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Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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The Soul Afire, Revelations of the Mystics
H. A. Reinhold, editor

1 “Lead us, Shepherd of the sheep, reason-gifted, holy One.” Clement of Alexandria (ca. 150-215 ad), head of the Alexandrian catechetic school

2 "God exists in all things, not as a part of their essence or as one of their accidents, but He exists in them as an agent is present in that which it works upon…Hence God is in all things, and is intimately in them." St. Thomas Aquinas (1226-1274)

3 "All [mystics] have the same message about that very thing which no soul can utter; the immediate experience of God."

4 "The power and the constancy of God's eternal kingdom cannot be destroyed by the impact of unsteadfast mutability." St. Hildegard of Bingen (1098-1179), Abbess, visionary

5 “Let us love one another with a sincere heart.” Roman Missal

6 "One must hunt down one's nature in an implacable course towards perfection, to the end that one may exhale and infuse one's whole being, open mouthed, into the mouth of God." Fr. Joseph LeClerc du Tremblay, quoted by Aldous Huxley in 'Grey Eminence'

7 "Soul of Christ sanctify me through the riches of your inner life." Anonymous

8 "All creatures have a certain good of their own, to the completeness and perfection of their nature." St. Augustine (b.354)

9 "And we shall all become gods and intimately united with God…For the One who has become many remains the One undivided, but each part is all of Christ." Symeon the Younger (949-1022), mystic of the Eastern Church

10 “’Everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. He who does not love does not know God; for God is love.’ Thus writes St. John in his First Epistle.” Don Luigi Sturzo (1871-1959), social reformer

11 "The sacred inclination to love God above all things has remained in us, as well as the natural light by which we recognize that His Sovereign Goodness is loving over all." St. Francis deSales (1567-1622), Doctor of the Church, founder of a humanistic school of mysticism

12 "Indeed in no being is it possible to discover a nature so independent that it could exist without partaking in that one and only true being." St. Gregory of Nyssa,

13 "O Love, O Love, give me so strong a voice, O Lord, that when I call you love, I may be heard from East to West, and in all parts of the world…so that you may be known and adored as the true Love." St. Maria Maddalena de'Pazzi (1566-1607), mystic, teacher

14 "I see Paradise has no gate, but that whosoever will may enter therein; for God is all mercy, and stands with open arms to admit us to His glory." St. Catherine of Genoa

15 "St. Augustine says, 'Well and truly loves the man who loves where he well knows he is not loved; that is the best of all loving.'" Meister Eckhart (1260-1327)

16 "Whatsoever is good shall no one take unto himself as his own, seeing that it belongs to the Eternal Goodness only." Theologia Germanica, 14th century

17 "God has made, of one single stock, all the nations that were to dwell over the whole face of the earth." New Testament, Acts 17: 22-23

18 "The concept of blessedness is graven in our spirit and through it, we know and we say concerning ourselves, in perfect certainty that is beyond all doubt: we want to be blessed." St. Augustine (b.354)

19 "There was talk of a man who wanted to begin his life anew and I spoke in this way: man shall become a seeker of God in all things, and a finder of God at all times, and everywhere and among all people and in every way. And therein one can always and incessantly wax and grow and there shall be no end of waxing." Meister Eckhart (1260-1327)

20 "God comprises all things." 'The Book of the Poor in Spirit'

21 "I am a man by nature, and God by the grace of God." Symeon the Younger (949-1022), mystic of the Eastern Church

22 "I saw the One I love, with eyes that learned to see. I saw within my soul that He was waiting there." Mechtild of Magdeburg (ca. 1207-1294), German mystic

23 "In so far as we within ourselves are as we should be, we make holy all that we do, whether it be eating, or sleeping, or waking, or what it may." Meister Eckhart (1260-1327),

24 "The soul is, as it were, all God-coloured, because its essence is bathed in the Essence of God." Louis deBlois (1506-1566), French Benedictine abbot

25 "Hold for certain that what happens to you internally and externally is for the best." J. P. deCaussade (1675-1751), French priest, teacher

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite