, nor again any great, nor shall any be small,..all share in common. This also He will do." Christian Sibyllines | |
4 | "The soul of the spirit of God moving upon the face of the waters." 'Haggadah' (4th century Jewish text), | |
5 | "Make sure-footed those who stumble and stretch forth your hands to the sick. Nourish the hungry and set at ease those who are troubled….raise up and awaken those who sleep. For you are this understanding, which encourages." The Gospel of Truth and the Valentinian Speculation (2nd century Gnostic text) | |
6 | "God…united everything into a harmonious whole." The Gospel of Bartholomew, 3rd century Christian Apocrypha | |
7 | "Every breathing thing glorifies Him, and every creature visible and invisible returns Him praise." The Book of the Secrets of Enoch (2 Enoch, Jewish Pseudepigrapha) | |
8 | "The strong power of the mind came into being from the mind of the unbegotten Spirit." The Paraphrase of Shem (Gnostic text, ca. 1st century bce) | |
9 | "I accomplish everything through the Good One, for this is the union of the truth." The Second Treatise of the Great Seth (early Christian Gnostic text) | |
10 | "The primal center is the innermost light, of a translucence, subtlety, and purity beyond comprehension. That inner point extended becomes a 'palace' which acts as an enclosure for the center, and is also of a radiance translucent beyond the power to know it." 'Zohar', edited by Gershom Scholem, Schocken, New York 1963 | |
11 | "The substance of the ungenerated Father of all is incorruption and self-existent light, simple and homogeneous." Ptolemaeus' Letter to Flora, 2nd century Gnostic text | |
12 | "And He is entirely one, being the All with them all in a single doctrine because all these are from a single spirit." The Second Treatise of the Great Seth (early Christian Gnostic text) | |
13 | "The Divine Presence, by virtue of his beauty, illuminates the world and engraces it." The Zohar, The Book of Radiance | |
14 | "Jesus said, 'Take heed of the Living One." The Gospel of Thomas (2nd century Gnostic text) | |
15 | "The light will cover the darkness. It will wipe it out. It will become like one which had not come into being. And the work which the darkness followed will be dissolved. And the deficiency will be plucked out at its root and thrown down to the darkness. And the light will withdraw up to its root. And the glory of the unbigoted will appear, and it will fill all of the Aeons, when the prophetic utterance and the report of those who are kind are revealed and are fulfilled by those who are called perfect...For each one by his deed and his knowledge will reveal his nature." The Origin Of The World, 3rd Century AD Gnostic text | |
16 | "The One embraces all sides." The Zohar, The Book of Radiance | |
17 | "The Holy Spirit is Life, the Mother of All." The Secret Book of John (1st century Gnostic text) | |
18 | "Light and darkness, life and death, right and left, are brothers of one another. They are inseparable." The Gospel of Philip, (3rd century Christian Gnostic sacramental catechism) | |
19 | "I glorify and praise the Invisible Spirit, for because of Thee all things came into existence, and all things aspire to Thee." The Secret Book of John (1st century Gnostic text), | |
20 | "All things are made fast according to the will of the Holy Spirit through the Self-born." The Secret Book of John (1st century Gnostic text) | |
21 | "The dwelling place of the Word is man and its truth is love." The Odes of Solomon (2nd century Gnostic hymnbook), Ode 12 | |
22 | "All souls are prepared for eternity, even before the formation of the world." The Book of the Secrets of Enoch, Jewish Pseudepigrapha | |
23 | "There is one supernal soul which is the soul of all souls." The Zohar, The Book of Radiance | |
24 | "God is in every place and he looks out over every place." Hermes Trismegistus, early Pagan Gnostic text | |
25 | "From the beginning of all things prevailed divine goodness, without which nothing could have continued to exist." 'Haggadah' (early Kabbalah) | |