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A database of 11,000+ illuminated guiding quotations in 40 categories from 600+ inspired books by our most brilliant and influential authors.
Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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A New Encyclopedia of Freemasonry
Arthur Edward Waite

1 "In the language of alchemy – 'there is but one vessel and but one matter.'"

2 "The whole world is sacramental."

3 "The soul travels in the Mystery of God – an eternal progress in knowledge, realisation, love."

4 "Allegories, symbols, types, are permeated on all sides with spiritual meanings."

5 "The grace of life is a continual manifestation of God within the soul of every individual, and to this extent there is a certain natural or elementary condition of union between God and the soul, for in Him we live and move and have our being."

6 "It is God Who manifests and God Who communicates Himself under all the veils of creation."

7 "Every man, however unconsciously to himself, is in search of Union with God at every moment of his life."

8 "The Point within a Circle…is the Divine Spirit indwelling creation and abiding in the nature of man."

9 "The Christ life is the life of the Mysteries raised into a great transcendence. His story is the story of the soul on its way of attainment....The old Mysteries at their best put forth stories of the soul, which are shadows of the light which is in Him; within their own measures they spoke unawares of Him."

10 "Knowledge of Unity, according to Krishna, is above wisdom. It is the Sufic union of the lover and the Beloved. It is in a sense the Epiphany of Pythagoras, the vision from above – that is to say, the manifestation of the centre."

11 "God hidden and revealed under the veils of manifest things is the cosmic Christ."

12 "The Divine within us, too often hidden too deeply in our manifest humanity, yet indeed immanent within us, is Christ Mystical, the Kingdom of Heaven within us – that side, aspect, apex, centre and sanctuary within, where that abides which is not apart from God in the universe."

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite