Many / One
A database of 11,000+ illuminated guiding quotations in 40 categories from 600+ inspired books by our most brilliant and influential authors.
Compiled by JoAnn Kite
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1 | "You have written me in the book of your Godhead, You have fashioned me in Your own image." | |
2 | “There is nothing so wise, nor so holy, nor so beautiful, nor so strong, nor so perfect as love.” Mechthild of Magdeburg | |
3 | “Humanity is forever united to God.” Mechthild of Magdeburg | |
4 | “O God! You are so generous in pouring out Your gifts! You are so flowing in Your love!” Mechthild of Magdeburg | |
5 | “God’s eternal love dwells in the soul.” Mechthild of Magdeburg | |
6 | "God has given all creatures the desire to seek and foster their own nature." | |
7 | “Love rules over all.” Mechthild of Magdeburg | |
8 | “God is all in all.” Mechthild of Magdeburg | |
9 | “The soul is fashioned in the likeness of God.” Mechthild of Magdeburg | |
10 | “I rejoice that I love the One Who loves me, and I pray that I may love Him without measure and without ceasing.” Mechthild of Magdeburg | |
11 | “God does not deny Himself to anyone.” Mechthild of Magdeburg | |
12 | “Like St. Augustine, who reminds his readers that God is ‘the love with which the soul loves You,’ Mechthild [of Magdeburg] believes that God’s great Love is the Source of all things, most especially the soul’s love.” Editor | |