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A database of 11,000+ illuminated guiding quotations in 40 categories from 600+ inspired books by our most brilliant and influential authors.
Compiled by JoAnn Kite
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1 | "What appear to be separate objects in our everyday world have arisen out of the same common ground and thus retain connections and attractions for each other, correlations that lie outside the normal range of explicate causality." | |
2 | "Alchemists believed that the components of the world are in a process of maturation and growth as they journey toward perfection….matter was a living thing, and alchemists acted as midwives to a Nature striving for perfection." | |
3 | "The Jungian archetypes have something in common with Bohm's implicate order. The archetypes are the structuring principles that underlie individual and collective behavior. As structuring principles they are never pereived or experienced directly but appear as images and myths and are manifest within dreams and patterns of behavior." | |
4 | "To build a clock or a car you take parts off the shelf and assemble them together. But in the case of self-organized and open systems the 'parts' are expressions of the entire system. A river isn't composed of smooth water and vortices glued together. Rather, the vortex, while remaining stable and identifiable, is an aspect of the entire river. Likewise, the volunteer groups in a community are expressions of the cohesion and meaning of that town or city." | |