Many / One
A database of 11,000+ illuminated guiding quotations in 40 categories from 600+ inspired books by our most brilliant and influential authors.
Compiled by JoAnn Kite
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Occult Preparations for a New Age
Dane Rudhyar
Musical composer, poet, philosopher, astrologer, Dane Rudhyar explores in this book humanity's experience and potential of being participants in the act of Creation.
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"The Earth in its total being is a vast, living, thinking organism in which ALL kingdoms of life perform interrelated and interdependent functions."
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"Order, meaning, beauty and the inner sustainment arising from the conviction that one has a place and function to perform within a vast planetary process whose essential nature is rhythm and harmony regardless of the grinding noise of passing dissonances – what could be more valuable for men, women and children of our civilization?"
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"Each human 'culture-whole' contributes its own harvest of values and meanings – expressed through symbols, creative works and institutions – to the planetary consciousness and the one Mind of Man."
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"Diverse entities…have emerged from an original One in whom they can and eventually must be reabsorbed or reintegrated."
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"All…had its origin in one germinating wholeness of being."
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"The pattern of man is a microcosmic reflection of the pattern of the great cosmos."
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"Compassionate love…gradually releases humanity as a whole from bondage to the thought of separateness and to the seeming inevitability of conflict and war. It is a unifying power. It integrates the essential realities of individuals, groups, and nations by consuming in its fire the nonessentials which produce division and hatred. It seeks to reconstitute at the conscious level of mature personalities the primordial unconscious unity of the tribe state, and to reconstitute it in total inclusiveness. Tribal unanimity was exclusive of all other tribes; but transcendent love is boundary-transcending, culture-transcending, creed-transcending. Its goal is the 'One World' of a truly organized, global humanity."
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"There are infinite possibilities of solutions to the problems of existence."
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"In the operation of any whole organism, every function is essential and valuable. There should be no question of 'superior' or 'inferior'….In an organic democracy every cell and organ – every individual and every healthfully operating group and situation – is equally important, necessary, and to be protected as well as valued."
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"Mankind is moving toward what I call the state of 'multi-unity' – often referred to as 'unity in diversity'. Because of this cyclo-historical fact (which has a concrete manifestation in the technological wonders potentially enabling every human being to communicate with all others) individuals dream of, long for, unification or integration."
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"Faith is the intuitive, unchallengeable, even if intellectually unexplainable, feeling-realization that the Ocean of Infinite Potentiality surounds us; we live, move and have our being in it."
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"Mind does not operate as the servant of the egos of individuals, or of any situations in historical time or local space. It operates in terms of the evolution of the entire system – and in relation to the galactic whole of which this heliocosm is but a small cellular unit. It operates in terms of planetary consciousness."
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"In every individual person the whole of the universe and the full essence of divinity is latent."
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"God is love… as a clear creative answer to the need of the world."
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"A really holistic approach must be able not only to produce concepts that embrace a totality of data or experiences and reveal their internal 'form', but it must release vibrant and potentially transforming ideas infused with the love of Man."
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"Every need is always and forever balanced by a solution, and the power of this potential solution is 'spirit'. Spirit is the energy of the infinite potential of Space…There is only one Supreme Law: Everything is as the need for harmony requires. Everything acts in order to satisfy what, at the time and to the best of its knowledge, it feels it needs. Everything seeks to act according to its fundamental nature."